November 26, 2014 / / COVERSTORYWORLD NEWS

20 Things Everyone Thinks About Skating but No One Says

ride 20 things


Remember when your mom said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Fair enough. But today we’re going to forget about that and examine the naked truths of skateboarding—the ones that no one wants to discuss.

Maybe you’ve had some of these conversations with your most trusted friends and loved ones, but either out of respect or fear of being ostracized, you didn’t dare make your stance on them public. We all have strong opinions on pros, companies, skate media, and whatever else. So let’s take a minute and put emotions and hurt feelings aside and take an objective look at skateboarding.

Here are 20 things everyone thinks about skating but no one says.


1. 大部分滑板艺术都是渣




2. 滑板是非常保守的



3. 风格对东海岸滑手来说尤为重要,因为他们技术差

当然有例外,像Gino,Keenan Milton(RIP,你是最棒的),PJ,Ryan Gallant,不过这并不代表全部。从技术层面看来,东海岸的滑手们要落后加州甚至欧洲好些年。东岸的滑手非常喜欢简单的招,相比FS Blunt接翻板下,东岸的Pro更喜欢标标准准的脚尖翻落平地。事实上我们对于风格的重视是因为知道自己的技术永远赶不上西海岸的兄弟们。你的朋友在脚踝那么高的台子上做了个BS Tailslide,你发誓这招绝对比Torey Pudwill刚刚发布的5个连招要牛逼,可以的,没问题,我们都知道你在扯皮呢。


4. Steve Berra的Backside Flip世界一流

Steve Berra曾经BS Flip过了一辆飞机!没错,外面有很多诋毁Berrics的人,不过这并不能否认Steve Berra的BS Flip的霸气,翻得快,接得准,没有一点抹在地上,他曾经下了很多巨大得道具,这也是2003年他和Heath Kirchart共享Habitat Mosaic片段得原因。


5. Alien Workshop还是倒闭比较好

Alien Workshop在今年早些时候正式倒闭,也许再也不能像今年10月份一样回归了。AWS走过了24年的岁月,他对于文化的影响非常巨大,它的独特魅力也不可能被复制。一个公司有如此悠久岁月,如此拥有原创性,它就应该尘归尘土归土埋在地下。将AWS重新带回人们视野很可能毁掉了它所积淀的东西。尽管AWS的离开让很多人痛心,不过这总比被别人收购多次,转手多次来谋取利润要好,饶了AWS吧。


6. 家长对于滑板管教越来越严



7. 如果你20岁了还没赞助,放弃吧



8. Pat “Sinner” Pasquale 绝对是滑板界最能激起波动的

Pat "Sinner" Pasquale也许是个天才,当他知道自己肯定无法从Baker的Flow晋升之后,他和Nick Trapasso成立了自己的公司Life Extention,并将自己转正成为Pro。他对此一点儿也没有悔意,去年夏天他发布了自己的视频,有些人觉得这是赤裸裸的挑衅,里面用了3首歌,各种Curb上的慢镜头Manual,还有花里胡哨的背心。有些人很喜欢,有些人很讨厌。但是我们都在评论,对吧。


9. 职业滑手非常可怕



10. 无需崇拜Gonz做的每件事

Mark Gonzalez是一名最好的滑手无疑。如果你坚持要就这个问题进行辩论,那你就是傻了,他根本不需要证明什么。他和Natas Kaupas一起成为现代街头滑板的先驱人物,扶手,反脚等等。他在Video Days(1991)里的片段被人崇拜,他怪异的YouTube视频甚至近日怪异的片段都被是为至高无上的。这些东西全部都不好吗?当然不是,不过这些也没有能达到与评论一样惊人的地步。有时我们不禁好奇,如果视频没写Mark Gonz的名字,人们会对这个片段怎么看呢。还是把Gonz看得平常一点吧。


11. 没人需要刷街板

尽管刚开始的做法非常天真,Krooked发布Zip Zinger这个70年代复古板系列。就好像人们从没玩过那些装着大软轮,所谓的刷街板一样,一夜之间这种刷街板印上了几乎所有公司的产品目录。人们踩着吉他形状板面或是啤酒瓶,或是披萨切片形状的板面,这似乎没什么问题。但是你可以用一块正常的板子做出任何刷街板的动作,你也不会因此而失去怪异风格和自由精神。


12. 杂志里很多照片是摆拍



13. 滑板不会让你“与众不同”



14. 在中国拍的视频,不论多狠,看起来都很无聊

滑板视频中那些新地形总会让我们兴奋,中国到处都是大理石广场,还有新的建筑,相对松散的保安。但是现在看来,这些都很无聊。滑手们比较喜欢去人家去过的地方,希望做点从未做出的新招,但是面对现实,你已经看到了那些地方将要完成的招,这不是很无趣吗。完全没有了以前在Love Park拍摄视频时的劲头。无趣。


15. 机器人滑手通常是最强的

我们通常称那些破纪录的滑手们:机器人,“哦,那家伙就是个滑板机器。”你是觉得他滑得不好吗?你在表现自己憎恨得同时赞美了他,不论你是否赞同我所说得,我们经常给Shane O'Neill,Nyjah,PJ这些人贴上机器人的标签,但是他们确实是最棒的。我们强调这几位是因为我们羡慕他们的风格和脚下无穷无尽的招式。如果下次你要叫他们机器人,那么你在试图贬低他们之前就已经给他们点赞了,况且人家根本不关心你存在与否,评价还是算了吧。


16. 拍摄滑板片岂能用5年

这个问题简单,滑板片导演是James Cameron吗?既然不是,那么我们为什么要等5年来看几个家伙滑板?网络的普及以及现今滑板动作发展已经达到了难以想象的高度,滑板视频需要3-5年来拍摄,这真的有必要吗?那些经典的片段也就用了一两年,有的更少。今天孩子们水平越来越高,滑板片应该拍得越来越容易,拖了那么久只会让苦苦等待得滑手越来越心寒。


17. 滑板杂志完全是无关紧要的产品



18. 玩古怪形状板面是技术差的借口

滑板重在快乐,但是只有你知道这种乐趣是不是强迫的。当2006年Stereo发布了一套90年代风格启发的板面时,知道谁买了吗?没有人买。知道为什么吗?因为怪异形状板面对滑板没有帮助,只是然你看上去不同罢了。在不规则形状,方板尾流行之前,速度和技术才是最重要的。今天竟然有孩子的视频全部是no comply shoveits,这到底怎么回事我们也不清楚,不过让我们设立一个标准,如果你还不会nollie flip便准备踩一块不规则滑板时,不要费劲了,去玩长板吧!


19. Thrasher Skater of the Year奖项是作弊的

我们和所有人一样期待看到SOTY的诞生,但是我们也经常好奇,为什么大家都喜欢的人没有被评上?比如2012年Guy Mariano,或者2009年 Dennis Busenitz,我们也不愿说,但是这里面牵扯到了关系链条,谈到关系,那自然就是钱了。所以,SOTY评选并不是仅仅依靠才能的。


20. 90年代并不是老一辈记忆中的滑板黄金年代

没错,我们怀念Plan B第一部视频Eastern Exposure还有Josh Kalis在Toy Machine的片段,不过面对现实,90年代就跟别的年代一样差劲,宽松运动裤,小轮子,古怪可怕的招式,真的是个骇人的年代。没错,那个年代有流畅的Mike Carroll之类的技术流,也有凶狠的John Cardiel之类的人物,他们中的每个人都曾经一招一招死磕。那些精通滑板历史的都会提到Stereo视频,它成功避免了技术而着重于风格,但是现实确是,那年代的滑板风格实在令人害怕,20年后也没人敢去模仿。


Scroll down to topic No.1....


20. The ‘90s Weren’t the Golden Years That Every Old Guy Remembers Them to Be

Yes, the nostalgia for the first Plan B videos, the Eastern Exposure series, and Josh Kalis on Toy Machine is all really nice, but let’s be honest: The ‘90s sucked just as much as any other era. Big pants, small wheels, terrible tricks—it was actually a shitty time. Yes, you had your smooth, technical Mike Carrolls and balls-out John Cardiels, but for every one of them, there were dozens of goons who struggled through every single trick. The skate historians out there will obviously point to the Stereo videos, which shunned the technical for the stylish, but the reality is that plenty of skating at the time looked awful, and only 20 years later are dudes romanticizing it.


19. Thrasher’s Skater of the Year Award Is Rigged

We’re as excited as anyone to hear who each successive Skater of the Year, as named by Thrashermagazine, will be. But we’ve often wondered why some of our favorite dudes, who should have been shoo-ins, didn’t get it. Like Guy Mariano in 2012. Or Dennis Busenitz in 2009. It’s tough to say, but politics probably play a part. And where there are politics, there’s likely money. So we’ll leave it at this: The coveted SOTY award may not be based on merit alone.


18. Riding a Shaped Board Is Just an Excuse to Suck at Skating

Skating is all about having fun, but you can tell when that fun is forced. Sometime around 2006, Stereo came out with a board series inspired by early ‘90s shapes, and you know who bought it? Nobody.You know why? Because boards with weird shapes don’t skate any better; they just make you look different. Before oddball grip jobs and square-tailed boards somehow became popular, things like speed and skill mattered. Today there are kids who put out parts full of no-comply shove-its. How did this happen? We’re not sure, but let us suggest a benchmark: If you can’t nollie flip and you’re thinking about setting up a weird-shaped deck, save yourself the trouble and get a longboard instead.


17. Skate Magazines Are Irrelevant

Unless you have a subscription that you’ve held since you were 14 or you’re about to take a five-hour flight, you’re not buying any of the print magazines. No one looks at those things unless they’re killing time at a skateshop, and even then, it’s only to see if a homie made it into the mag or to talk shit about everyone who did. And, like, what’s the point of media if it doesn’t let you like, comment, and share?


16. Skate Videos Shouldn’t Take Five Years to Make

This one’s simple: Is James Cameron directing this picture? No? Then why are we waiting five years to watch dudes skateboard? Due to the internet and the overall level of skating reaching unthinkable heights, skate videos tend to take three to five years to complete. But do they really have to? Some of the best videos of all time took only a year or two—sometimes less—to finish. Given the talent level of kids today, full-length videos should be easier than ever to produce. By filming for years, you’re allowing a bunch of dudes to slack off at the best job they’ll ever have: riding a skateboard.


15. The Most Robotic Skaters Are Often the Best

We want to set the record straight with a word skaters love to throw around: robot. “Oh, fuck that dude. He’s a total robot.” Do you not think that guy is good? You just complimented and hated on him at the same time. Whether you choose to admit it or not, the skaters we label robots—the Shane O’Neills, Nyjah Hustons, and PJ Ladds of the world—are actually the best. We write them off because we’re jealous of their perfect styles and enormous bags of tricks. So next time you want to use the R-word, just remember that you’re actually backing the guy you’re trying to shit on. And either way, he doesn’t care that you even exist, let alone have an opinion on his skating.


14. China Footage, No Matter How Crazy, Is Boring to Watch

Clips from skateboarding’s newest spot Mecca used to excite us. China offered massive marble plazas, amazing new-age architecture, and relatively lax security. But now, for the same reasons, it does the exact opposite. As always, skateboarders travel to the same spots others have visited in the hopes doing something new. But let’s face it—you already know you’re going to see something that’s never been done by virtue of where it’s being filmed. And it’s not like the footage ever has the energy of something shot at, say, Love Park. Yawn.


13. Being a Skateboarder Doesn’t Make You “Different”

Gone are the days of skateboarding being an activity that separated you from mainstream culture. When dudes in suits push their Penny boards to the office and aren’t made fun of, then what you’re doing no longer makes you “different” from anyone. There was a time when being a skateboarder meant you rejected the dominant culture; how you dressed, the music you listened to, even the way you looked at inanimate objects made you unique. Unfortunately for you, the world at large now does all these things the exact same way. Schools are teaching skateboarding P.E., for fuck’s sake! So does that mean jocks are cool now? Nope—they just happen to do what you thought you were cool for doing.


12. Lots of Photos in Magazines Aren’t Makes

It should be said that skateboarders rarely control which photos grace the pages of skate magazines, and it is for this reason that many you see in each issue are not of actual makes. Sequences are even picked apart and pieced back together with frames from multiple attempts. The photographer’s job is to document a maneuver in the best way possible, so even if a skater wasn’t able to ride away during a shoot, the photo that tells the story the best is the one that gets run. Don’t believe everything you see, kids.


11. No One Needs a Cruiser Board

It started innocently enough, with Krooked producing the Zip Zinger, a board modeled after '70s decks or whatever. It's not like people hadn't ridden so-called cruisers before, with big, soft wheels and so on, but seemingly overnight, a setup designed for little other than rolling around was part of almost every company's catalog. And though there's nothing inherently wrong with riding a deck shaped like a guitar, a 40-ounce bottle, a pizza slice, or Marisa Tomei, let's be real: You can do everything you can on a cruiser and more on—wait for it—a regular board. And you won't be any less whimsical and free-spirited for it.


10. You Don’t Need to Worship EVERYTHING the Gonz Does

Mark Gonzales is one of the greatest skaters of all time. He has nothing left to prove. If you argue otherwise, you’re an idiot. Along with Natas Kaupas, he pioneered what street skating would become, handrails, switch, and all. But while his part in Video Days (1991) is obviously sacred, we don’t need to hold, say, his bizarre YouTube videos, or even his more recent footage, in the same esteem. Is this stuff all bad? Of course not. But it’s also not as uniformly amazing as the praise it receives would suggest. And sometimes we wonder what people would say about it if Mark Gonzales’ name weren’t attached to it. It's important to remember that he is a mere mortal.


9. Pro Skaters Can Be Awful People

The majority of professional skateboarders are not role models. There is a reason that many of these guys stay in the industry after they have retired from professional skating: They have no skill set and live horrible lifestyles. Yet we continue to worship these guys. Yeah, they’re fun fun to watch, but when you take a moment and realize that they’re actual human beings, you have to take pause. Here’s a tip: Never meet your favorite pro; you’ll only be let down.


8. Pat “Sinner” Pasquale Is Skateboarding's Greatest Troll

Pat "Sinner" Pasquale might be a genius. After it was basically set in stone that he would never rise above flow with Baker, he partnered with Nick Trapasso and started Life Extention, and he turned himself pro. And he was utterly unapologetic about it. Then, last summer, he released a part that some swear was an exercise in trolling. It was heavy on the dubstep (three songs), slo-mo (manual tricks on curbs), and fashion statements (tank tops and headbands). Some loved it. Some hated it. But we all talked about it. And that's kind of the point, right?


7. If You’re Not Sponsored by 20, Give Up the Dream

At some point, every skater dreams of becoming pro. By late adolescence, though, most resign themselves to the reality that it’s not going to happen. Still, there are plenty of kids moving into adulthood as they hang onto the hope that they’ll one day be paid to skate. Why? If you’re one of these people, does the prospect of hanging out with dudes way younger than you, many of whom are complete scumbags, seem appealing? Whatever you think, if you’re not sponsored by the time you’re 20—and we’re being generous here—you should give up the dream, because it ain’t happenin’. And just so you know, starting a board company and turning yourself pro does not count. Seriously.


6. Parental Involvement Is Ruining Skateboarding

Parental support is good, but beyond that, any involvement from parents is bad. Look, we get it—you want to be there for your kid. This, however, is not little league, and you’re not the coach. Firstly, skateboarding is a creative outlet, so telling your kid how to do it is only going to make it a chore. Secondly, it provides an escape. Getting away from school, parents, and everything else is the best thing about skateboarding. Parental involvement could be the worst.


5. Alien Workshop Should Stay Out of Business

Alien Workshop—which dissolved earlier this year and may or may not come back—had an amazing 24-year run in the skateboarding industry. Its influence on our subculture was huge, and its aesthetic will never be duplicated. This is exactly why Alien should remain six feet under: A company with so much consistency and originality has a finite lifespan, especially in contemporary skateboarding. To bring Alien back could ruin a nearly perfect legacy. Despite all of the crying that took place after its death, it would without a doubt be worse to see this dead horse—which changed hands several times before it folded—continue to take a horrible beating. Just let it go, guys.


4. Steve Berra Has One of the Best Backside Flips

Steve Berra backside 180 kickflipped over a plane. Yes, there are Berrics detractors out there, but you cannot deny that Berra has one of the best backside flips of all time. It’s super quick and straight to catch, with zero pivot, and he takes it down giant sets. He shared a part in Habitat’sMosaic (2003) with Heath Kirchart for a reason.


3. Style Is More Important to East Coast Skaters Because They Aren’t as Good

Yes, there are exceptions—Gino, Keenan Milton (rest in peace—one of the best ever), PJ Ladd, Ryan Gallant—but it’s no secret that, when it comes to skill level, East Coast skaters are a few years behind Californians and, in some cases, Europeans. However, we East Coasters have always tended toward the simple things in skateboarding, preferring a proper kickflip on flat to the front blunt blizzard flip madness of today’s top pros. The truth is that we care about style because we will never be as good as our West Coast brethren. You may swear your bro’s backside tailslide on an ankle-high curb is way sicker than Torey Pudwill’s latest five-trick combo, but we both know you’re lying.


2. Skateboarding Is Actually Super Conservative

If you ask almost any skateboarder about his political stance, he’ll most likely tell you he’s liberal or that he doesn’t give a shit. The funny thing is that the skate community itself is by no means welcoming toward outsiders. Yeah, these days we’re outwardly more accepting of shit like people who wear different cuts of jeans than we do, but message board threads and YouTube comments tell the real story. But beyond that sort of minutiae, there has still yet to be a single openly gay male professional skateboarder, though one or two are rumored to be closeted. So are we open-minded? Maybe. But definitely not to the extent we’d like to think.


1. Most Skate Art Sucks

Sorry, but it’s true. We get it—you’re getting older, you can’t really skate anymore, and you want a creative outlet. That’s nice, but it doesn’t mean that anything you do will even come close to the level you were skating at, and most of the time your art straight up sucks. We’re not going to sit here and call dudes out personally, but there’s some shitty skater-made art out there right now, and it's no doubt hanging in a gallery somewhere as we speak.

From Ride channel

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