专访韩国滑板杂志 The Quiet Leaf 主编 Jin Yob Kim

上上周末在 House of Vans 北京站现场我被一本印刷精美的滑板杂志吸引,杂志叫 The Quiet Leaf,我看到的是他们的第三期,中国专题,里面采访了包括波仔,Tommy等很多滑板好友,介绍了上海,香港的滑板生活方方面面,有点像是一本给滑手看的滑板旅行指南。后来认识了同在现场的 Jin Yob Kim。其实夏初他来上海拍摄的时候就在 ATD 见过一次,这次我们坐下来聊了聊他的杂志,他的故事。 (汇丰在 The Quiet Leaf 展位前) 1. Tell us something about you. Where are you from, what do you do in Korea? What's your skate story? Hey, my name is Jin. I was born in Germany and raised under a Korean roof. I … Continue reading 专访韩国滑板杂志 The Quiet Leaf 主编 Jin Yob Kim