6月11日 Vans Duct Tape 冲浪狂欢节

加拿大时间6月10日Vans 将在加拿大 Tofino 著名海滩 Cox Bay 举办冲浪人的狂欢节--Vans Duct Tape 比赛!同时6月9日还有 Vans 摄影大赛!KickerClub 作为亚洲唯一受邀媒体将给大家带来@微博故事 直播!还有详细的现场报道!请大家持续关注我们!活动时间猛戳来看。

2017开年第一个滑板活动 - Vagabond 摄影展

2017 第一个滑板活动 Vagabond 摄影展昨晚在上海 Spot Skateshop 开展,共有五位摄影师的作品参加了展览,其中赖科,谢石和 Patrick Wallner 都来到了现场。

Volcom True To This 送徕卡的摄影大赛

Volcom即将在整个9月举办True To This线上摄影比赛!Volcom的旗下大牌PRO同时也是著名摄影师Arto Saari将会作为裁判选出一名获胜选手获得Leica X-U 相机一部!当然还有别的奖品!参赛详情速度来看!

一本正经的胡说八道 - Mike O'Meally专访 #HouseOfVans#

昨天 House Of Vans 上海活动现场我们有幸见到了受邀而来的著名滑板摄影师 Mike O'Meally,感谢Vans提供的专访机会,让我们可以跟他一起一本正经的胡说八道......

徕卡 Rolling Through The Shadows 摄影展

Leica 组织全世界滑板顶级摄影师,举办了一场名为 Rolling Through The Shadows 滑板摄影展,参展摄影师包括 Arto Saari,Ed Templeton,Fred Mortagne,Ray Barbee 等等,近四十幅作品,张张都是大片!为此,Leica 官方网站首页都被滑板照片占领了!

Visualtraveling - 滑板忍者

Patrik Wallner最新片段 Visualtravelling - 滑板忍者发布!Patrik和忍者滑手一起游走在日本Sapporo的街头,全片取景都在夜晚进行,采用Sony a7s搭配Leica镜头进行拍摄,值得品味。 'The Ninja' a short visual feature of the everyday Ninja lurking and strolling the streets of Sapporo in Japan's most northern Island, Hokkaido. Directed, Filmed and Edited by Patrik Wallner. Featuring Laurence Keefe. Locations in Sapporo (Hokkaido) & Tokyo. Shot with a Sony a7s and Leica lenses. Sponsored by...

从滑板传奇到莱卡摄影师 - Arto Saari 专访

Volcom True To This 摄影展把我们的老朋友, 传奇滑手 Arto Saari 和他的经典摄影作品带来了香港。周四晚我们与他聊了聊滑板,泳池,桑拿和摄影。


滑手的使命就是搜寻Spot然后去滑板,一群来自华盛顿的滑手彻底履行了这项使命,他们用Google Map搜索着荒废的碗池,然后驱车前往清扫打理,全片由Red Epic+Leica镜头拍摄,RUN RIOT FILMS公司制作,值得一看。 What started as the DC Downhill Club (DCDC) has grown into DC Drain and Clean - a group of skateboarders from the Washington, DC area who have made it their mission to seek out backyard pools to drain and skate - making unique friendships along the way.

Black and White Photography in Skateboarding

红牛发布法国摄影师Fred Mortagne访谈,通过镜头Fred记录下了一张又一张经典的照片,他一直在使用黑白胶卷拍摄,没有学习摄影反而让他更加充满创造力,不要遵循固定规矩,多拍、拍你想拍的就好 In this video French photographer Fred Mortagne talks us through his passion for shooting black and white film and why he prefers to capture images that are not perfect replicas of reality. But despite his passion for analog, the Leica M Monochrom tempts him to convert to shooting digital black and white as...

Arto Saari: The Fine Art of Airport Skateboarding

Arto Saari除了是一位具有15年生涯的职业滑手,同时他也是一位经验丰富的摄影师,他灵活的构图和对光线的执着让他的作品与众不同,不久前他带着Leica S相机来到芬兰赫尔辛基机场去参加“Match Made in Hel.”拍摄,现在就为你呈现这背后关于他作品的访谈。 A professional skateboarder for 15 years, Arto Saari is also a remarkably adept self-taught photographer with an unerring instinct for dynamic composition, capturing high-speed action, and sophisticated use of lighting. Given the unlikely assignment of capturing some of the world’s top skateboarders soaring through the air at Helsinki Airport...

9月3日 Ray Barbee北京发布会

昨日某眼镜品牌的官方微博发布消息说9月3日他们将在北京举办发布会,会邀请旗下签约滑手 Ray Barbee 到场!相信不久前看过 Leica 滑板纪录片 Let it roam 的朋友们对他都不会陌生。只是... Good news, Ray Barbee will come to Beijing on 3rd September.

LET US ROAM-Arto Saari

徕卡系列纪录片Let Us Roam之Arto Saari章节上线,这位传奇滑手涉足摄影界是因为伤病的困扰,但滑板给他带来的是对世界全新的认知,让他可以用独一无二的视角看待整个世界,听听Arto Saari自己讲述自己的摄影之路 Few people have had as much influence on skateboarding as Arto Saari. And while multiple knee surgeries have made Arto question how to perpetually one-up himself over and over on a skateboard, his injuries also led him to photography, forcing him to look at the world in a completely different—yet...