SEARCH RESULTS FOR: cons project

CONVERSE CONS Project 板面制作

Converse CONS Project的板面制作人Paul Schmitt,CONS带着我们来到了他的实验室里,我们一起分享他在板面制作的心得和乐趣。 Join legendary skateboard manufacturer and friend of Converse CONS Project, Paul "Professor" Schmitt, in his studio to learn how to create a skate deck.

How To Film Skateboarding with Mike Gilbert - Converse CONS Project

Converse CONS Project摄影课上邀请来了Thrasher数字媒体部门主编Mike Gilbert,给大家上一节如何拍摄滑板视频的课程,这节课教大家鱼眼拍摄的一点小技巧,也许你在外面花了大钱去上摄影课,还没这两分钟学到的东西多 How To Film Skateboarding with Mike Gilbert - Converse CONS Project


上个月底在北京举办的Converse滑板 CONS PROJECT精彩纷呈,CONS Team队员全部来到现场,还有滑板改造、札染T恤、街式比赛、《本性难移》首映等等,CONS 官方发布CONS PROJECT北京视频,回顾当天精彩。

Converse CONS Project : Paris

Converse CONS Project巴黎短片发布!10天极具创意的自我表达历程,包括滑板,摄影,印刷,音乐等等应有尽有,街头信手拈来的随性动作Chill无穷,风格甚是潇洒! 10 days of skating and creativity, including skate photography and board shaping workshops.

KTV Live - Cons Project Beijing

Cons Project 北京现场太燥,活动太多。滑板改造、札染T恤、Miniramp 比赛、街式比赛、《本性难移》首映、社会滑板历史展示...语言文字已经难移描述与记录了,那么问题来了...好在有 KTV Live 的现场视频报道。

Cons Project 北京一切就绪,等你今天一起燥

Converse Cons Project 将于今天登陆北京Woodward板场!昨天下午我们来到北京 Woodward 查看场地布置情况,已经基本就绪,Converse China team 也已经悉数抵达北京,就等下午燥起来了。

11月29日 Cons Project Beijing

紧急通知!Converse Cons Project将于11月29日登陆北京Woodward板场!届时Converse滑板队员将到场和大家共同庆祝!滑板比拼!纪录片首映!免费啤酒和BBQ!DIY 工作坊教你怎样自制公路板和扎染T恤!你还等什么?赶紧收藏下图集结地点!将有免费班车接送!让你亲身体验 什么叫做来自街头!

DIY Skate Structures – Converse CONS Project

Converse滑板 CONS Project教你如何DIY滑板地形!Kenny Anderson先带你滑板,Brent Kronmueller带你体会Ramp设计,Doug Moore给你讲述如何建造,最后Dillon Buss教你如何去创作,自己动手享受自己创造的乐趣! Build, design, create and skate DIY structures with Doug Moore, Brent Kronmueller, Dillon Buss and Kenny Anderson.

Converse CONS Project: Announces 4 Cities

Converse CONS Project继续引爆全球!这次洛杉矶,纽约,波士顿和多伦多四座城市加入进来!这里将完美结合艺术、音乐和滑板的所有元素,让这四座城市的灵感源泉永不停歇 CONS Project is coming to Los Angeles, New York, Boston and Toronto. A series of creative workshops led by experts in each city’s skate, art, and music communities. Register here.

a brief glance: Cons Project Berlin

Converse在柏林举办Cons Project来向大家发布Weapon Skate鞋款,而柏林的Cons Project设计新颖极具创意,让所有来到这里的滑手都忍不住上去耍两下,a brief glance杂志就为柏林Cons Project发布特刊,一起体会创意的完美展现 During the summer edition of the 2014 Bright Show, Converse organized the Cons Project Berlin, an event to present their new Weapon skate shoe. Inside an empty ex-supermarket they put a series of skateable metal obstacles whose position was changed several times during the skate session and the...

Cons Project Berlin edit with Louie Lopez, Remy Taveira and more

Converse在德国柏林室内的Cons Project吸引了一大批滑手前来,摄影师Jake Harris就专程飞往柏林,拍摄下了Louie Lopez,Remy Taveira等人在柏林Cons Project肆虐的镜头 Jake Harris flew to Berlin last week to film this sick little VX edit of Remy Taveira, Louie Lopez, Greg Cuadrado, Guy Jones and Sylvain Tognelli skating the new Cons Space in Berlin. More about this Cons Space very soon…

CONS Project London Cons Street

位于英国的Cons Project所在地虽然地方不大,但是那里的道具却让很多滑手向往,上次Slam City的滑手们刚刚结束行程,Converse滑手也来到这里找乐子,极具创意的场地里上演的风格滑板片段看起来 Cons Ambassadors Jerome Campbell and Harry Lintell (alongside flow riders Matlock Bennet Jones and Jamie Platt) spent an afternoon skating the bespoke skate space 'Cons Street' housed within CONS Project London.