The Winner of REDirect

REDirect影片评选于周一晚在好莱坞Arclight剧院举办,11部风格各异的视频让评委挑起来异常困难,经过最终定夺,最后一集Russell Houghton拍摄的Urban Isolation获得冠军!获得了全球唯一Berrics x RED相机一台! Monday night, after screening all 11 REDirect films in proper 4K glory at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood (the same theater that's premiered just about every Hollywood blockbuster), our jury of RED, Berrics, and Hollywood judges announced our Grand Prize Winner. Without further ado... Here's how it all went down.

REDirect Russell Houghten: Urban Isolation

REDirect最后一集给我们带来了Russell Houghten的作品Urban Isolation,空旷的路面,宏伟的建筑场景,滑板穿梭于其中,悠扬的音乐萦绕耳边,绝对值得一看 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 11 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to...

REDIRECT Jon Holland: Limitless and Free

REDirect又一部新片发布,由Jon Holland拍摄制作,拍摄滑手为Tyler Imel,他自由自在的生活方式自在而惬意,他也回顾自己滑板往事,比如小时候他的父亲带他一起冲坡没成,父亲竟然先去保护相机...爱上滑板你就爱上了自由 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 11 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to...

REDIRECT Chase Gabor: Reverie

ReDirect新片由Chase Gabor带来《遐想》,由神级滑手Daewon Song出镜表演,实在太美了,残破的道具,烟雾,颜料,火,加上纯黑的周围环境,简直令人遐想无穷 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to...


REDirect新片发布!摄影师Beagle拍摄了一位特殊的滑手!这位主角派头可不小,它不但会滑,做起5050,Rock to Fakie之类的动作不在话下,为了衬托他技术的高超,老板,Theotis等滑手都来当起了配角! REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to...

REDIRECT Kyle Camarillo: Gold and Grey

REDirected新片Gold and Grey《金与灰》发布,由LRG摄影师Kyle Camarillo执导,取景于旧金山地区,爆多的山坡地形,Miles Silvas和Jack Curtin两位滑手交替出现在镜头前,让画面内容更加充实饱满 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete...


Berrics x RED相机新片上线!本次带来摄影师R.B. Umali的作品,这次拍摄的目标是Zoo York的队员,取景也选在了纽约的街头,黄色的出租车,警车上的NYPD标识代表性十足,片中所有动作都采用慢放处理,更准确地表现了滑手们脚下的功夫 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative...

REDIRECT Ricki Bedenbaugh: Keep On Pushin

Berrics x RED相机新片再度出炉,本次执导的是摄影师Ricki Bedenbaugh,所记录的滑手们的板龄竟然跨度如此之大,从1天到42年!一部只有Pushing的片子也能拍得如此精彩,实在佩服呀! REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control...

REDIRECT Kevin Barnett: See

Toy Machine御用摄影师Kevin Barnett使用RED摄影机的力作“See”上线,开头的眼球特写和旋转画面令人印象深刻,而且所有镜头均采用慢动作处理,并选取Ed Templeton的原创音乐作为背景音乐,格调十分独特 REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control...

REDIRECT Colin Kennedy: Form

Berrics X RED最新发布摄影师Colin Kennedy的REDIRECT新片《Form》,又一部大片上线,超多的逆光镜头,唯美到极致,光影和滑板的完美结合!赶快欣赏! Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to bring his vision of skateboarding to life, the Berrics is proud to present to you... "Form" by Colin Kennedy.

REDIRECT Chris Ray: Run Boy Run

Berrics和RED相机合作视频项目REDIRECT中Chris Ray的片子发布,整个片子以街头的逃避警察为切入点,细致地表现出了滑手们在警察监管之下的生存现状,每个片段的细节表现地淋漓尽致,滑板好莱坞又来了! REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control to bring his vision of skateboarding...

REDIRECT Jason Hernandez

Berrics x RED第一部大片诞生!出自摄影师Jason Hernandez之手,带你领略都市滑板的另一番视角,加上节奏十足的配乐,绝对的Hollywood滑板大片! REDirect is a celebration of skateboard filmmaking featuring 12 of the most visionary filmmakers in the world, each responsible in their own way for directing the overall look and feel of the modern skate video as we know it. Given a RED camera—the industry standard for Hollywood movies—and complete creative control...