December 12, 2015 / / UPCOMING

3月9日 中国亚布力世界单板滑雪锦标赛

Big Air
在距离中国亚布力迎来世界单板滑雪锦标赛100天之际,2016年世界单板滑雪锦标赛发布了坡式障碍技巧赛(Slopestyle),空中技巧赛(Big Air)和U型池(Halfpipe)的场地设计,坡式障碍技巧赛赛道设置呈现出了不同以往的新面貌,空中技巧赛的场地设置令人印象深刻, U型池赛场是中国目前为止最大的“超级管”.

- 场地说明:坡式障碍技巧赛,空中技巧赛以及 U 型池

2012 年 2 月,国际单板滑雪界齐聚挪威首都奥斯陆,共同见证世界单板滑雪锦标赛 (WCS) 的开幕,比赛由世界单板职业滑手联盟(TTR Pro Snowboarding )和世界单 板滑雪联合会(WSF)主办。而在这个冬天,2016 年 3 月 9 日至 16 号,单板滑雪界 将向东前往位于中国东北的亚布力,去见证世界自由式单板滑雪赛事中,坡式障碍技 巧赛,U 型池和空中技巧赛中最佳选手的产生。单板滑雪的大牌选手们也将正面交锋, 在中国前所未有的世界级赛场上角逐六位数大奖--50 万美元的奖金,以及六个备受推 崇的世界冠军头衔。

Halfpipe Yabuli 2016 01

Halfpipe Yabuli 2016 02

Reto Lamm, President of TTR Pro Snowboarding states: “WCS in China is a challenge on many fronts. While kickstarting the most promising winter sports market of the future, we’re implementing progression on all levels. Our teams have been working since Oslo 2012 on the concept and execution of this historic event.”

世界单板职业滑手联盟主席 Reto Lamm 说道:“在中国举办单板滑雪世锦赛在很多方 面都面临挑战。但是揭开未来最有发展前景的冬季运动市场帷幕的同时,我们在所有 层面上都有所进步。我们的团队从 2012 年奥斯陆起,就一直致力于推动这项历史性的 赛事。”

Changing it Up: Jumps First, Rails Last WCS 2016 changes it up from the typical course build, kicking off the 700m long Slopestyle run with 3 kickers of 19m, 22m and 25m in size, leading into a creative feature loaded jib section consisting of 2 rail islands and a huge L-shaped playground featuring a wall-ride and a number of rails and ledges.

The Slopestyle course takes full advantage of the Yabuli terrain, allowing the riders to unleash their creative potential. Head shaper Ryan Neptune brings a team of 9 shapers with him that will work alongside the Chinese specialists and Yabuli Ski Resort.

Slopestyle Course Overview

Slopestyle transition take-offs 1

2016 年的世界单板滑雪锦标赛在以往典型的赛道设置的基础上做出了改变,在长达 700 米的坡式障碍技巧赛赛道的开始阶段设置了三个分别为 19 米,22 米和 25 米大小 的跳台,接下来是布满创新障碍的街道障碍区,包括 2 个栏杆小岛和一个巨大的 L 形 平台,上面设有墙面以及几条栏杆和臂架。

该坡式障碍技巧赛场地充分利用了亚布力的地形优势,使滑手可以充分发挥他们的创 造性。首席场地建造师 Ryan Neptune 带来了他的 9 人团队,将和中国专家们以及亚 布力滑雪场的工作人员一起合作建设场地。

Slopestyle transition take-offs 2

Please see a slopestyle course animation in this video: 请看此视频中坡式障碍赛赛道模拟动画:

“For the World Champs our idea was to form an international team of shaping experts. We have specialists on board from the US, Canada, NZ, Australia, and together we have come up with a innovative course design for the slopestyle that we are stoked to reveal today”, says head shaper Ryan Neptune (USA).

首席场地建造师 Ryan Neptune 说:“对于世界锦标赛,我们的想法是建立一个由专家 组成的场地建设国际团队。我们的专家来自于美国,加拿大,新西兰,澳大利亚,经 过协商合作,我们为坡式障碍技巧赛提出了一个创新性的场地设计方案,今天也将很 激动地发布此方案。 ”

"The Slopestyle course at the Yabuli World Snowboard Championships is going showcase one of the most creative venues for world class riders to date. Mixing up the the traditional jumps which increase in scale as the first features on the course and ending in three rail islands with the last feature a multiple rail section that the riders will need to settle after they land their jumps will add a high level of expectation for the best riders, says competition director Lee Gregory Johnson.

Built atop a venue previously used for aerials, the WCS 2016 Big Air arena will give spectators a spectacular view of the action. The 27m Jump will set the stage that will showcase the riders’ progressive flair and technical skill.

The 22ft or 7m high „Superpipe“ measures 185m in length. It is state-of-the-art and will be the biggest Halfpipe seen in China to date. Situated adjacent to the Big Air venue and the main event area, spectators will have easy access to watch their heroes flying through the pipe.

亚布力坡式障碍技巧赛赛道将为世界级的选手呈现迄今位置最有创意的场地之一。竞赛主管 Lee Gregory Johnson 说,赛道上的第一种设置是规模更大的传统跳台,在结 尾阶段混合设置了三个栏杆小岛,最后的设置是多栏杆区,滑手们需要在跳台跳跃着 陆后决定怎样通过,这增加了我们对最优秀滑手的较高期待。

场地设置在高处用于空翻,2016 世界单板滑雪世锦赛空中技巧的场地将给观众带来一 个观看滑手动作的绝佳视角。27 米的跳台将会为滑手展示渐进的本领和技巧做好准备。

22 英尺或 7 米高的“超级管”长达 185 米。它的先进性和规模都是中国迄今为止首屈一 指的。紧邻空中技巧赛的赛场和主赛场,观众能够很清晰得看到他们的英雄在池内翻飞。

Qualification is open to competitors from around the world, where the qualification criteria is based on the World Snowboarding Points List (WSPL) rankings and WSF national snowboard association selections. The cut-off date is only a few days away, on December 15th.

资格赛对世界各地的参赛者都开放,资格赛标准基于世界单板滑雪积分表(WSPL) 的排名和 WSF 国家滑雪协会的选拔。截止日期将近,为 12 月 15 日。

SS Rail Island 1

SS Rail Island 2

SS Rail Island 3 Lower Section

SS Rail Island 3 Overview

SS Rail Island 3 Upper Section

Event Schedule
March 8th: Arrival of athletes
March 9th: Practice and event kick off
March 10th: Qualifications Halfpipe and Slopestyle
March 11th: Qualifications Halfpipe and Slopestyle
March 12th: Qualifications Halfpipe and Slopestyle/ Quali’s & Semi’s Big Air/Official Welcome Celebration
March 13th: Qualifications Halfpipe and Slopestyle/ Quali’s & Semi’s Big Air March 14th: Semi-finals Halfpipe and Slopestyle/ Big Air finals
March 15th: Slopestyle finals
March 16th: Halfpipe finals

3 月 8 日:运动员到达
3 月 9 日:训练与比赛开幕
3 月 10 日:U 型池和坡式障碍技巧赛资格赛
3 月 11 日:U 型池和坡式障碍技巧赛资格赛
3 月 12 日:U 型池和坡式障碍技巧赛资格赛/空中技巧赛资格赛和半决赛/官方欢迎 庆典
3 月 13 日:U 型池和坡式障碍技巧赛资格赛/空中技巧赛资格赛和半决赛
3 月 14 日:U 型池和坡式障碍技巧赛半决赛/空中技巧赛决赛
3 月 15 日:坡式障碍技巧赛决赛

About Yabuli
The Yabuli resort is a 3-hour drive from the 10 million city of Harbin, the center of China ́s northeastern region. Yabuli is the largest and most well-known winter sports destination in China. Rapidly developing its reputation as an emerging winter sport powerhouse, China will host the 2022 Winter Olympics. In 2016, WCS will be the main professional elite championship event in China across any snow sport. In Yabuli, the Club Med Resort will be the preferred hub for all riders and international visitors ensuring western hospitality standards.

亚布力度假村距离拥有 1000 万人口的中国东北地区中心城市哈尔滨有 3 小时的车 程。亚布力是中国规模最大,最知名的冬季运动胜地。中国正迅速发展成为一个新 兴的冬季运动大国,2022 年冬季奥运会也将在中国举办。2016 年,世界单板滑雪 锦标赛将是中国所有冬季运动项目中,最主要的专业精英锦标赛。在亚布力,Club Med 的度假村将成为所有和国际游客的优先聚集地,确保达到西方的招待标准。

About the World Championships of Snowboarding
The World Championships of Snowboarding (WCS) is the pinnacle snowboarding event organized by TTR Pro Snowboarding and the World Snowboard Federation. The WCS crowns snowboarding’s true World Champions in the disciplines of Halfpipe, Slopestyle and Big Air. It is a high caliber celebration of the sport held every 4 years, bringing together 400 riders representing 43 WSF Member Nations, staged by alternating resort locations around the world. In 2016, Yabuli resort, the largest winter sports resort in China will host the 2nd edition of the World Championships of Snowboarding.

关于世界单板滑雪世锦赛 世界单板滑雪锦标赛(WCS)是世界单板职业滑手联盟和世界单板滑雪联合会共同 举办的顶级单板滑雪赛事。WCS 为 U 型池,坡式障碍技巧赛和空中技巧赛真正的 世界冠军加冕。这项单板滑雪的高水平的庆典每 4 年举办一次,汇集了来自 43 个 WSF 成员国的 400 选手代表,在世界各地的滑雪场轮番上演。2016 年,亚布力滑 雪场,中国最大的冬季运动胜地,将举办第二届单板滑雪世界锦标赛。

About TTR Pro Snowboarding


世界单板职业滑手联盟拥有并运营着世界单板滑雪巡回赛(WST)。WST 是全球 单板滑雪顶尖比赛和世界顶尖运动员的汇集地。超过 3500 名运动员在世界各地的 200 多个比赛中一争高下。世界单板职业滑手联盟还拥有并管理世界单板滑雪积分 表(WSPL)排名系统(专业单板滑雪运动员的世界排名)。

About The World Snowboard Federation
The WSF is an international non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to develop the sport of snowboarding on all levels including competitive snowboarding, education, adaptive snowboarding and developing activities for riders of any age. The WSF represents a global network of national snowboard associations, and oversees the integration of all regional and national events into the World Snowboard Tour.

Media Contact World Championships of Snowboarding: Rich Hegarty


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