March 21, 2011 / / COVERSTORYEVENT

Vans Night @ Beijing Woodward & Shanghai Top Toys

上个周末Vans Night在北京Woodward和上海Top Toys再次举办,上海虽然下雨也没有阻止滑手们的狂欢。Vans Night已经成为了北京,上海两地滑手们定期的节日了。
On Saturday, March 19th, 2011 the third Vans Night @ Woodward Beijing was held to celebrate the end of winter. at the same time, The second Vans Night in Shanghai @ Top Toys Skatepark was a wet welcome to spring, but the rain did not stop everyone from enjoying the activities.

在3/19日,上周六,Vans在北京Woodward举行了2011的第三次Vans极限运动之夜活动来迎接新一季的到来。活动现场,北京的滑板与BMX爱好者依旧热情高涨,在任何角落你都能看到他们展示自己的身影。活动现场出现的许多新面孔和骑手们试着让他们自己和朋友们的新技巧有更进一步的提高。看到越来越多的滑手滑进碗池中让我们感到非常鼓舞人心。他们中有些第一次尝试drop in, frontside grind和其他碗池动作。Vans中国Team成员王汇丰,P Dan和Matthias与大家面对面地切磋交流。下个月的Vans Night让我们一同期待!

时间:2011年3月19日,晚上6点 - 11点半
地点:地点: 北京 Woodward
参加者: 北京滑手和BMX车手, Vans中国Team成员P Dan,Matthias和王汇丰

活动内容: Vans Night @ Woodward是一个面向所有滑板和BMX爱好者开放的活动。Vans和Woodward希望通过此项活动,让北京当地的极限运动爱好者们有机会能相聚在一起互相学习交流,同时也可以让更多刚刚接触极限运动的初学者们能亲身体验来自Woodward的世界顶级极限运动设施。为了能让更多的人参与进来,Vans为大家准备了免费的接送巴士、入场券、食物以及小礼品。

Vans Night @ Woodward Beijing 3
On Saturday, March 19th, 2011 the third Vans Night @ Woodward Beijing was held to celebrate the end of winter. As usual Beijing's enthusiasm for skateboarding and BMX was clear, with people shredding where ever they could find room. There were new faces at the event and riders trying new tricks and pushing themselves and friends to new levels. It was particular encouraging to see more skaters riding the bowls. There were people learning to drop in for the first time, slashing front side grinds and pumping for speed in the corners. Vans China team members, Wang Huifeng, P Dan and Matthias were on site to skate with everyone and giveaway prizes. Keep it up Beijing and see you in April for the next Vans Night!

When: March 19th, 2011 18:00 - 23:30
Where: Beijing, Woodward
Who: Beijing skateboarders and BMX riders, Vans China team members P Dan and Matthias & Wang Huifeng
What: Vans Night @ Woodward is a night of skateboarding and BMX riding open to all. Vans and Woodward created the activity to enable the local action sports community to practice, learn and enjoy skateboarding and BMX. The event is also meant to allow for more access to Woodward's world class learning facilities for those just starting or interested in participating in action sports. In order to increase participation Vans arranges transportation to and from Woodward, free entrance to the facilities, food and prizes.

Vans极限运动之夜 @ Top Toys上海 2

在申城的春雨中,我们在上海Top Toys滑板公园,迎来了“VANS极限运动之夜”的第二波活动。虽然天公不作美,但是大家对滑板、对小轮车的热情再一次击退了天气所带来的不便。欢聚在Top Toys 的人们在VANS巨大帐篷的遮蔽下尽享“VANS极限运动之夜”所带来的欢乐与激情。活动现场,VANS还为每一位到场的参与者准备了免费批萨、BBQ和饮料以及各种滑板游戏。

地点:上海Top Toy滑板公园
参加者:上海及周边城市的滑手和BMX车手,Vans中国Team成员申剑和新加入我们Vans flow team的Tommy Zhao以及杭州的王国华。

活动内容:VANS NIGHT之上海Top Toys站是一个开放给所有滑手和小轮车手的极限运动盛会。继成功举办VANS NIGHT之北京Woodward站之后,VANS现携手Top Toys在上海掀起另一波极限运动的热潮。VANS NIGHT为本土极限运动爱好者们提供了一个学习和交流的平台。为了能让更多的朋友加入我们,VANS为大家准备了奖品和贴纸,还有给力的食物和饮料。


Saturday Jan 15, 2011,The second Vans Night in Shanghai @ Top Toys Skatepark was a wet welcome to spring, but the rain did not stop everyone from enjoying the activities. Once again local enthusiasm for skateboarding and BMX overpowered what mother nature could throw our way and the Top Toys team secured a huge tent that covered an area where everyone could gather and enjoy the nights activities. There were tricks for prizes, games of SKATE, BBQ and beverages for all.

When: March 19th, 2011 17:00-20:00
Where: Top Toys Skatepark, Shanghai
Who: Local Shanghai and surrounding area skaters and BMX riders, Vans China BMX team rider Shen Jian (Jason) and new Vans flow skate team rides, Tommy Zhao and Hangzhou's Wang Guohua (Xiao Ji).

What: Vans Night @ Top Toys Shanghai is a night of skateboarding and BMX riding open to all. After the success of Vans Night @ Woodward Beijing, Vans and Top Toys partnered up to introduce the activity to Shanghai. Vans Night was created to enable local action sports communities to practice, learn and enjoy skateboarding and BMX riding on a regular basis. In order to increase participation in Shanghai, Vans arranged prizes, stickers, food and drink for the occasion.

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