October 24, 2012 / / SURFINGUPCOMING

11月3-4日 第五届冲浪海南公开赛

Skullcandy 确认为第五届冲浪海南公开赛主赞助. 本届赛事将是中国有史以来持续时间最长冲浪比赛,主办方透露:届时,中国国内40名冲浪顶尖高 手将云集日月湾一争高下。
Skullcandy Confirmed as Presenting Sponsor for Fifth Annual Surfing Hainan Open.The event is the longest-running surf competition in China.

2012海南冲浪公开赛的举办,必将是冲浪史上又一个重要的里程碑事件,该赛事的举办已进入第五 个年头,美国耳机著名品牌Skullcandy继续成为今年赛事赞助商,而今年的赞助会更加深入。

Skullcandy中国市场营销经理伊利亚·凯斯卡维斯说,海南日月湾国际冲浪节发展至今,已是第五 届,于我们而言,能来到海南是一件令人激动的事,这是我们第二年赞助该赛事,也是我们第四次 参与到赛事中来。 中国的冲浪运动目前仍处于初期阶段,但我们很高兴地见到,一些当地人现在逐 渐以冲浪作为一种运动和生活方式,恰好,我们正在处于见证和参与时刻。
比赛中,我们将见到深受大伙儿青睐的内蒙古选手铁庄。自从2006年他就开始定居于海南冲浪和生 活。2011年,铁庄在夺得男子长板冲浪比赛第二名,位于台湾选手陈东铭之后。铁庄将进入Xsories 男子长板冲浪赛便于提高站板头技巧,同时,他将进入万斯男子短板冲浪区域赛。
海南本土冲浪女孩Darci刘(刘丹)和莫妮卡郭将领衔万斯女子长板比赛,周文玲则逐浪大熊猫女子 短板冲浪赛。
罗里·麦克唐纳将继续捍卫他的16岁以下级别的格罗姆比赛冠军头衔的,但是,他将面临一个强有 力的竞争对手,一个冉冉升起的新星明星邱卓, 8岁的他,三年前从成都移居到海南。
虽然去年是他的第一次参加比赛,近日,邱卓已经能够自如驰骋于6英尺高的海浪。那么,让我们来 期待他今年的表现吧。.
在大熊猫混合SUP区域赛中,来自夏威夷现居北京的Daniel Lau和来自加利福尼亚州现居上海的乔 恩·隆德,两大重量级人物将来观看比赛。
每场区域赛,4名选手除了获得现金和赞助商的奖品,当地的冲浪者还将获得额外的奖励,他们可以 直接晋级接下来在海南举办的ASP国际冲浪赛。一个晋级卡为Swatch专业女子长板冲浪冠军(11月21 日至11月25日),直接进入中国国家女子长板赛。同时,海南精英赛(2013年1月)的晋级卡也为两 个获得最高头衔的中国公民男子短板师间颁发。ASP澳大利亚总经理丹尼尔·乔丹说:“我们很高兴 继续支持海南万宁日月湾国际冲浪节,并授予当地的冲浪好手以及冉冉上升的本地人才。“
海南冲浪节创办人,活动组织者布伦丹·谢里登说:“4年前,我们举办了第一届海南国际冲浪节, 当时,组织方的松散仍历历在目。不过,我很高兴,每一年我都能看到赛事发展的进步,如今,它 和国内外优秀品牌共同成长,紧紧相连。海南国际冲浪节,我们仍然保持着相同和美好的期待。这 是一项中国冲浪者和亚洲的外籍冲浪界期待的赛事,它已成为不仅是一个重要的展示地方人才的平 台,也将是海南最好的沙滩节日盛典。
The 2012 Surfing Hainan Open will mark an important milestone in the history of surfing in China with it’s fifth annual competition this year. Audio brand Skullcandy will continue its sponsorship of the event, this year stepping up to the role of the presenting sponsor.
The event is the longest-running surf competition in China, and serves as a bellwether for the state of China’s surf talent. For the first time ever, organizers expect the majority of the 40 competitors to be Chinese nationals.
Skullcandy’s China Marketing Manager Elijah Kislevitz said “Coming down to Hainan’s Riyue
Bay for the 5th Annual Surfing Hainan Open is something we are pretty psyched about. This will be our second year taking part as sponsor, and our 4th year being involved with Surfing Hainan. China’s surf scene is still in its infancy, but has already seen some locals stepping up and starting to make the lifestyle and sport their own. To witness that firsthand and be part of it is what is it all about.”
Local favorites include Tie Zhuang, originally from Inner Mongolia, who has been living and surfing in Hainan since 2006. Tie Zhuang finished second in the men’s longboard division in 2011 behind Taiwan’s Chen Tongming. Tie Zhuang will be entering the X-Sories Men’s Longboard with im- proved noseriding skills, and also be competing in the Vans Men’s Shortboard division.
Hainan resident’s Darci Liu and Monica Guo will lead the charge in the Vans Women’s Longboard, with Zhou Wenling and Hong Chichun being the favorites in the Major Panda Women’s Short- board.
Rory MacDonald will look to defend his title in the Major Panda Under 16s Grom division, but will face competition from rising star Qiu Zhou. The eight-year-old Chengdu native moved to Hainan three years ago. Last year’s event was his first ever competition, but Qiu Zhou has been seen charging six-foot surf around the island recently, and is looking forward to demonstrating how much he has improved in the last year.
In the Major Panda Mixed SUP division, Hawaiian-native and current Beijing resident Daniel Lau, and California-native and current Shanghai resident Jon Lund will be the two competitors to watch.
In addition to the cash purse and sponsor prizes to the top four finishers of each division, the local surfers have the additional incentive of being able to capture a wildcard spot into two upcoming ASP competitions in Hainan. There will be one wildcard spot for the Swatch Girls Pro Women’s Longboard Title (November 21-25) awarded to the highest-placing Chinese national in the Wom- en’s Longboard division, as well as wildcard spots for the Hainan Classic (January 2013) awarded to the two highest-placing Chinese nationals in the Men’s Shortboard division. Dane Jordan, ASP Australasia’s General Manager, said “We are happy to continue to support the Surfing Hainan Open and the local surf community by awarding these wildcard positions to the rising local talent.”
Surfing Hainan founder and event organizer Brendan Sheridan said “We held the first Surfing Hainan Open four years ago as loosely-organized party. It’s been great to see the event grow every year, and while it is now a tightly-run ship with some of the industry’s best brands on board,
we have still maintained the same vibe. Chinese surfers and Asia’s expat surf community looks forward to the event every year, and it has become not only a serious showcase of local talent, but also Hainan’s best beach festival as well.”
See surfinghainanopen.com for entry forms and more information.


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