Skateboarding in IRAN - Insight with MJ Rahimi

Here is a follow up to my previous post about skateboarding in Iran,  my friend M.J. tells us his story about building skateparks & skateboarding in Iran.    Inspiring Story!

wZa: Hi MJ, who made the skateparks in Iran?
wZa: hi MJ, 谁在伊朗修建滑板场?

MJ: Our skate parks were all made in Germany. Two of our skate parks are made by Rhino Ramps, One was made by the Concrete skate parks of Germany, as well as the final blue skate park from the pictures.
MJ: 我们的滑板场都是在德国制造的, 有两个是Rhino Ramps作的, 一个是Concrete Skate Parks作的.


wZa: How many skateboarders in Iran today? 伊朗有多少滑手?

MJ: Most skateboarders are in Tehran, the capital of Iran. The population of skaters is scarce, barely approaching a hundred, give or take, but there are also many good skateboarders scattered in other cities of Iran like Esfahan, Tabriz, and Shiraz.
The security guards of most parks and public areas don’t allow skateboarding, leaving only a small selection of unauthorized skate spots. 绝大部分滑手都在德黑兰, 伊朗首都. 差不多也就不到一百人, 但是其他城市也有一些. 大部分的公园和公共区域都禁止滑板, 只有很少的地点可以.


wZa: How did you get the support from the government to build so many great skate parks?你都是怎么从政府那里得到支持来修建滑板场的?

MJ: Good question, several years ago I had decided to build a handmade skate park at Enghelab sport complex where I was coaching. Over time and struggle my friends and I got the money from its manager and put together the first legitimate skateboarding competition sponsored by Red bull. The skate competition yielded great publicity from local newspapers, magazines and live TV broadcasts. A magazine had titled the event “From handmade skate park till DJ music”. This publicity caught the attention of the government and the managers of the federation. They were revolutionized by the publicity and decided to invest in skate parks from Germany.
很多年前我打算自己动手修一个滑板场, 经过不断地努力我们从当时我当教练的Enghelab Sport Complex那里拿到一笔钱,修了一个板场,得到了红牛的赞助.我们举办的滑板比赛引起了很大反响.后来得到了政府的注意, 他们破天荒的决定投资从德国引进一个滑板场.

wZa: I remember a few years ago you sent me an email with some photos of some local competitions do you still do them now?我记得几年之前你给我发了一些当地比赛的照片, 现在你们还作么?

MJ: Every couple of months we host different kinds of contests. There are three main types of skate contests that are hosted varying in time and place. The First type of contest is a game of skate. The second is best gap trick, and the final type is the best run in a skate park.每隔几个月我们就组织各种不同的比赛, 现在主要有三种比赛. 1, game of skate, 2, best gap trick, 3, the best run in a skate park.


wZa: Its amazing how you made skateboarding a recognized & respected sport in Iran, with government & public support & built so many good parks, what were your difficulties getting this done? 能在伊朗推动滑板运动,并且引起公众和政府的关注真是太了不起了, 能说下这个过程中都遇到哪些困难么?

MJ: At first we were less than 5 skaters in Iran, we were skating for fun. There was no competition and no federation by that time. We bought skateboards from abroad with the little money we had because we didn’t have any skate shops in the country and as teenagers we were broke. When we were skating in public parks inside Tehran most of the people were wondering what we were doing and what this sport was about.
起初在伊朗只有不到5个滑手, 那时没有比赛, 我们买板也要去国外带.当我们滑板的时候人们都不知道我们在干嘛.

The skate federation of Iran was established about 10 years ago. When it was first established, the federation did not include skateboarding. I went there with a few friends and explained to them what skateboarding is actually about. We showed them skateboarding videos, photos of Skate Parks, and competition’s. It was incredibly difficult to describe something that they hadn’t even heard of before.  However, still after all these years we encounter many problems with the government and the federation mostly about insignificant things like hair style, clothing etc.
伊朗滑板协会成立于十年前. 刚刚组建的时候其实还不包括滑板这个项目. 我和几个朋友过去, 跟他们街市什么是滑板. 我们给他们看滑板视频,照片和滑板场还有比赛. 在当时跟他们解释一个他们未曾听说过的东西实在是太难了. 在过去的几年里, 我们帮助政府解决了不少问题, 但大多都是关于发型,着装之类的.


wZa: I don't know too much about Iran, but I heard that there is much control by the government on the import of foreign goods & media - also there is much internet blocking as well, is this true? How about Skateboard products & media?  Most skateboard brands are from USA & there is a lot of skateboard media on the internet, such as & & also the skateboarding websites like & Can skaters access these websites easily from Iran?  How do you keep connected with the rest of the skateboard world?
我对伊朗了解不多, 但是听所政府在进口货品时的监控非常严格.媒体也是, 伊朗同样存在互联网管制, 这是真的么?伊朗滑板品牌有来自美国的么? 那里的滑手能看到youtube, vimeo这些滑板视频网站么? 他们能看到Theberrics, thrasher这种滑板媒体么?你们如何与世界保持同步?

MJ: Yes, we have limited access to foreign goods and media and with all these prohibitions and sanctions. Except for and most of sites are filtered here but we can access them by VPN. 是的, 我们只能很有限的接触到国外的货物和媒体. 好在Theberrics和thrashermagazine.com还可以看, 但是其他的都被封了, 我们用VPN.

With our countries economic condition, the price of the U.S. dollar raises daily, currently it’s causing an inflation that is 3 times the price of decks from last year. The saddest part is not just the lack of skate goods being accessible to the skate starving population buts it influence on the mentality of skaters. The difficulty undergone by skaters to access skate parts will eventually wear out their will/motivation to skate over time. Having a sense of community with one another and communicating with the outside skate world keeps us battling the harsh influences of our currently ill conditioned economy.
由于国内经济状况不佳,美元比价每天都在攀升.因为严重的通货膨胀, 现在板面的价格已经是去年的三倍了.
wZa:  Thanks so much for the interview MJ,  much respect for your efforts on skateboarding in Iran.  One day, I hope to be able to visit Iran &  skate with you in your amazing parks!  Skateboarding has no boundaries!!  I salute you, MJ!

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