August 29, 2013 / / UPCOMING

8月31日 Vans Downtown Showdown 滑板比赛

对于这个周末会在法国巴黎的人来说是幸运的,一年一度的滑板盛典Vans Downtown Showdown本周六将在巴黎拉开序幕,为了让无法亲赴现场的人看到精彩的比赛,Vans特别提供了免费在线比赛直播,除了在www.downtownshowdown.eu网站上可以观看比赛,同时你也可以通过Vans LIVE APP在移动设备上观看,在线直播让你不会错失任何一个精彩的瞬间。
Vans Downtown Showdown will held on 31st Aug. at Paris, France. stay tuned here and on to watch the live webcast!

从欧洲中部夏令时8月31日中午12:40开始,Vans将会以最好的视角为你带来整个比赛的直播进程,从比赛幕后直到白热化的赛场比拼,一切都会在直播中呈现。赛场外的采访环节同样精彩纷呈,包括了传奇滑手Tony Alva, Steve Caballero,Dustin Dollin,还有Vans“教父”Steve Van Doren都会参与采访环节。Vans Downtown Showdown并不是一个单纯的滑板比赛,艺术和音乐也穿插在整个比赛的进程中,在线直播还会带你领略现场艺术艺术家的创作和表演,最后Vans会带来激动人心的比赛颁奖环节。无论你身在何方,相信你不会想错过这一切的精彩。

关于Vans Downtown Showdow

Vans Downtown Showdown是一个关于滑板,艺术和音乐的盛会,是一个由滑手创造感念,由滑手参与制作的活动。从2008年在欧洲首次举办以来,已经像飓风般席卷了欧洲多个城市,其中包括了伦敦和阿姆斯特丹。今年在法国巴黎的Grande Halle de la Villette,将会有世界上12支顶级滑板队伍参与到盛会中展示自己的技术,创造力和独创性。不同于其他比赛,所有的参赛队伍都会为自己设计幛碍和道具来挑战。期待今年的顶尖滑手们发挥潜能和打破极限来争取分享到50,000欧元的总奖金。
ANTIZ (EU): Sam Partaix, Dominic Dietrich, Samu Karvonen, Dallas Rockvam

CLICHé (EU): riders: Kyron Davis, Flo Mirtain, Kevin Bradley, Lem Villemin

DEATH (EU): Rob Smith, Adam Moss, Mikey Patrick, Moggins

: Pedro Barros, Rodolfo Ramos, Evandro Martins, Guilherme Guimarães


ELEMENT (EU): Ross McGouran, Phil Zwijsen, Nassim Guammaz, Karsten Kleppan

FLIP (US): Geoff Rowley, Ben Nordberg, Luan Oliveira, Louie Lopez

ISLE (EU): Nick Jensen, Chris Jones, Sylvain Tognelli, Tom Knox

METROPOLITAN (EU): Steve Ramy, Vincent Bressol, JJ Rousseau, Lee Smith

PALACE Skateboards (EU): Lucien Clarke, Chewy Cannon, Rory Milanes, Olly Todd


SWEET Skateboards (EU): Gustav Tönneson, Josef Scott Jatta, Jonas Skröder, Nisse Ingemarsson


Finish your croissant, don your best beret and sidestep the Moulin Rouge, as all eyes turn to the city's Grande Halle as Paris prepares to host to a truly unique skateboarding competition. On August 31st, the infamous Vans Downtown Showdown will take over the vast Grande Halle de la Villette.

Now in its 5th year, the event brings together the best of skateboarding, art, music and street culture, making Vans Downtown Showdown one of the most eagerly anticipated events on the skateboarding calendar. Pitching the crème of the world's skateboarding teams against each other in not only a battle of skill, but also one of creativity, the Vans Downtown Showdown goes a little "off the wall" as it invites these very teams to design the obstacles themselves. The result is a competition like no other, as the teams go head to head to thrash it out over an unconventional course, ensuring the riding is as creative as the minds of the designers, who are currently busy dreaming up their own obstacles, from peculiar Parisian cliches, to reimagined relics of this chicest of cities.

Bringing his artistic flair to the Vans Downtown Showdown, former Paris resident and graphic artist Mambo, creator of the 2013 Vans Downtown Showdown posters, will be painting one of his signature pieces on a grand scale, live at the Grande Halle. Elsewhere, creative workshops will entertain and inspire, whilst an "off the wall" take on Paris' traditional markets will keep you away from the Champs Elysees...

With the Vans Downtown Showdown having previously created a scene in cities such as Amsterdam, London and Hamburg, the 2013 edition promises to bring a new level of skateboarding, creativity and camaraderie, as well as a healthy dose of satire to the streets of Paris.

You'll be able to watch the live webcast Saturday at noon in Paris or or 3am PST.

Here are the teams for his year's Downtown Showdown:

ANTIZ (EU): Sam Partaix, Dominic Dietrich, Samu Karvonen, Dallas Rockvam

CLICHé (EU): riders: Kyron Davis, Flo Mirtain, Kevin Bradley, Lem Villemin

DEATH (EU): Rob Smith, Adam Moss, Mikey Patrick, Moggins

DROPDEAD (BRA): Pedro Barros, Rodolfo Ramos, Evandro Martins, Guilherme Guimarães


ELEMENT (EU): Ross McGouran, Phil Zwijsen, Nassim Guammaz, Karsten Kleppan

FLIP (US): Geoff Rowley, Ben Nordberg, Luan Oliveira, Louie Lopez

ISLE (EU): Nick Jensen, Chris Jones, Sylvain Tognelli, Tom Knox

METROPOLITAN (EU): Steve Ramy, Vincent Bressol, JJ Rousseau, Lee Smith

PALACE Skateboards (EU): Lucien Clarke, Chewy Cannon, Rory Milanes, Olly Todd


SWEET Skateboards (EU): Gustav Tönneson, Josef Scott Jatta, Jonas Skröder, Nisse Ingemarsson

Keep an eye on for team updates, music and art announcements, and perhaps even a sneak peek at what you can expect from the Vans Downtown Showdown 2013.

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