During the 23-24 snow season, the 16th Milo snowboard movie "嗑" was officially launched. This movie includes many famous snowboarders in China, such as Su Yiming, Jia Xin, Xibei, Yan Yong, Zhang Lin, Marco, etc. It is not only about snowboarding, but also about the life of a group of people who have taken snowboarding as their profession, and it shows a different attitude towards life to all of us.
Since 2008, MellowPark has released a total of 15 snowboarding movies at a frequency of one per year, accompanying the development of domestic snowboarding from an unknown niche sport to today's popular sport, and documenting the many highlights of generations of skaters and enthusiasts who have been engaged in snowboarding over the years.
In addition to Nanshan Ski Resort, which is the base camp of Mellow, the filming also went to Northeast China and Xinjiang, as well as indoor ski resorts in the summer, and New Zealand in the opposite season, etc. On the road of chasing snow, this group of people never stopped.
After nearly 30 stops of offline premieres, the 16th Milo Snowboard Movie "嗑" is also honored to be screened online at KickerClub today.
自 2008 年开始,麦罗以每年一部的频率共出台了 15 部单板电影,伴随了国内单板发展从不为大众所知的小众运动直至今日的热门运动,记载了多年来从事单板滑雪的一代又一代滑手、及爱好者的诸多精彩。
23 - 24 雪季,第 16 部麦罗单板电影《磕》正式上线。这其中囊括了国内超多一线知名滑手:苏翊鸣,贾辛,西贝,闫永,张麟,Marco 等的身影,不仅仅有大家滑雪的拍摄,还有以单板为职业的这样一群人的生活记录,向大家展示了不一样的生活态度。
在经过了近 30 站的各地线下巡回首映,第 16 部麦罗单板电影《磕》今天也有幸在 KickerClub 线上公映。
参与滑手:包小果|达达 |大港|贾辛|姜鑫杰|金容西|李寒|粱硕|牛牛|苏翊鸣|王欢欢|西贝|小韩|小马|小胖|小渝渝|闫永|眼镜|张麟|张嘉豪 |张桐|张宇|Kuso|Marco|Steve|Stefan|TOM(名称排序按名字首字母)
视频拍摄:Ludschi , Wenbo Lu , Marco, Li yuhang , Liu Longlong , Tiffany
剪辑:贾辛 & Ludschi
动画制作:阿汤 & 魏野
“磕” LOGO 设计出自一位书法家之手,寓意为积极的、挑战的、充满斗志的。在人们口头上经常会说“磕”,以这个字来表示自己对于一件事的决心。单板亦是如此,磕一个动作、磕一个道具……
这本名为《Silver Lining》的画册作为第 16 部麦罗单板电影《磕》的周边产品,收录了不仅限于《磕》里的精彩瞬间。相较于单板电影,这本《Silver Lining》Photo Book 拥有更多实物收藏带来的意义。
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