Victoria's 2024 skate trip to Shenzhen and Foshan, literally translated as "A Truckload of Trouble," pretty much sums it up. Between typhoon weather, run-ins with sanitation workers, some crew beef, and battling the spots themselves…it’s just the kind of stuff you deal with every day on a skate trip. The documentary "Kids Return" captures it all with simple, raw footage.
Victoria 2024 在深圳和佛山滑板之旅的名字直译过来是“一货车的麻烦”。台风天的影响,和环卫大妈的误会,团队之间的小摩擦,以及和地形的摩擦……就是大家每天都要面对的。纪录片《Kids Return》就用最简单真实的镜头为我们还原了这一切。
Skaters are skaters, bummed out when it rains, bummed out when the spots are packed. When your joints are battling the city, that sticky humidity is like a secret weapon; then the sun comes out, baking you, squeezing every last drop of sweat outta you—and all you hear are cheers. - Shang Yu
This was my first time touring with skaters from different countries, and it felt like there were no barriers at all, even though we came from all over the world. Skateboarding was our way of communicating, it connected us super fast. - Tian Jiaxing
我是第一次和不同國家的滑手一起 tour,感覺雖然來自世界各地但是卻完全沒有隔閡,滑板是我們的交流工具,將我們很快聯繫在一起。——小小虎
Gotta love a trip where food at the end of the day is just as important as the skating. The restaurants in foshan must fear the Victoria crew as much as the marble plazas scattered across the city.——Jasper
Always good vibes on Victoria trips. Feels like a big family gathering every trip. And i'm the uncle with the camera.——Owen
這次的 Tour 我特別開心,因為我從來沒有去過深圳還有佛山,況且今年一月的時候右腳斷了,好險恢復的狀況不錯,現在還有一塊鋼板、九支鋼釘在裡面。雖然玩起來感覺怪怪的,也有一些點會痛,但是能夠跟大家一起 Tour,挑戰新的 Spot,能收到片段,我自己是覺得很满足的。53!——Hsu Ming jie
This trip came about because Arthur told me the Victoria skaters were going through a rough patch. Everyone was dealing with some shit, whether it was work or life stuff, so a skate trip to bring the Victoria family together felt like a must. Everyone brought their love for skating to heal each other—that's some real skater romance right there. Even with the southern rainy season hitting hard, we still went all in on the trip. ——Joe
這次的旅行源自 Arthur 告訴我 Victoria 的滑手都處於一個低谷時期,每個人因為工作或是生活都遇到了一些挫折,所以一次滑板旅行把大家聚到一起對 Victoria Family 似乎是迫在眉睫的事情。大家帶著“热爱”去療癒彼此可能是獨屬於滑板人的浪漫,即使遇到南方的雨季,我們還是無所保留地踏上了旅程。——Joe
I love this brand but I love this family we've built even more - This trip solidified our bond through all the obstacles we faced together.Many elements from the members in our team have imprinted onto the brand throughout this journey and we are excited for what's to come next season.——Arthur

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