新闻联播:Panda Mei 为 Vans 墙绘,X GAMES 引 A.I. 裁判

🎨Artist Pan Mei and her son Xiaobao were recently invited to the Vans HQ in Shanghai to bless the walls with some fresh art.
Pand Mei 和儿子在 Vans 创作墙绘
不久前,艺术家 Pand Mei 带着儿子小宝,受邀去 Vans 上海总部创作墙绘。#OFFTHEWALL

👁️🗨️X Games Judges Get an AI Assist
The X Games in Aspen just wrapped, and they were testing out a new AI judging system. This tech isn't calling the shots yet, but it analyzes hours of footage to help judges make more objective calls on those "did they or didn't they?" moments.
X GAMES 采用人工智能打分
在阿斯彭刚刚结束的 X GAMES 冬季极限运动会上,官方测试了最新 A.I.裁判打分系统。但据悉,该技术井不会直接影响官方评分。而是通过分析数千小时录像,在比赛期间评估选手及动作,增强对争议性动作的评分客观性。

💙Vans Skate Old Skool 36+
Vans is bringing back the Old Skool with a fresh twist. The new Skate Old Skool 36+ takes the classic design and gives it an upgrade: thicker tongue, shorter toe cap, and the same legendary performance. It's dropping January 31st at select Vans stores,, and Vans Tmall.
Vans Skate Old Skool 36+
Vans 重塑 1977 年经典 Old Skool™,推出全新滑板鞋款 Skate Old Skool 36+。鞋款将加厚的鞋舌和更短的鞋头相结合,并在性能上保持一贯优质技术。将于 2025 年 1 月 31 日起登陆 Vans 国内指定店铺、Vans 官方网站及 Vans 天猫旗舰店。

🏆SLAM 2025 Skater of the Year
Australia skate mag SLAM just crowned their Skater of the Year, and it's none other than Vans' 18-year-old ripper, Rome Collyer!
SLAM 2025 年度滑手
澳洲 SLAM 滑板杂志宣布 2025 年度滑手,来自 Vans 18 岁实力小将 Rome Collyer!

📼Tightbooth's main man Shinpei Ueno recently posted saying "I'm back in the Half Cab." Lately, he's been showing off a pair of OTW by Vans Half Cabs. Wonder when we'll see a collab shoe from him and Vans?
Shinpei Ueno 回归 Vans
Tightbooth 主理人 Shinpei Ueno 前不久发文称 "I'm back inthe half cab. ”最近,他又秀出一双 OTW by Vans HALF CAB,不知道他和 Vans 何时会有合作鞋款推出呢?

Vans Japan is dropping a bunch of loafers. There's a limited relaxed fit in black/brown suede, plus a bunch of other colorways in leather and suede with removable tassels.
Vans 日本线乐福鞋
Vans 日本线发售多款乐福鞋,其中包括黑/粽麂皮限定宽松,以及多款皮革和麂皮配色的乐福鞋,后面几款还带有可拆卸的流苏装饰。

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