Desillusion 纪录片 Let it flow

Desillusion 杂志大佬 Sebastian Zanella 最近联合 Dimond 一起发布了旗下极具风格的滑手 Boo Johnson 的个人纪录片,在 Desillusion 的镜头之中,这位滑手带个我们的不仅仅是他的滑板,还有他如同烟雾一般缭绕的Chill生活。 Director Sebastien Zanella presents Let it Flow, a thoughtful portrait of one of the strongest personalities in skateboarding's modern area, an immersive and exhilarating ride into the mind and times of pro-skateboarder Boo Johnson.

Desillusion 超级文艺大片「Born Wild」

Michael 有个梦想,离开家乡前往滑板人的天堂--洛杉矶。虽然参赛被拒,不过他拿起滑板,自己的唯一伴侣,踏上了自己的旅途。来看 Desillusion 出品的又一部超级文艺大片「Born Wild」 Michael has a dream : to leave his small town in Nevada and go to Los Angeles, a skater's paradise. Although refused entry to a skateboarding contest in LA, he sets out on his own journey with his skateboard as sole partner.

Desillusion 滑板文艺新片 Kandaiki-Fries Taillieu

如果滑板是种病,那么Fries Taillieu就已经病入膏肓,Desillusion再发滑板文艺新片Kandaiki-Fries Taillieu,一起走上比利时城市Ghent的街头,伴随悠扬的音乐滑起来。 If skateboarding's a disease, Fries Taillieu is terminally ill. Desillusion spent a weekend skating the streets of Ghent, with one of Europe's finest unsung heroes.

Desillusion 最新文艺纪录片 "Be Human" - Austyn Gillette

Desillusion再发大片,这次带来了HUF帅哥 Austyn Gillette的个人纪录片“Be Human”,由Robin Pailler 和 DSL 主编 Sebastian Zanella 联合打造,24岁的Austyn通过天赋和努力成为了世界顶级滑手,而在这里Austyn也谈到了如何保持PRO和正常人生活之间平衡的重要一点。 At only 24 years of age, Austyn Gillette has built a decade strong career from hard work, humility, innovation and a commitment to skating every damn day. After a difficult year out injured, Desillusion spent a day with Austyn to reflect on the trials...

Desillusion 滑板纪录片 Lost In Crookslation - Chet Childress

Desillusion再放大片,这次他们的目标是滑板人,艺术家,先驱式的人物Chet Childress,自从1984年接触到滑板之后,滑板便深深融入了Chet生活的每个方面,Robin Pailler用了五天时间走近这位传奇,听过来人告诉我们他与滑板的一切。 Skateboarder, artist, unpredictable traveller, pioneer. There are many words to describe Chet Childress. Having discovered skateboarding in 1984, Chet's led a three-decade strong career from living on the run, in constant search of the stoke. Desillusion Magazine editor Robin Pailler spent five days with Chet in his childhood town of Wilmington, North...

Desillusion x Globe 2015 Spring "Violence Ordinaire" Video Lookbook

Desillusion联合Globe再度发力,发布2015春季"Violence Ordinaire"新品宣传视频,由Pierre David掌镜拍摄,灵感则来源于自然的现实和朴素,黑白色的画面艺术感十足! In a short film directed by Pierre David comes the collaborative project between Desillusion Magazine and Australian board sports company Globe. Modeled as “a global network of counter culture artisans that are united by board sports, street fashion, media, design and film,” the ethos and direction of Globe has effectively complimented the...

Desillusion: Mikkel Bang - Memories

Desillusion发布新片“Mikkel Bang 记忆”,这也是Burton旗下单板滑手Mikkel Bang的个人记录片段,他最怀念的就是童年滑板时的无忧无虑,而他现在仍然认为,在滑板、滑雪时,自己还是个孩子,享受着纯粹的乐趣。 At just 24 years of age Mikkel Bang is undoubtedly one of the most promising and exciting snowboarders to grace the planet. Desillusion Magazine editor Pierre David spent a day with Mikkel in his hometown of Oslo, to gain an insight into his life and his memories.

Desillusion Presents: Home Street Home

Vans在伦敦滑铁卢地下为House of Vans搭建了独一无二的滑板场,盛大的开幕式中Vans传奇滑手齐聚一堂,Desillusion也来到现场,用其独特的视角带你来看House of Vans伦敦滑铁卢车站内的“滑板人之家” WARNING: This video can potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. Inspired by neon lights, Americana and rugged skate environments; Vans have transformed the Old Vic tunnels under Waterloo station, London, into an ‘Off The Wall’ home for the European edition of The House Of...

Desillusion issue forty-seven, Tome 3 « No other love »

Desillusion再度发力,发布全新宣传片« No other love »阳光,海浪,滑板,美女,沙滩,看了之后真是除了这些别无他爱... Desillusion issue forty-seven, Tome 3, « No other love ». If you love to have your feet on a board and your eyes open on everything, it's a safe bet that you will love being a part of the Desillusion world.

Let Yourself Go – A Desillusion expedition in Costa Rica

Desillusion杂志倾情呈现《Let Yourself Go 沉醉哥斯达黎加》文艺大片正式上线!Desillusion与SOSH的强强联合,体会11月份哥斯达黎加的惬意与美丽,享受着茂密的绿荫,原始的生态,壮阔的海平面,恢宏的夕阳…释放自我,享受生活! Last summer Sosh teamed up with Desillusion and endless skateboarder/traveler Samuel Partaix to present ‘Let Yourself Go’.

Desillusion Celebrate THE BLASTER by Nixon

Nixon 和 Desillusion 杂志联合发布了一段视频来庆祝 Nixon 的无线蓝牙音箱 THE BLASTER 发布,视频结合了一系列洒脱的生活方式元素,包括滑板,机车,冲浪,沙滩等等,说它是产品的宣传视频似乎并不贴切,更多地像是在给我们展示背后无拘无束地生活方式,让大家自由地去享受生活之中地乐趣,一起来体会一下这理想之中的场面 Desillusion Magazine teamed up with NIXON to celebrate the launch of the BLASTER,enjoy

Dead city – Converse NYC X Desillusion

Converse 法国队伍来到了纽约,开始了街头Spot的周游,在这里你可以将纽约街头经典的台子,Wallride地形以及各种台阶凳子看个便,欧洲滑手们的悠闲轻松风格也凸显其中,绝对是一部适合周末早晨看的视频!同时还有Vincent Coupeau在路途中的摄影作品奉上,黑白色调处理的照片记录了滑手在纽约的点点滴滴,出镜滑手有:Vincent Touzery, Remy Taveira, Roman Gonzalez, Karl Salah, Paul Grund. The Converse French skate team Hits New York City.Skater // Vincent Touzery, Remy Taveira, Roman Gonzalez, Karl Salah, Paul Grund.