DSL 出品 滑板音乐人生: Bastien Duverdier

Desillusion滑板文艺片再度发布,这次执导的依旧是Robin Pailler,主人公则是法国职业滑手兼音乐人Bastien Duverdier,在滑板和音乐的道路上,Bastien将两者完美结合在了一起。 After a freak fall last year, Basque skater Bastien Duverdier faced months off a board whilst his back injury healed. Fortunately Bastien discovered a new love for blues and the sounds of a resophonic guitar, slowly forging a new career alongside his skating under the alias of Képa. Desillusion presents a short...

The Good Old Days Are Now

Desillusion 强势发布新片!天堂就在路的尽头,跟随DSL一起踏上冰岛滑板体验之旅,滑板与自然的完美结合,不容错过! Looking for paradise at the end of the road. An experimental skate trip across Iceland. Desillusion Magazine presents an exclusive behind the scenes feature on Kate Bellm's fashion editorial "The Death Of Cool".

The Life We Chose

成长在Oklahoma的Converse滑手Don Nguyen为了追求自己的滑板梦想一路向西,这次重要的决定改变了Nuge的一生,使他成为了世界上最顶级的滑手之一,Converse 联合 Desillusion发布新文艺大片《Life We Chose》,讲述了滑板改变生活的另一个故事。 Having grown up with very little prospects in Oklahoma City, Don ‘Nuge’ Nguyen made a choice to forge his own way of life, moving out west in pursuit of a dream career in skateboarding. A decade on and there's no doubt Nuge’s risk paid off, going on to become...

Surburban Daze

Desillusion再发力作Surburban Daze,极具天赋的欧洲滑手Maxime Géronzi出镜拍摄,去年Maxime脚踝严重扭伤,现在还在逐步恢复之中,这部惬意舒适的视频就记录了他的恢复滑板的一天生活。 Undoubtedly one of the brightest talents in European skateboarding today, Maxime Géronzi is rapidly making a name for himself amongst skateboarding’s elite. After starting the year with a nasty ankle tweak whilst filming in Barca, Maxime has spent recent months on the steady road to recovery. Desillusion editor Robin Pailler spent a...

DSL Days by Tomas Hein

Desillusion 发布Tomas Hein执导最新视频 DSL Days,拍摄于古老的英国街景之中,极富生活风情的片段看起来非常舒适,跟随轻快的配乐和自然的镜头一起体会一下。

Beyond the Elementality

DESILLUSION 再发大片!主编Sebastien Zanella亲自操刀掌镜,记录了Element创始人Johnny Schillereff的日常生活,滑板、产业以及他的新办公室“The Branch”,话不多说速度欣赏。 Johnny Schillereff is a visionary, a human driven by his soul and the founder of successful skateboard brand Element. As a creative entrepreneur, Schillereff has always been dedicated to setting the brand apart from the pack, and decided to focus in on a connection to nature as part of the...

One Night in Berlin - Michael Mackrodt

Desillusion力作来袭,One Night in Berlin,柏林夜晚的地铁站,没有城市的喧嚣,耳边萦绕的旋律,唯美的画面中穿插鱼眼的跟拍,又一部值得细细品味的大片 The days are short, the sun a spark, hung thin between the dark and dark. Desillusion Magazine spent a night with skateboarder Michael Mackrodt, escaping the winter blues in Berlin's subway stations.

Resurrect The Destructed - David González

Desillusion又带来了新的文艺纪录片Resurrect The Destructed,带你走进受伤在家修养的David Gonzalez,从他辍学去滑板成长为现在野性十足的滑手,一起体会David Gonzalez对滑板放荡不羁的热爱 Born and raised in the rough suburbs of Colombia, David González made it his mission to forge his own way of life the only way he knew how, through skateboarding. Currently residing in Long Beach, CA, and having spent most of the summer injured and homebound, Desillusion Magazine’s Pierre David...


Stefan Janoski在加州出生长大,这里独特的氛围造就了他这名风格独一无二的滑手,从滑板到雕塑,他的多才多艺被人们熟知,Desillusion超文艺纪录片《This is Janoski》快来欣赏,一起走进他随性多彩的生活 Born and raised in Vacaville, California, Stefan Janoski has come to be one of the most stylish and humble skateboarders to grace the planet. Often regarded as an enigmatic soul, Stefan's also a exceptionally talented artist, who in recent years has developed an innate passion and quite remarkable skill for sculpting.


坐落于哥本哈根的Wonderland是一个自治社区,在这里世俗文化无孔不入,那些与社会格格不入的年轻人可以在这里找到属于自己的信仰,Vans赞助拍摄,Desillusion出品滑板影片“迷失洛杉矶”,音乐的迷失和画面的迷茫完美地结合起来 Situated in Freetown Christiania, Wonderland is the result of an autonomous community, disenfranchised with the mundane culture of modern society. A place for the disillusioned youth of Copenhagen to escape and forge their own traditions. Desillusion Magazine presents an insight into one of the rarest independent skate spots on the planet.

Memoire Selective - Jerome Romain

很多人生活里缺少一面镜子,来让他发现最真实的自己,而Jerome Romain却不需要,Jerome所做的事情就是将生活中那些零零散散的片段进行拼接,他是一个画家,也是一名滑手,又一部文艺片子 What if there was a mirror that could reflect the reality of our existence? Jérôme Romain would've been the one that created it. Jérôme's work reframes those seemingly insignificant moments in life, providing a sociological reflection of a generation and forcing us to question our own behaviour in today's society.

La tournure des choses - Javier Mendizabal

能以滑板作为一生的事业,这件事在一般人眼里绝对是异想天开,不过CONS滑手Javier Mendizabal就是这么例外,他在20岁时搬到巴塞罗那,继续勇猛地滑了20年,Desillusion和你一起探讨这位集滑板、摄影于一身的滑手,走进他内心深处 A long-standing career in skateboarding is a rare exception. Javier Mendizabal is one such exception. Born and raised in Algorta, Javier moved to Barcelona when he was 20, going on to forge a two-decade strong career, one in which he shows no signs of slowing down. Having recently moved back to the Basque...