King of the Road 2015 网络版第四集

King of the Road 网络版第四集发布!Jaws跳起了钢管舞,用汽车引擎热量做一顿饭,和超过50岁的大妈激情热吻,从燃烧的铁杆子上次过!这集亮点多多速度来看!

King of the Road 2015 网络版第三集

King of the Road 网络版第三集发布!穿刺,没有轮子的脚尖翻下台阶,躺在滑板上抱着啃,这集亮点多多,周末早晨速度看起来! Collin blazes, Berle unlocks Mariano's Mangler and Raybourn takes Germ's infamous Burnside butt drop.

King of the Road 2015 网络版第二集发布

King of the Road 2015 网络版第二集发布!西雅图的奔裸之旅!Mike Davis开始艳遇亲嘴任务,当然只贴着贴纸Check in酒店也是少不了的老惯例,速度来看这场劲爆旅途。 Raven rolls-in shoeless (and shirtless), Birdhouse meets up with Mark Hubbard and Billy loses his lemonade.

King of the Road 2015 第一集精彩节选

一年一度最躁的滑板公路之旅 King of The Road 第一集精彩亮点片段发布!三支队伍刚开场就碰了头,碗池的追逐,跳桶,Dan Lu还喝了自己的尿,精彩片段不要错过,44分钟全片也可以在这里看到。

King of the Road 2015 第一集! “让疯狂上演”

King of the Road 2015 第一集! “让疯狂上演”!Chocolate,Toymachine 和 Birdhouse 三支队伍开始轰炸街头!44分钟有你好看!

King of the Road 要上电视了

去年夏天,Toy Machine,Chocolate,Birdhouse 三支队伍开始了最燥的公路旅途King of the Road,各种疯狂的动作让每个滑手都兴奋不已,在Thrasher即将进行的网络播放前,KOTR还上了电视,即将在Vice电视频道Viceland播放!先来看预告片! Late last summer, Toy Machine, Chocolate, and Birdhouse sent their teams out in vans to do tricks while chugging beers, make out with people (and possibly animals), and so on, all in the name of winning Thrasher's annual King of the Road contest. This month, the highlights (and lowlights)...

King of the Road 2015 投票开始

King of the Road 2015投票又开始了,Birdhouse, Chocolate, Toy Machine三支队伍中,大家要在每个队伍中选出5名滑手来参加本次KOTR的旅途,Lizzie Armanto也在BirdHouse队伍中!投票方法请看这里。 The original and still-gnarliest cross-country road trip freakout is back! King of the Road 2015 starts in one week and features back-to-back champs Birdhouse defending their title against LA's Chocolate and the fearsome Toy Machine. Who do you think each team should bring? Check the poll...

King of the Road 2014: Highest, Longest, Most

King of the Road 2014 正式发布整个旅途中的最佳合集!最高,最远,最炸还有Jaws两个最恶心的段子等等全部集中在这里,如果你没看过一集KOTR,那么看完这个你也就可以了解下King of the Road是有多躁了 Here is where the big points are earned. This has to be the heaviest KOTR to date. Nollie 3-flip fs board? Jesus...

King of the Road Episode: 11

在King of the Road第十一集也是其最后一集中,Nyjah继续轰炸扶手,这成功率太高了!Alec Majerus为了一招摔断了自己的腿,住进了医院,现在Thrasher正式宣布2014 King of the Road年度滑手是!Wes Kremer! In this final episode, Nyjah continues his handrail assault, Majerus gets sent to the hospital and Clint dies for all his KOTR sins. Winners is: Wes Kremer!

King of the Road 2014: Episode 10

King of the Road第十集发布!Alec赤身裸体涂了满身的剃须泡沫干掉了一条长杆,Curren身上背着跟自己重量差不多的重物去SKATE,Nyjah也拿下了两条颇为高难度的Rail,还有一集KOTR结果就将正式揭晓! As the teams converge in their final city, Curren battles Fat Bob, Smolik flexes his tech and Nyjah tackles two of the most hectic kinkers you'll ever see. Only one more episode before the winners ...

King of the Road 2014: Episode 9

Nyjah大杆上的50一把就成,而那只是餐前甜点,最具挑战的Kickflip落板面的任务同样交给了Nyjah,Clint Walker玩石头一摔实在惨痛,也被Thrasher评为最佳 Louie grinds a harsh 30, the rocks take revenge on Clint and Nyjah's piggyback ender has to be seen to be believed. New shit, KOTR-style!

King of the Road 2014: Episode 8

King of the Road第八集发布!Clive Dixon啃了70个姑娘,Ben Raybourn模仿起了来自日本的Gou Miyagi的怪异动作,Element队伍玩起了火,Jaws又开始跳楼,Louie的巨大的Drop In也被评为最佳 Clive swaps spit, Raybourn goes Gou, Nyjah plays with fire and Louie takes it off the top rope as KOTR blazes on!