Volcom- The Making of 'True To This' EP4: 'The Indefinite Ride'

Volcom The Making of 'True To This'第四集< 迷茫之行>正式发布,“不论滑板,冲浪还是滑雪,我们喜欢的就是那种自由自在的感觉”Ryan Sheckler开场就将自己真实的感受与大家分享,这也是Volcom在Sheckler回归Volcom之后发布的最新视频,3月1日'True To This'全球首映就要开始,大家一起期待吧! In episode 4, 'The Indefinite Ride', Volcom dives deep into the unexplainable forces of nature which created our destiny. This journey is about the future and the spiritual connection with riding, which culminates on March 1, 2014 with the global premiere tour of 'True...

Nike SB Shelter - The Making Of

Nike SB 柏林的新板场Shelter近日开放,板场主要由灰色的混凝土构成,包括各种道具和地形,其间还有Nike SB的Tiffany蓝色点缀,在氙气大灯的照射下显得格外别致,让整个板场显得更为灵动,体会下整个板场的建筑过程 See the construction of the Nike SB Shelter from the very beginning up to the current and final stage.

King of the Road 2013 Real Yardsale

Real整个队伍在King Of The Road里的表现绝对是最有冲劲的,不论何时何地,或是在比赛里的任何项目,他们总是力求做到最棒,他们的目标就是King Of The Road! An extra make or two here, a twist of fate over there—and Real would have won this thing. They really went for it, they're good sports, and they have a ripping squad.

King of the Road 2013: Chocolate Yardsale

King Of The Road 2013比赛已经结束,每个队伍玩的都非常开心,Chocolate更是如此,Stevie Perez边吃香蕉边Manual已经成为绝活,身为Team Manager的Sam Smyth用说唱形式表达了自己力挺Chocolate的决心,别错过最后1分钟里的说唱接力 Every team had fun this year, but Chocolate really had a blast. Here's a bunch of outtakes and extra angles.

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 15

King of the Road 2013第15集上线,Real来到了洛杉矶开始了最后的行程,他们找到了Lil' Wayne一起滑板,将生猪肉,鸡腿挂在了车子内外,Justin Brock最后霸气的豪言壮语能否让Real获得最终的冠军呢?一起拭目以待吧! Here's Real in the final stretch. They have to push Arrighi into a pool, they meet up with Lil' Wayne, Brock battles a kickflip late shove-it, and TJ Rogers again tackles some wild tech moves.

King of the Road 2013 Webisode 14

2013 King of The Road第十四集Chocolate队伍继续大躁一通,接吻,踩断别人的长板,找一个会Kickflip的妈妈,Justin Eldridge还将Shane O'Neill在Street League里的大绝招再次重现,Chocolate弗雷斯诺走起 The stoke and delirium combine as Chocolate nears the end. Here's a gnarly pool roll-in session, tech madness, filmer hijinx, a Too $hort cameo, and Cory Kennedy continues to rip while gaining no points.

Volcom - The Making of 'True To This' - Episode 3: 'Not New To This'

Volcom纪录片The Making of ‘True To This’第三集“Not New To This”放出,看着片子里一段段怪诞而又经典的镜头,一股自由的感觉从内心深处油然而生,不论滑板,冲浪还是滑雪,我们所追寻的不就是这种自由吗!期待正片的发布! The Making of True To This: Episode 3 'Not New To This', takes us deeper into the never ending journey of the stone and the beckoning of the inner voice. Explore the fringes of the Veeco Film Productions library with Volcom team riders past and present.

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 11

上班提不起精神?一集King of the Road让你打起精神来,Chocolate队伍的肆虐还在继续之中,路边一条红色路牙成为了队伍找乐子的好去处,当然少不了大扶手,长台子,还有Make Out的环节啦! It's rad how Chocolate has evolved into such an all-terrain team over the years. Here they skate deep pits, ledges, rails, and there's even a red curb session.

1月25日 燃烧冰Ollie之王比赛 King of Ollie Beijing contest

1月25号下午13点北土城广场,燃烧冰第十届OLLIE王总决赛,第一名RMB1000,新款BLACK KNIGHT环保主题板面抛送,其他奖品若干,现场U池,抛台,次杆儿,啤酒,小吃,趣味游戏,大家年前燥起来! The 10th Beijing Buring Ice Ollie contests will be held on 25th Jan. at North Tu Cheng Square, ¥1000 for the first price and the new Black Knight Recycle Decks as gifts!

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 8

King of the Road 2013第八集,Birdhouse在拉斯维加斯,Tony Hawk助阵Birdhouse队伍,协助拍摄不少镜头,Clint Walker简直就是接吻之王,从刚进电梯就开始了一路接吻之旅! Everyone wondered if Tony Hawk would get involved and get dirty to help Birdhouse on KOTR. Hell yes, he does. Also, Clint Walker is the make-out king, and Clive Dixon lipslides a monster rail.

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 6

2013 King Of The Road第六集已经放出,Chocolate 队伍剩下的任务包括找姑娘接吻,Drink your Pee等一一记录在内,KOTR第六集走起 Elijah Berle shows his ATV abilities, Stevie Perez battles a backlip shove-it, and the filmer makes a love connection with a girl who has a probation ankle monitor.

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 5

Enjoi将King Of The Road里更躁的录像给放出来了,Enjoi的大熊猫战上了车顶,Jimmy Carlin被音乐折磨得不成人形, 而Enjoi的老大Louie Barletta更是"不胜尿力",狂吐不止... A panda gets to second base, the whole team gets the dubstep blues, and Zack Wallin snaps a rare no-comply fakie.Louie Barletta can't escape drinking his own pee...