Nowhere Bound

一趟穿越美国西海岸的旅途,6人一起挤在一辆车内,追逐海浪,滑板场和空旷的道路,骑着摩托车四处穿梭,并不完美的旅途也许才是最好的旅途,Desillusion新片看起 Sometimes the best adventures are those left to chance. Desillusion Magazine presents ‘Nowhere Bound’, a road trip across the West Coast of America from Ventura to Oregon and back, in search of waves, skate parks and empty roads. Featuring Iron & Resin ambassadors JR Watson, Dylan Gordon, Ben Barnick, Cierra Cegielski, Holly Hanson and...

The Trip.

Desillusion再次发布文艺大片“旅途”,黑白色的画面中不时穿插颜料泼贱的效果,而在发现海的那一刻,一切变得色彩斑斓,如同进入了一个新的世界 Looking for paradise at the end of the road. Desillusion Magazine presents 'The Trip', an exclusive behind the scenes feature on Kate Bellm's upcoming fashion shoot "In The End Of Summer". Directed by Balthazar Klarwein.

The Other John, John.

夏威夷年轻的浪人John John无疑是世界上最棒的浪人之一,不过作为职业浪人的他并不是只有冲浪一种生活方式,他同时也是个摄影师,DSL主编Sebastien Zanella带来新片“另一个John John”记录了他对摄影的热爱,对生活中点滴乐趣的追求 Originating from the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii. This young prodigy is undoubtedly the future of surfing. Strong in all aspects, he is undeniably one of the best surfers in the world today. But John John isn't just a pro surfer living life on the beach.

Demons Don't Sleep - Troy Elmore

Desillusion新片“Demons Don't Sleep”发布,由Desillusion主编Sebastien Zanella亲自操刀拍摄制作,记录了Vans旗下冲浪人Troy Elmore一夜的生活,骑着车找个停车场滑板,再找个小酒馆,Troy就像夜里的幽灵游荡在一片空旷之中 Huntington Beach, California, another day in paradise, another night to let the demons speak.

KickerTalk 给大家推荐一个高逼格的滑板网站


Creatio Ex Nihilo, in search of abandonment and desolation

滑手们转辗邻里之间,从零开始创造,将水池抽空变为可以滑板的碗池,“我们把邻居家里蚊虫肆虐的水池清理干净,他们怎么可能来把我们赶走呢?” DSL杂志这就给大家带来新片:《重塑荒凉地》,充满文艺范的视频里不乏动感的节奏,值得欣赏 Desillusion Magazine proudly presents “Creatio Ex Nihilo”,A film by ourCaste

DSL:Let Yourself Go Trailer

身处11月的哥斯达黎加,体会着无与伦比的经历,享受着茂密的绿荫,原始的生态,壮阔的海平面,恢宏的夕阳...Desillusion杂志为我们倾情呈现短片Let Yourself Go,释放自我,提起滑板,尽情生活! Last summer Sosh teamed up with Desillusion and endless skateboarder/traveler Samuel Partaix to present ‘Let Yourself Go’.The aim of the game: To give someone the opportunity to share the ultimate experience in one of 8 destinations worldwide, by joining SOSH, Desillusion and Samuel Partaix on a voyage to one of the world’s...

Converse Montpellier

继Converse X Desillusion联合推出Dead City之后,Converse新片Converse Montpellier出炉,在去往西班牙的必经之路蒙彼利埃,滑手们四处寻找适合滑板的地形,浓郁的欧洲气息配合Cons轻松悠闲的风格,又是部文艺大片呀 After previously crossing waters in Dead City, the Converse skate team find themselves in familiar territory with this edit from Montpellier.

The Self Portrait Project - Fabiano Rodrigues

Guilherme Guimaraes用自己的相机给我们带来了一部文艺无比的视频,全片采用黑白色调处理,讲述了来自巴西的职业滑手兼摄影师 Fabiano Rodriguez 的故事. Fabiano 会从一个滑手的角度和一个摄影师的角度告诉你他眼中的滑板 The guys Désillusion Magazine we have the full version of 'The Self Portrait Project', a beautiful mini-movie in black and white shot by Guilherme Guimaraes which tells the story of pro-skater and photographer Brazilian Fabiano Rodrigues. As anticipated the video makes accompaniment to its portfolio + interview published...

Volcom Floating Ramp – Behind the scene.

相信看过 Volcom True To This 预告片的朋友们对那个漂浮在海上的 Mini Ramp 一定印象深刻,来自DSL杂志的小伙子们也对它极为感兴趣,于是独家就进行了一番明察暗访,这儿就奉上这个漂浮在海上的 Mini Ramp 更多照片,附上 True To This 视频,相信10月5日完整视频发布时会令全世界震惊! If you get the last Desillusion Magazine, you may as see the crazy Advertising made by Volcom featuring a floating Mini Ramp! So they investigate and just get in exclusivity, few behind the scene pictures.This Ramp was made originally...