September 3, 2007 / / PRO SKATER

Garrett Hill Pro For Zero(Zero的新Pro)

Zero has just announced that young styler Garrett Hill is now pro. Congrats, buddy!
Zero正式宣布:年轻且极具个人风格的Garrett Hill正式成为ZERO的职业滑手。恭喜恭喜。
Garrett Hill今年才18岁,来自洛杉矶北部山区,同时他还是OSIRIS的AM滑手(估计要不了多久就会加入FALLEN了吧),其它赞助商包括:Zero Skateboards, Zero Wheels, Osiris Shoes, Thunder Trucks, Altamont Clothing, Active Rideshop...

这里有一篇较早的时候Thrasher杂志对他的专访,可以增多你对他的了解,不过实在没有时间来翻译了,不过不是很难读懂,实在看不懂的要加油学习英语啦: )

Are you Goth?

No I'm not Goth. Chris Bodiford is Goth.

So do you wear the make-up?

I don't wear make-up.

Why do you have a Joan Jett haircut? Be honest dude, come on now!

I don't know. I don't cut my hair; it just does whatever it wants.

How old are you and where are you from?

I'm 17 and I'm from The Valley.

How'd you get on Zero?

I rode for Sixteen skateboards and Dan, the team manager, sent my video to Black Box without a note on it. He wanted to try and get me on Circa but since it didn't have a note Jamie assumed it was for Zero.

Was Dan bummed that you got on Zero?

No, he was happy for me.
I'm on Fallen flow.

Who were some of the skaters you looked up to growing up in The Valley?

Everyone who rode for the skateshop out there, 118 Boardshop. People who I used to skate with and who grew up skating in The Valley, like Paul Rodriguez and Spanky.

You've been coming down to SD a lot lately. Is it better than The Valley?

Yeah, there's nowhere to skate. The weather's better down south.

When you come down here you stay at the Black Box team house. Explain the house.

The house is a 24-hour party with no garbage cans. The house is a garbage can.

Who lives there?

Matt Winterberg (Zero filmer), Dan Murphy, Ryan Bobier, Tommy Sandoval.

Why is your nickname Molasses?

I don't know. Because I'm not super hyperactive, I guess. So I must be, like, really slow to most people

If you could be one person, who would you be?

Bob Dylan.

What about me?

Sorry, man.

Why Bob Dylan?

Bob Dylan rips. He's cooler than anybody.

You got a girlfriend?


Do you like Zero skulls?

Yeah, I guess so.

What's in your iPod?

My iPod's broken and I can't afford a new one.

Who's your favorite am?

James Brockman.

James Brockman is pro.

James Brockman is pro? Oh yeah.

That's a Molasses comment.

I don't get told anything. I sit at home and nobody calls me.

Well he's not really pro; I was kidding. So who's your favorite am besides the pro you just named?

Oh crap! I don't know anymore. I have no more options. Tommy Gunz.

Good answer. Why are your fingernails so dirty?

They get dirty really easily--I don't have the best hygiene.

How long have you had those jeans on?

A long time. I can't remember, maybe a month.

What's your favorite skatepark?

Zero park.

How many girls have you made out with while on tours?

I don't know. A few, I guess.

Who gets the most chicks on a Zero tour?

Probably Tommy Sandoval. He'll hook up with anything. Die Trying.

What's that pin on your pants say?

It says "The Darkness."

You like that band?

Why would I have the pin if I didn't like them?

Well you don't have any Zero pins on; does that mean that you don't like Zero?

You don't have any on either.

Watch it buster! Tell us about your Subway commercial audition.


Oh come on! Everyone's doing it.

Oh man. I got broke off. I got hit in my face doing a melon grab. It was at this private little skatepark in the middle of nowhere.

So you didn't get the part?


What do you do besides skate?

I read books.

No one's gonna believe that. What's the last book you read?

Harry Potter 5.

How long did it take you to read it?

Two or three months; it's like 870 pages.

What are some other books you've read?

I've read all the other Harry Potter books. I read them a lot.

Over and over again?

Yeah, four times each.

Wow! Have you ever been known to obsess over things?

Yeah, if I get psyched on one thing I kind of go with it.

If you could hang out with Johnny Cash or Joe Strummer, which would it be and why?

I couldn't pick between those two. They both are amazing musicians and if I had the chance to hang out with one or the other I'd have to say neither, because it'd be too hard to choose.

OK, so if you could hang out with both of them at the same time, what would you guys be doing right now?

We'd go bowling.

Bowling, huh? If you guys were in the car on the way to the bowling alley, what would be playing on the radio?

The Darkness.

Who's got shotgun?

Johnny Cash has shotgun and Joe Strummer is driving. I'm in the back.

Why aren't you driving?

I don't have a license yet.

Why don't you have a driver's license? You live in the valley; you need that.

I don't know why I don't have my license. I have no idea.

Want me to take you to get it right now?


We can just end this interview and go.

Okay, let's do it then.

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