8th RedBull Nanshan Open National Qualifier Results(第8届红牛南山公开赛资格赛顺利举行)

2009年12月26日,在中国北京的Quiksilver南山麦罗公园举办了本雪季第一次盛大的单板滑雪比赛----第8届红牛南山公开赛资格赛,所有的观众都为最终赢得决赛晋级资格的6名选手而欢呼,他们是:Andrew Wilde, 何伟, 李捷, 鸣鸣, 李朋欢 和 刘佟。来自各地的超过50名选手共同参加了今天的赛事,一起为赢取6个资格赛名额而战,以夺得与参加2010年9-10日第8届红牛南山公开赛的世界职业高手同台竞争的机会!
It was smiles all around for Andrew Wilde, He Wei, Li Jie, Ming Ming, Li Penghuan and Jokey Tong as it was announced they had qualified for the 8th Red Bull Nanshan Open on Saturday! Over 50 riders took to the Quiksilver Nanshan Mellow Park on an unseasonably cold Saturday to battle it out for the six remaining spots in the 8th Red Bull Nanshan Open, a 4Star Swatch Ticket To Ride World Snowboard Tour competition.

While a freak Thursday night sandstorm left the snow park covered in a 1cm layer of dirt on Friday, the park crew worked furiously to clear the mess, and with a fresh coat of nice, white man-made snow the park was once again shreddable come Saturday.
After a quick morning warm-up session, the pressure was on as riders took to the park for two runs, with only their highest scoring run counted. The tension was definitely visible as riders put their all into stomping their runs when it mattered the most!
Surprisingly some of the competition favourites would miss the cut this year, including last year's winners Zhang Wei and Xfox. However those that made it through did so deservedly. "While it was a pity that some of the bigger names didn't qualify, it's definitely cool to see some of the up-and-comers pushing themselves and surprising us! We're stoked on the lineup and happy to see some fresh faces out there," said Head Parkshaper and Judge Marco Huang.
Absent from last year's event, comeback kid Andrew Wilde would take home top honors this year, stomping his stylish winning run on his first attempt. Starting it off on the big kicker with a huge floating backside 180 followed by a steezed-out Cab 360, he then hit the boxes with a switch combo on the up-down and a back 180 on, Cab 360 off on the butter box. Second place went to young-gun He Wei, stomping a FS540 and Cab 360 on the kicker line finished off with a solid jib-run. After finishing both runs he then wowed the crowd with a huge FS900 guaranteeing he will be one to watch come January! Li Jie snatched 3rd place with an effortless BS360 on the big kicker, and while just scrubbing his FS540 on the second he made up for it with a super steezy jib run. Ming Ming, Li Penghuan, and Jokey would grab the last three remaining spots with some solid runs through the park.
With the full 8th Red Bull Nanshan Open riders list now complete, the locally qualified riders are sure to be in the park practicing non-stop over the next two weeks, ensuring they have their tricks perfected and hopefully dialing in some new ones! We can't wait to see what's in store for Chinese snowboarding come January.
A big shout-out goes to the Hong Kong contingent that travels over every year to participate - you guys rock!


今年的大新闻是好几位平时成绩非常好的选手在比赛中发挥失常,其中包括去年资格赛胜出的张伟和Xfox,而意外出现的几匹黑马则让大家惊喜不已。"很遗憾有几名原先被大家看好的滑手今天落选了,但是同时让我们感到非常高兴的是看到不少新选手取得了很好的成绩并获得了晋级资格!"麦罗公园的场地设计师及本次比赛裁判Marco Huang这样说道。

去年因故未能参赛的Andrew Wilde是本次比赛的大赢家,他以第一次滑行中的出色表现夺得了第一名。他先是在大跳台上做出了一个又高又飘的backside 180,紧接着是Cab 360,最后在box上以一连串干净利落的back 180 on, Cab 360 off组合完成了整个比赛动作。第二名是年轻的何伟,他的动作是跳台上的FS540 和Cab 360,接下来在道具上的动作也完成得十分流畅。在两次滑行结束后,他还特意为大家表演了一个大跳台上的FS900,进一步证明他的参赛实力!为李捷赢得第三名的出色动作是大跳台上的BS360以及FS540。鸣鸣,李朋欢和Jokey也以领先的成绩分别获得了另外三个晋级名额。



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