December 6, 2012 / / Warren Stuart

Pretty Sweet观后影评

20121206-084902.jpgWith so much anticipation for this video, Pretty Sweet did live up to what was to be expected from Girl/Chocolate.
我觉得这部电影是Girl/Chocolate的有一部力作, 和以往的作品保持了一贯的品质. 我不得不说这是截止目前我最喜欢的一个滑板电影. 在互联网无孔不入的今天, 非常难得Girl/Chocolate还在坚持推出他们的高质量额影片. 对我来说,这应该是最近看到过的最后一部全时长的影片. 这是滑板产业的一个里程碑.

I felt the video was another excellent effort by Girl/Chocolate, as their previous videos, I would say this is one of the best skateboarding videos to date. In this day & age when everything is made for web, it is good to see companies like Girl / Chocolate still producing quality skateboarding videos. For me, it is probably the last full feature video for the skate ledgends that I have idolized for over 2 decades. It is a milestone in Skateboarding history.

This video had a feeling of "the passing of the old to the new" - many legend pros had supporting part in younger pros part, which is a very nice way to usher in the new era of skateboard pros.

According to Ty Evans Instagram post, Guy Mariano had 6 hours 41 mins 35 seconds of footage available for Pretty sweet. He has not only inspired many generations of skaters,
Guy continues to inspire even his peers today by being such a role model & defining what it means to be a pro skater; a living legend he is.
His part blew me away, & you must watch it yourself to see.
Ty Evans在instagram上说, Guy Mariano为Pretty Sweet准备了6小时41分35秒的素材! 他启发了一代又一代的滑手, 直到今天他仍是标杆,典范, 他告诉大家什么是职业滑手, 一个活生生的传奇.
Other parts which I favor are Alex Olson & Mike Carroll's part, amazing feel with the old beastie boys track. Cory Kenney's part was bangin, this was Anthony Claravall's favorite part, Brandon & Jeron's part, Jesus & Chico part... Vincent's part.. the "Trunk boys" are the next generation.
另一个我很喜欢的部分就是Alex Olson和Mike Carroll的, 配的Beastie Boys的音乐也非常棒. Cory Kenney的部分是Anthony Claravall的最爱, Brandon和Jerson的部分, Jesus和Chico的部分,还有Vincent的部分,他们都是新一代.
The Deluxe disc version includes over an hour of the unused footage that will blow your mind, for older guys like me, you will appreciate the extra footage of Eric Koston, Guy Mariano, Mike Carrol, Gino Iannucci, Rick Howard, Brian Anderson, etc etc. The extra footage of the new skaters are in my opinion equally as mind blowing as the main feature film. It is definitely worth collecting this disc set, which has both DVD & Blu-ray. Blu-ray disc is amazingly sharp & clear. Highly recommend getting a blu-ray player if you dont have one already.
豪华影碟版里包括了超过一个小时的没有被收入片子的footage, 同样牛逼, 对于那些像我一样的老滑手来说, 更是不容错过, 因为这里面有Eric Koston, Guy Mariano, Mike Carrol, Gino Iannucci, Rick Howard, Brian Anderson等等. 这个套装里有DVD和蓝光光盘, 蓝光超级清楚,为了这个去买个蓝光播放机都值得.

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