February 16, 2014 / / PRO SKATER

10 Pros With College Degrees

The general stereotype of the professional skateboarder isn’t usually one of higher education, but degrees and skateboarding aren't typically associated, but some have managed to excel in both.Here are ten pros and their majors.For English scroll down please...

01 rattray

1. Zero Pro:John Rattray, 格拉斯哥大学物理系

Zero新片Cold War之中就有Rattray的片段,勇猛的风格令人称赞,不过如果你看过Rattray的访谈,听他谈论视频之类的,你一定会认为这家伙学识广,很聪明,没错,他经常引经据典,在Osiris Feed The Need视频之中的开场片段,他就是拿着书飘过的,他学的是物理专业


02 philshao

2. Phil Shao (RIP), 加州大学伯克利分校 英语系

Phil Shao是一名极具影响力的滑手,在他短暂的一生之内给世界留下了很大的影响,包括在Girl&Chocolate的Pretty Sweet片子的结束中也有对Phil Shao的致敬,他曾就读于加州大学伯克利分校,是英语专业的学生,在1998年8月22日是,Phil Shao因车祸遇难,RIP


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3. Circa Pro:Walker Ryan, 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 社会学 

Walker Ryan刚从大学毕业还没多久,就被转正成为Pro了,他在加州大学圣地亚哥分校中读的是社会学,获得了社会学学士学位。显然他在Pro的工作之中不需要社会学的知识,不过也许在他滑板的旅途之中,面对不同的人,这些知识还是有点儿作用的


04 Andrew cannon

4. World Industries Pro:Andrew Cannon, 亚利桑那州立大学英语专业

Andrew Cannon是个多才多艺的Pro,他曾参加Street League,是一个好丈夫,还养了一条狗,还是一名重金属音乐鉴赏家,在大学时他还是一名代课教师,这直接导致学校的孩子们非常期待他们的常任老师生病,这么一来Andrew Cannon就可以登场了!



5. Mystery Pro:Dan Murphy, 北卡罗来纳州立大学 心理学



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6. Palace Pro:Olly Todd, 创意写作 - 利物浦大学 



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7. Toy Machine Pro:Diego Bucchieri, 巴勒莫大学 化学系
谁能知道这个屠夫(屠夫Butcher发音近似Bucchieri )竟然是个可以用几瓶药水配置炸弹的人?好了,现在大家都知道了


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8. 5 Boro Pro:Jimmy McDonald,影视人类学 - 坦普尔大学 

影视人类学是什么专业有人知道吗?5Boro的老职Jimmy McDonald就是念这个专业的....看看就好无需深究....


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9. Lakai Pro:Nick Jensen, 切尔西艺术学院 艺术专业研究生...


10 danny

10. BLVD Pro:Danny Montoya, 通识教育 - 社区大学 
Danny也是个多才多艺的Pro,曾在社区大学中表现优异,学业完成之后他成立了自己的滑板公司 BLVD Skateboards,凭借他的勇猛和反脚技术依旧活跃滑板届
1. John Rattray, Physics -- University of Glasgow
Rattray’s someone who you read an interview from or hear him talking in a video and you’d probably assume this guy’s well read and book smart, and you’d be right. While he’ll often quote poetry or be seen with a book in hand as in his Osiris Feed the Need part, he actually was a Physics major.

2. Phil Shao (RIP), English -- University of California, Berkeley
Phil Shao was a great many things and a phenomenal skateboarder during his all too brief time on earth. Shao majored in English from University of California Berkeley.

3. Walker Ryan, Sociology -- UCSD
Walker is probably the most recent college graduate, having turned pro shortly after graduating from UCSD with a Bachelors in Sociology, which is the study of human social behavior. While he might not be putting that degree to use at a desk job, he’s probably applying it every day when observing his fellow skateboarders or fellow man in his many exotic travel destinations.

4. Andrew Cannon, Secondary Education, English -- Arizona State University
A man with many talents who wears many different hats, Andrew Cannon, in between announcing high profile skate contests such as Street League, being a talented pro skater, a husband, dog owner and heavy metal connoisseur, at times puts his college education to use as a substitute teacher. Every school has at least one cool sub that the kids look forward to when they hear their regular teacher is out sick, Andrew is probably just that.

5. Dan Murphy, Psychology -- NC State
Dan put a lot of time in at his college both in class and on his board. He’s said in interviews that if it wasn’t so expensive he’d be interested in going back for his PhD. He also minore in Parks and Recreation management, so either way he’s got something to fall back on, be it psychologist or skatepark owner.
6. Olly Todd, Creative Writing -- University of Liverpool
Palace Skateboards pro Olly Todd is another renaissance man of sorts. Skilled with a camera, a skateboard, and a pen the man has a penchant for what lies on the creative side of things. Some of his poems have been featured by Vice Magazine.

7. Diego Bucchieri, Chemistry -- Universidad de Palermo
Who knew that The Butcher was a certifiable chemist? Well now we all know.

8. Jimmy McDonald, Visual Anthropology -- Temple University
Many would be hard pressed to tell you what exactly visual anthropology is, but 5Boro pro Jimmy McDonald has a degree in it. So put that on your toast and eat it.

9. Nick Jensen, Art (Masters) -- Chelsea School of Art
Nick’s got the full artist vibe down. He’s wiry, English, articulate, so it should come as no surprise that he’s got a couple degrees in art and is one hell of a surrealist painter.

10. Danny Montoya, Liberal Studies -- Community College
Another man of many talents, Danny Montoya put in some semesters and earned himself an AA a ways back from the local Community College. Now, years later he’s running his own company and continues to have some of the best mollie and switch skills in the game.

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