Drew Fraser 离开 SHOX 告别短片及访谈

Drew Fraser 正式宣布自己离开了效忠多年的 Shox,并且制作了长达6分钟的Shox Memories回忆视频,里面包含了这些年Drew在Shox的片段合集,同时我们还对Drew进行了简短的采访,探究一下Drew离开Shox的原因所在。

GZ bs kickflip

A:我并不是想打破那些还沉浸在美好故事中的人的美梦,事实上真的没有这种东西。首先我想说的是,我一直很爱Shox Skateboards的所有人,对大家充满敬意,我很感激在过去5年来你们为我做的一切,我依旧会把你们当成家人一样看待。离开的决定非常艰难,我只是觉得是时候做点新东西去追求我的梦想了。

GZ sw kickflip

A:这些年我和我的家庭里都出现了重要改变,今年早些时候我们关闭了已经运营了两年的Ardent滑板场,我还有了小女儿(Brielle Anita Fraser),现在我们决定从昆明搬到南宁,去加入我朋友的滑板公司。






感谢我现在的赞助商DC Shoes,Quintin Co & Tough Planet,感谢大家喜欢我的视频,选择我的签名款。 关注我的微博@Drew祝Fraser 来获得更多令人兴奋的滑板消息!上帝保佑你们!

GZ bs noseslide

Why did you leave Shox?

I hate to disappoint those looking for a juicy story, but there isn’t one. I want to start off by saying that I have nothing but love and respect for everyone over at Shox Skateboards! I am extremely grateful for all they have done for me over the last five years and I still consider them family. Leaving the team was not an easy decision for me but I just feel like it’s time to do something new, time to pursue my dreams.

What have you been busy with these days?

This year has been a year of huge changes for myself and my family! Earlier this year we closed Ardent Skatepark after two years of business, we had a baby girl (Brielle Anita Fraser), and now we plan on moving from Kunming (our home of five years) to Nanning, GuangXi to join our close friends' skateboard company.

I have done more skating in the last six months than I’ve done in the past few years. Now that I have less pressure from “work” and more free time I feel like I’m falling in love with skating again. I've felt a new passion to push myself, learn new things and film for skate projects. I’m working on a “Welcome” clip for the new board brand that should be ready with the release of my pro model board within the next few months. Be on the lookout for that!

What are your plans after Shox?

In short, I am starting a new chapter in my skateboarding career. It’s time for some change. I will be working with longtime friends on a new skateboard project. Sorry guys I’m not ready to tell you what it is yet, but that news will be coming soon.

I am excited about the possibility of being a part of something that is an extension of who I am. Whether you like the art, the vision of the company or just the riders, I think everyone is looking to ride product that they connect with on a personal level. This company represents many different things that I deeply care about from quality and board shape down to the deeper things like vision, art direction and even my faith in God.

Aside from skating and pushing the brand I have a few other projects on the go to give back to the skate community. I am starting something called "Skate Clubs” in several cities to encourage older skaters to mentor the young guys as well as designing small skatepark projects.

Thanks my current sponsors DC Shoes, Quintin Co. & Tough Planet and thanks to everyone who has supported me in the past by watching my videos and buying my boards! Follow me on WeiBo @Drew祝Fraser for exciting news and much more skateboarding. God Bless!

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