Troy Gibson - Always Remember Why You Want to Skate

Supreme brought over their team to celebration their Shanghai store opening. We had a chance to talk to one of the rising star - Troy Gibson. With the most footage in "Late Night Special", Troy was the perfect person to ask about his recent trip to Shanghai and we also talked about his skate stories with New York and Supreme.

🎙️: Please introduce yourself.
🟥: Troy Gibson. I was born in Oakland and then I moved to Seattle. I grew up there, when I was like 18, I moved to New York. So I live there now.

🎙️: When did you arrived Shanghai and where have you been?
🟥: Got here like three days ago. We've been going out at night a lot and doing like karaoke. Me and my friend Genesis singing karaoke a bunch with some friends. Because last time I was here, we were just skating. So I don’t have time to see the city. I definitely want to go explore the city this time. But also I want to go find some cool markets, look at some cool stuff, try to find a bunch of random clothes and stuff like that. A lot of my friends back home in New York, they're hitting me up and they're like, go grab me some stuff. yeah, tomorrow, I'm planning on it. I'm gonna try to wake up early.

🎙️: How about your last skate trip to Shanghai?
🟥: We'll see here for like 12 days. Four of those days rained though, so we kind of only had a full week of skating. Tyshawn, Ben Kadow, Bill and I. So four, five people in total. And then Malik, who works at the Supreme Store now. He was showing us around. My favorite spot was by the river, where there's all those spots. It's like a bunch of spots in a row. There's like a little skate park, and it has a pyramid. It's like for kids, I think, because the ground is really soft. Kind of hard to skate, but I like it a lot. It's like fun. That was my favorite thing.

🎙️: What do you think about the Shanghai Supreme Store?
🟥: The new store here is really cool, it's very open, I skated the bowl yesterday, which was really fun. The bowl is crazy because there is a beam that goes over it. So they had to make the bowl lower and make it dip, which is cool. I like the layout is a little different and kind of really big.

🎙️: How did you first get into skateboarding?
🟥: My mom's friend, her son was doing a skate camp in Seattle. There is a indoor park, called innerspace, and my mom was working at that time and can't take care of me all the time. So kind of use the skate park as a daycare kind of thing. She would just drop me off, my first week at the camp and then just kept going, just skating that place all the time. And so from then.

🎙️: So what made you move from Seattle to New York? Why New York? Because I know lots of skaters moved to California, right?
🟥: Yeah, it's L.A. I was thinking about going to LA first, then I ended up starting to getting close with Noah clothing. My friend Alex was doing the whole program, and he just started. He told me that they are going to make a skate program. you should come out to New York and film for it. It's going to be a big promo. My parents were like, you have to go to school. So I kind of went out there telling my parents with the intention of going to school, but ended up going to just film with him, and I stayed on his couch. I was supposed to stay for like two weeks, and I ended up staying for four months, just skated every day. And then half school, half go film. I just fell in love with the people there.

🎙️: How are you at that time?
🟥: I was 18. it's like as soon as I graduated high school.

🎙️: How did you become part of supreme team?
🟥: My friend Seven Strong was skating. He also skates for supreme. One time, Seven said, we're going to go film up in Philly. you should just come. Because I always skate with them anyway and Bill was filming, oh yeah, I'm down to go. I just tagged along with them and then from there, filmed a clip with Bill. It just happened to be like on that trip. Then I had to go back to Seattle later in that month. While I was back in Seattle, Bill called me and was like, hey, would you like to have this opportunity to maybe skate with us? And I had to tell my friend Alex, that I want to transition into this, and I was mad nervous to tell him. Because he let me stay at his house and everything. He was so sweet to me. I feel hella bad. It took me two weeks to muster the courage to call him.I don't think I want to do this anymore, blah blah blah. But it all worked out really well.

🎙️: How many trips Supreme brought you on?
🟥: It's been a couple now. My first one was the Milan trip, and then was Berlin. I've been back to Milan a couple times because to film like Instagram or like season opening stuff pretty much all like the when they opened a new store.

🎙️: What is the typical skate day in New York like for you.
🟥: I wake up pretty early, then go to the coffee shop. I live in East Village, near Tompkins Square Park. I Go get coffee, cause a bunch of my friends work in that area, and I run into people all the time. So I go there and then usually somebody will just walk in the coffee shop, they'll be like, what are you doing today? let's go skate this. My friend K, he lives with me. I film with him a lot. Either hit him up in the morning, hey, you want to go skate this spot? Or, try to link up with Bill or somebody and just try to skate as much as I can.

🎙️: Where do you skate the most in New York?
🟥: I always end up at Tompkins. They repaved it now, So it's not so many cracks. I like it there a lot. I mean, I live right there, so I naturally end up going there a lot.

🎙️: What's your plan for the next after the Shanghai trip?
🟥: Um, go back to New York and just continue filming. Just trying to skate as much as possible and stay healthy. I just want to skate more and try to film as much as I can. It's like a bunch of stuff in New York, especially after filming for that PLAYDEAD video that I didn't get the chance to do. But I want to go back and try to.

🎙️: Is there a violet video in the works.
🟥: Yeah, that's what I'm filming for. The whole time I'm back in New York, I'm just going to be trying to film for that or anywhere else we go. But New York. There's stuff I just want to handle.

🎙️: Anything you want to say to Chinese skaters?
🟥: If you got a good group of friends out here to skate with, I think that's the best thing you can do wherever you are in the world. Friendship is pretty powerful. I always had good friends when I grew up. All my friends in Seattle, I still skate with them. Just go skate, not taking it too seriously. Just remember why you want to skate? I was talking to some kid in New York recently and he was really stoked. The whole time he was just talking, he was like, I want to do this, I want to do that...... For sure, nobody's stopping you, you can't force it at the end of the day, wherever you want to get.

🎙️: 先介绍一下自己吧。
🟥: 我叫 Troy Gibson,出生在奥克兰,然后随家人搬到了西雅图并在那里长大,18岁的时候我搬到了纽约,所以我现在住在那儿。

🎙️: 来上海这几天都去哪里玩了?
🟥: 大约三天前我来到这里,我们每晚都出去玩,去唱卡拉OK,是那种大型的KTV包厢。因为上次我来这里的时候,只是为了拍摄 Supreme 上海的影片,没有太多时间去看看这座城市。这次我想四处逛逛,探索一下。我也想去找一些很酷的市场,看看有趣的东西,买一些衣服之类的。我在纽约的很多朋友都联系我,问我能不能帮他们带点东西。明天是我离开前的最后一天,我得早点起床。

🎙️: 说说上一次的拍摄吧。
🟥: 上一次我们在上海待了12天,其中有四天下雨,所以大概就一个星期的时间可以滑板。跟我一起来的还有 Tyshawn Jones 和 Ben Kadow,总共四五个人吧。Malik 是我们的本地向导,现在他也在 Supreme 上海工作。他带我们去了很多地形,还有七宝那边,认识了一些本地的朋友。

🎙️: 有没有特别喜欢的地形?
🟥: 我最喜欢的一个地形就是江边有许多滑板地形的地方(徐汇滨江),其中有个小滑板公园,有个金字塔形的台子。那个地方好像是为小朋友准备的,因为地面很软,有点难滑,但是我挺喜欢的,很有趣。

🎙️: 觉得上海 Supreme 店怎么样?
🟥: 新店很酷,空间很大,特别开放。尤其是店内的碗池,那里有一根横梁,所以他们不得不把碗池中部设计的低一点,有点凹下去,很有意思。

🎙️: 你最早是怎么开始滑板的?
🟥: 我妈妈有个朋友,她的儿子在西雅图搞了一个滑板夏令营。他们有一个室内滑板公园,叫 innerspace,当时我妈妈在工作,她没法一直照顾他,所以就把滑板公园当作日托中心,她去工作就把我送到那儿。我参加了第一周的夏令营,然后就一直去,一直在那个地方滑。

🎙️: 是什么让你从西雅图搬到纽约的呢?为什么是纽约?我知道很多滑手都会搬到加州,对吧?
🟥: 是的,很多人去洛杉矶,我最初也考虑过要不要去洛杉矶,但是我父母不放我走,让我必须先完成学业。后来有个和 Noah 服饰合作的机会,我朋友 Alex 在给他们负责滑板的项目,他刚开始做,就来找到我说,我们要做一个关于滑板的项目,你应该来纽约给我们录视频。我跟我爸妈说我要去纽约看学校,然后到了就开始给他们拍摄。我睡在他家的沙发上,本来打算只住两周,但是最后一住就是四个月。晚上睡沙发,白天去滑板,然后我就爱上了那里的人。那时我 18 岁,高中刚毕业。

🎙️: 你是如何成为 Supreme 团队的一员的?
🟥: 我的朋友 Seven Strong 在为 Supreme 滑。我们经常一起滑板,有一次 Seven 说,我们要去费城录视频,你应该一起去。反正我也总是跟他们滑,我就说,好的,我一起去。然后就在那趟旅途中,我收了一个动作。那个月晚些时候我要回西雅图了,William Strobeck 给我打电话说,嘿,喜欢和你一起滑板,想不想有机会和我们合作之类的话。我还得和我的朋友 Alex 说这事儿,他之前给我寄过 Noah 的衣服,所以我得告诉他我想换个方向了。我很紧张,因为之前他让我住在他家,对我特别好,我很不好意思。纠结了好久,花了两周才鼓起勇气打电话给他,Alex,我好像不想再走这条路了...... 但一切都顺利,最后事情都解决了。

🎙️: Supreme 都带你去过哪些地方旅行?
🟥: 第一次是米兰,之后去了柏林。其实我去过米兰多次,都是为了拍一些 Instagram 或者开季视频,大部分是和开新店有关的。

🎙️: 你在纽约一天典型的滑板生活是怎样的?
🟥: 我一般起的挺早,床会去咖啡馆。我住在东村,Tompkins 滑板公园附近。因为我的很多朋友都在那附近工作,所以在咖啡馆我经常会碰见熟人。他们会说,嘿,今天干啥呢?要不要去哪滑?再就是我的室友 K,我经常给他录视频,我早上会联系他,问他要不要去滑板或者拍点东西,我也会去找 Bill 或者其他人,尽可能的多滑板。

🎙️: 你在纽约滑的最多的地方是?
🟥: 我基本都会去 Tompkins。他们重新铺了地面,所以没有那么多裂缝了。我很喜欢那个地方,反正我就住那儿,经常溜达过去。

🎙️: 上海之行结束后你有什么打算?
🟥: 回纽约继续拍视频,多滑板,保持健康,就是这些。我想多滑板,尽可能多的拍视频。回去还有很多事情要做,尤其是在去年结束了 PlayDead 视频的拍摄,也要开始着手新片的拍摄了。

🎙️: 你有在拍 Violet 的视频吗?
🟥: 最近正在拍的就是这个。每次回纽约,我就会拍这个视频,或者去其他地方也会继续攒动作,总之在纽约还有我想完成的东西。

🎙️: 有什么话想对中国的滑手说吗?
🟥: 我觉得友谊,至少对我来说非常重要,我一直都有很好的朋友。我在西雅图的所有朋友,到现在还一起滑板,我很爱他们,他们让我的人生很完整。只要有一群好朋友在一起,你在世界上的哪个地方都能开心的滑板。所以,别太认真,要记得你为什么要滑板。最近在纽约和一个孩子聊天,他特别激动,一直在说,我想做这个,我想做那个...... 我说,你当然可以啊,没人拦着你,只要你是发自内心的喜欢,没人可以强迫你去达到什么目标。

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