Rome Collyer - Vans Australia Shaolin Kid

In Vans Asia's new skate video "PETALS", he made his first appearance and not only played an important role but also became the cover of the video; he won the cover of the anniversary issue of Australian skateboarding magazine "SLAM"; he was invited to the United States for the AVE 2.0 shoe launch event; he went to Dubai to attended the Olympic qualifying competition and won the ninth place in the preliminaries - he also had his 18th birthday that day; recently he was filming with the Vans team in Las Vegas...

It can be said that this Australian rising star, who has not many sponsors other than Vans, has attracted a lot of attention in the past two years. We also found this fledgling skateboarder and talked about the stories behind his skateboarding shooting, his crazy travel stories in different countries and his views on competitions.

在 Vans 亚太新片《PETALS》中首次出镜,不但占据重要地位更成为视频封面;拿下澳洲《SLAM》滑板杂志周年纪念刊封面;受邀去美国参加 AVE 2.0 鞋测;前往迪拜参加奥运会积分赛,拿下预赛第九——当天还赶上 18 岁生日;最近又在拉斯维加斯和 Vans 队伍拍摄……
可以说这位除了 Vans 基本没太多赞助的澳洲新星最近两年引起了不少关注,我们也找到这位羽翼丰满的滑手,聊了聊他滑板拍摄的背后,在不同国家的疯狂旅途故事和对比赛的看法。


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🎙️ We find an old post on ya Instagram with a #shaolin tag, do you familiar with the term Shaolin?
Yeah my dad and I use to think if you took the board out from under my feet in that photo I looked like a little Shaolin monk flying in the air.

🎙️ When did you start skating?
I started skating when I was around 3 and a half years old. I got my first skateboard for Christmas, it was a little Kmart board with a lightning McQueen graphic.

🎙️ Your father is also a skateboarder, right? Could you tell us a little bit about him?
Dad started skating when I started skating that’s how I got into it. He use to surf a lot too when he was younger and also was a Muay Thai fighter for a few years before I was born. But he doesn’t skate too much anymore as he’s always working and supporting the family, still can pop a kick flip though. He’s the best.

🎙️ What is the most profound thing your father has influenced on your skateboarding and life?
If you find something you love doing stick with it. He’s always said he doesn’t care what I do as long as I know why I’m doing it.

🎙️ As far as I can remember, you've been wearing Vans since the beginning. What's your story with Vans?
I started skating for Vans Australia when I was 8 years old. One of the main reasons was my dad really liked Andrew Mapstone who was the TM at the time. He loved how staunch and real he was. After dad chatted with Bjorn Johnson he encouraged the decision and the rest is history.

🎙️ Which country did you enjoy visiting the most in the Asia Pacific video?
Probably South Korea or Malaysia, they both had sick spots and were fun trips.

🎙️ What country had the craziest security during filming, and what was the story?
In Seoul we were skating this ledge in the city for about 15-20 minutes then this security guard came out of the building and was yelling at us to leave in Korean with what looked like a gun strapped to he’s leg. Was pretty gnarly because if we did or say anything to make more angry things might have gone pretty bad.

🎙️ Who’s your top 3 favorite skaters in this video?
I like everyone’s skating but Rio, Rubi and Daiki would probably be my favourites. They all have sick styles and unique tricks.

🎙️ How many times did you film your intro line in the park, and what was the trick you were most worried about?
It took a while because I was actually trying another two tricks after the kick flip back tail big spin. I couldn’t land that line so I just ended the line with the kick flip back tail big spin but probably the nollie heel on flat was hardest to land clean because I was tired from all the other tricks before it haha.

🎙️ Was the back over crooked grind in the end the hardest trick to get?
It wasn’t the hardest but it was a bit scary to go for.

🎙️ You don’t have tricks from China in this video. Come to China to shred! You should visit Shaolin temple too.
I didn’t make it on that trip as my China visa got declined because I didn’t bring my original birth certificate to the Chinese embassy in Brisbane. Definitely need to go to china for sure. I’ve been wanting to go since I was young, all the spots look so perfect.

🎙️ Do you want to talk about the upcoming Olympics? What’s your expectations for yourself? You have a goal in mind?
I just want to do my best and enjoy it. Hopefully I can make it into the cut for the Olympics. It’s always sick skating with the best comp skaters in the world.

🎙️ You're still in school, right? Do your teachers give you special treatment because of you are on the national team?
I’m actually not in school anymore. I dropped out last year and only finished up until year 10. It was getting too stressful with travelling and coming back and having to catch up on schoolwork.

🎙️ 你有一个很早的 instagram 帖子写着#shaolin ,你知道这个词是什么意思对吗?

🎙️ 感觉你开始滑板的年纪非常小,大概是多大?
我大约在 3 岁半的时候开始滑板。我的第一块滑板是在圣诞节得到的,一块 Kmart 连锁商超的小玩具滑板,上面有闪电麦昆的图案。

🎙️ 你父亲也是一位滑手吧?能为我们简单介绍下他吗?
我和我爸是那时候一起开始滑板的。他年轻时也经常冲浪,在我出生前,他还当过几年泰拳手。不过他现在已经不怎么滑了,因为他一直在工作,要养家糊口。不过他还是能踢出 kickflip,他是最棒的。

🎙️ 父亲对你滑板和生活上,影响最深的事情是什么?

🎙️ 印象里,你从一开始就在穿 vans 滑板,你和 vans 的故事是什么?
我 8 岁时开始为 Vans 澳大利亚滑。其中一个主要原因是我父亲非常喜欢当时的团队经理 Andrew Mapstone。他喜欢 Andrew 的坚定和真实。在我父亲与另一个滑手 Bjorn Johnson 聊过之后,他们都鼓励我做出这个决定,而剩下的就是顺其自然发生了。

🎙️ 澳洲很疯狂,不过在亚太那部影片里,你还去了更多国家,你最想再回去的是哪里?

🎙️ 拍摄过程中,安保最疯狂的国家和故事是什么?
在首尔,我们一个台阶上滑了大约 15 - 20 分钟,然后一个保安从大楼里走出来,用韩语大声叫我们离开,他的腿上好像绑着一把枪。如果我们做了什么或说了什么让他更生气的话,事情可能会变得很糟糕。

🎙️ 片子里你的 top 3 滑手是谁?
我真的欣赏每个人!但一定要说,那我最喜欢 Rio、Rubi 和 Daiki。他们的风格和技巧都很独特。

🎙️ 你的出场片段那条公园线拍了多少遍,最令你担心的动作是?
花了很长时间,因为在 kickflip back tail big spin 之后,我还想再加两个招,但一直没办法完成,所以我只能放弃。最难完成的动作其实是 nollie heel ,因为之前的所有动作都让我很累,哈哈哈哈。

🎙️ 影片中最难搞定的动作是最后的 bs overcrooked 吗?

🎙️ 这次你好像没有太多中国行程?

🎙️ 欢迎你下次来拿下点什么动作,或许你该去参观下少林寺。

🎙️ 你还在上学对吗?你的同学和老师会因为你在国家队,而特别优待你吗?
其实我已经不在学校了。我去年退学了,只读到 10 年级。我觉得压力太大了,出差回来还要补课哈哈哈哈。

🎙️ 最后你想聊聊奥运会吗?你对自己的成绩有什么期许和目标?

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