October 22, 2018 / / PRO SKATER

#独家专访# Mariah 再夺世界冠军,女滑手要勇敢做自己。

在刚刚结束的 X GAMES 悉尼站上,Mariah Duran 又夺得一枚冠军奖牌,此前她也刚刚拿下 X GAMES 明尼阿波利斯站的冠军,随着 adidas DasDays 上海站的到来,我们采访到了这位年轻的世界冠军。

( 冠亚季军:Mariah Duran,Leticia Bufoni,Aori Nishimura )

(Mariah Duran X GAMES 悉尼站夺冠回合)

📄 滑手档案 📄

姓名:Mariah Duran




🎙️ 你好,Mariah,可以介绍下你自己吗?

我叫 Mariah Durran,来自新墨西哥州,阿尔布开克(现在还住那里),我的赞助商包括:adidas,meow 滑板,Cloud 9砂纸,Thunder 滑板桥,CHPO。

- Hi Mariah. Could you introduce yourself?
Mariah Duran - 21 - Albuquerque New Mexico (still live there);Sponsors : Adidas , Meow Skateboards, Cloud 9 Griptape, Thunder Trucks, CHPO.

🎙️ 这是你第一次来上海吗?


- Is this your first time in Shanghai (if not,when was the first time, How do you feel about?

Yes first time in Shanghai. Skate spots are perfect. The people are super nice. Skaters are fun to skate with. The food spots were all good shout out to you for taking us.

(Jenn Soto 和 Mariah Duran 在 KickerClub 的快问快答)

🎙️ 旅途中有什么好玩的经历吗?

有很多很棒的经历,有很多的第一次!比如第一次推拿,第一次在上海的街头滑板,第一次尝试鸡尾酒,第一次吃月饼和唱卡拉 OK。

- Any fun life experience during the trip?
Yes, Great experience out there. First Times: Massage, Street skating out there, trying mixed drinks, Moon cakes , Karaoke

🎙️ 你觉得中国的地形和家乡的比起来怎么样,有你喜欢的地形吗?


- How do you feel the skate spot between your homeland and China, any your favorite one in this trip?

All the spots are super perfect that it almost feels like a skate park when you are skating. Perfect Ledges , one thing I don’t have back home. Favorite spot was the banks we skated (Hip Spot) .

(照片:Zander Taketomo,Mariah Duran )

🎙️ 聊一下你的滑板经历?


- Talk about your skate life.

I started skating around 10 because my older brother skated. I kept skating because it was the only sport I felt I had fun doing. I’m my own coach and get to be as creative as I want. I love both street and parks . Just depends on what I’m feeling. If I’m doing a project Ill hit the streets, and if I want to learn a trick I will hit a park. I skate full time so my skate life is amazing. I have been traveling a lot so its awesome to travel the world all for skating. And cool to skate in new places.

(照片:Zander Taketomo,Mariah Duran )

🎙️ 你最喜欢的滑手是谁?

Marissa Del Santo 是我最喜欢的滑手,但我总是从不同地方得到激励,Rodrigo TX 和 Manny Santiago 是我一直以来都觉得,无论是看他们滑板或是和他们一起滑都是非常有趣的体验。

- Who is your favorite skater?

Marissa Del Santo will always be my favorite. But I find Inspire everywhere I skate. Rodrigo TX , and Manny Santiago are always fun to watch/ skate with as well.

🎙️ 你觉得现在女子滑板在世界的发展怎么样?你有什么个人建议去给那些想得到赞助的女滑手吗?


- How do you think about female skateboarding in the world now? You have any personal advice for the girls who wanna try to get sponsor?

Female skateboarding is growing daily. Its amazing to be apart of something that is becoming more excepted. My only advice to girls would be to have fun and just be yourself. There is room for everyone.

(照片:Zander Taketomo,Mariah Duran )

🎙️ 作为一个赞助滑手,你每天的生活大概是什么样?


- As a sponsored skater, what you do everyday with skate and life?

I for sure skate everyday not because I have to but because I want to.There is still room for

growth so I thats what keeps me motivated. If I ’ m not skating I ’ m probably hiking in the mountains.

🎙️ 你有在进行什么项目吗?

我最近和 adidas 在上海完成了一个视频项目,大约会在十月份发布,同时我也在家乡拍了另外的视频,然后就是准备比赛,去到不同地方开始滑板之旅。

- Do you have any project working on or after?

I just filmed for a project in Shanghai with Adidas dropping in October. Also working on a street

part back home. And traveling for contest constantly.

🎙️ 最后想说点什么吗?


- Would you share some words for the people and skaters in China

You guys all made my experience great with the fun vibes and fun sessions. Definitely want to go


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