August 8, 2013 / / PRO SKATER

BRIAN ANDERSON 采访 告诉你 3D 公司背后的事情

2013年5月,没人知道滑板界发生了什么,Dill 和 Ave宣布离开AWS,Brain Anderson 离开Girl,不久Alex Olson 也离开了Girl,一切尘埃落定大家才发现Dill 和 Ave 开始了自己的项目,Brian Anderson 和 Alex Olson 以及 Austyn Gillette 成立了自己的滑板公司,仅凭 Instagram 上的几张图片我们只是知道了点儿皮毛,现在就带给大家3D 的老板:Brain Anderson 的访谈,告诉你这背后的事情

Q:Dill 和 Ave 差不多和你在宣布离开Girl 的同时离开Alien Workshop的,他们的举动是否影响到你做出离开的决定?
A: 这完全是个巧合,我不知道他们俩要干嘛。那时候我已经做好离开Girl的决定了,而且我没有告诉任何人,我在滑板生涯这种时候做出这个举动只是想挑战一下自己,让自己不断前行。当Dill 和 AVE 宣布这事的时候我实在是大吃一惊,这不对菇啊!自己宣布和自己真正在乎的事情分开这不是件容易的事情,和他们谈了之后发现这事背后的压力以及友谊的联系,感觉不错

Q:传闻说3D的名字来源于3 Dudes 或者 3 Dicks,这是真的吗?为什么叫3D
A:[哈哈]当然不是咯,我想了大概5个名字,其实是这样的,我很注重格局和视觉上的美,你看 Skate Mental 是两个词嘛,在同样大小的地方似乎字越少看上去越美观,像Girl, Zero, Flip 有很多这种4个字的牌子,很简单,一个音节就搞定了。我想到3D,听起来很棒而且很简单,不过这词已经在当今社会中广为流传,但是我确实很喜欢这个词。Brad Staba 也很喜欢这个,很高兴他也选择了这个名字
Q:以前也有个服饰品牌叫”3D Innovations”由Matt Landon 在1990年成立于康涅狄格,跟你一个州的老乡,他们旗下有Jeff Pang, Matt Reason and Jahmal Williams这些滑手,你在命名 3d skateboards 之前知道这个公司吗
A:我也没听说过,当我和Brad 一起注册3d skateboards时才发现这不是一个没有用过的名字,后来我和3D Innovations 的 Matt谈过了,这没什么关系,很多餐馆,服饰,经销商的牌子都用着类似的名字嘛,所以这个没什么大碍。

Q:除了自己想要成立 公司之外,Girl 里面是否发生过一些令人不愉快的事曾经影响到你的决定?

Q:Alex Olson 和 Austyn Gillette 是怎么加入进来的?

Q:我在Instagram上看到Anthony Pappalardo 发表了些关于3D的东西,是不是公司准备把他也纳入旗下?还有没有别的人试图加入的?
A:哎呀,我好像没看到他写的东西,不过大家似乎都很想他加入3D,我也很喜欢Anthony,这家伙确实很牛逼,不过我得先照顾好Alex 和 Austyn,让公司真正运转起来,当然有不少人曾试图联系加入我们,不过我还是想公司小点儿比较好,这样我就可以很好的照顾到Alex 和Austyn 了。
我希望大家能在他们居住的地方滑板,就想Eastern Exposure 里面那样,住在Philly的人们就在当地滑板。我希望Alex 和 Austyn 在LA能够很开心,能够在当地像学校之类的地方滑板拍视频,我会在纽约或者旧金山,在那里拍视频和Brad一起出去玩,这样大家都能在自己觉得舒适的地方滑板。
A:不阔能,Nike跟3D一毛钱关系都没有,3D就是我,Brad,Skate Mental,Big Time的事情,就这么些人。不过人们这么想不过是意淫罢了,Nike不做硬件,它可是个大公司,这儿不是他们涉足的领域,它只是我鞋子的赞助商罢了,我们完全是在自己做事,用自己的钱,有自己的项目,跟他们确实没有关系,不过Nike自始至终都很支持这件事,也很支持我。
Q:你怎么样去Girl & Crailtap 说你要离开的?
A:这完全是我的想法,一开始我告诉了Brad Staba,然后我就去LA 跟Girl谈论这件事,告诉他们我年纪大了,想做点自己的东西。这对Girl和我来说都是件非常严肃的事情,不过他们知道我不是那种背弃公司的混蛋,人们离开唱片公司,离开乐队,离开篮球队,这些事都很严肃但是确实是发生了,我只是想和他们谈谈自己很尊重这个团队,我想快点结束这些,告诉他们我喜欢这里的每一个人,这事谁都没有错,而且我很高兴他们依旧视我当朋友,我想随Fourstar一起跟他们旅行,当一辈子的朋友

Q:Dill and Ave left Alien Workshop around the same time as you announced you were leaving Girl. Were you in touch with them and did their announcement impact your decision to leave in any way?
A:It was a complete coincidence, I had no idea those guys were gonna do what they’re doing. I had quit Girl already but I wasn’t telling anybody. I had decided that at this point in my career I just wanted to do something to challenge myself, to go on and move forward. And then Dill and Ave put out that announcement and I was like holy crap, this is crazy. We talked a lot because it’s such a weird a thing when you split up with someone that you care about, it wasn’t easy. It was actually great to have both of them to talk to during everything because it’s stressful and there’s friendships involved.

Q: Rumor has it that 3d stands for 3 dudes or 3 dicks. Are either of these true and if not, why did you choose the name, 3d?
A: [laughs] No no, none of that is true. I had like 5 names I was really thinking about. One of the things is, I’m really conscious of layouts and aesthetics. I just thought that because Skate Mental is two words, to have a brand name on the same box that was small would look pretty cool aesthetically. There’s Girl, there’s Zero, Flip – a lot of 4 letter brands. They are easy, 1 syllable. I just thought 3d, it rhymes and it’s easy. I didn’t wanna do it because it’s already an existing name in our culture but I just had a good feeling about it. Brad [Staba] liked it too and I’m happy how we chose to call it that.

Q: As you know there is clothing company, “3d Innovations” that was started in Connecticut in 1990 by Matt Landon, the same state you are from. It had riders like Jeff Pang, Matt Reason and Jahmal Williams just to name a few. Were you aware of the company before you chose your name, 3d skateboards?
A: I was unaware of 3d Innovations. When Brad and I licensed 3d Skateboards it wasn’t a name that was “taken” so… I’ve been in touch with Matt from 3d Innovations. We’re on cool terms I do believe. Lots of companies and corporations in life and business have similar names. Restaurants, clothing, distributions..etc. So I think everything is fine in that respect.

Q: Besides wanting to start your own company was there anything happening at Girl that you were unhappy with that played a part in your decision to leave?
A: There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way things were going with Girl. That’s why it was hard to go through with everything because we’re all really close friends and I love those guys so much. I just felt like I wanted to do something for myself, instead of in a few years realizing that I can’t jump down stairs when I’m 45, and I kinda wanted to have my own thing started by the time that happens. I have a few Girl tattoos, and I’m happy I have them because it’s great memories of fun trips and great years.

Q: Yeah I saw some people comment like, “Looks like he’s gonna have to get rid of all his tattoos!!”
A: I know, I love that people said that. It’s like what are you talking about..

Q: How did Alex Olson and Austyn Gillette get involved?
A: I had already left Girl, and Alex called me to tell me that he was thinking about leaving too, but nothing was planned. I am good friends with Austyn, and he kinda learned that I was gonna do my own thing. It was hard for him as well because he really respects everything Habitat has done for him, but we all thought doing something small would be fun at this point in life. As far as right now it’s just gonna be the 3 of us and again, it wasn’t intentional – I named it 3d just thinking it was gonna be me. I wasn’t planning on “stealing” riders or taking anybody, it’s not like that. Things kinda just flowed naturally. As of right now there’s not gonna be any more announcements, it’s just us, and were just gonna put our stuff out at the tradeshow [Agenda LA] and cruise and see how things are received.

Q: I saw Anthony Pappalardo pop up and write some stuff on 3d’s Instagram, any involvement potentially with him or have other people been calling and trying to get involved?
A: Oh – I actually didn’t read what he wrote but everybody is always saying to put him on. I love Anthony, he’s awesome. But again, I just gotta take care of Alex and Austyn first and get it rolling. Of course there has definitely been alot of people contacting and asking questions and wanting to be involved, I just want to start it really small so I can take care of my two guys.

Q: From riding for other people’s companies for many years now, are there things you have seen or always felt should be run differently? If so, what are they and will you do it differently at your own company now?
A: Ya, but I don’t wanna say that I was not OK with the way Girl or Chocolate were ran. I love those trips, they were amazing. I just think, these days a lot of kids are getting burnt really quick. I mean you gotta go out and film so you can make your career, but going to these trips to China and all this stuff, it’s just kinda not that fun. I just wanna go on a trip in a car with my two homies and we’re gonna film everything and skate ditches and just have fun. I love every single person we traveled with but I think it’s rad to do something small. So we don’t have to be in a van with a whole bunch of people to get coffee and take a crap and go to Target and all that stuff. Just 3 of us, it’s just quicker and easier.

I also want people to skate where they live, I think of Eastern Exposure and stuff like that. People skated in Philly and skated in their hometowns. I want Alex and Austyn to be happy in LA and go out and film tricks in like a schoolyard there. I’ll skate NY and be in SF all the time, film there hanging out with Brad and all of us will skate where we are comfortable.

Q: There’s a rumor that Nike has some stock in the company or has some involvement in it. Is this true?
A: No, Nike has absolutely nothing to do with 3d. It’s just me and Brad, Skate Mental and Big Time. That’s it. And I love that people think that, the conspiracy theories are just glorious. Nike doesn’t do hardgoods. It’s a huge corporation, that’s not where they’re at or I’m at, they are just my awesome shoe sponsor. We are doing this on our own, with our own funds and on our own terms. No truth to them having any involvement but they have been really supportive of the whole thing, they got my back.

Q: Are you still going to be riding for Fourstar clothing?
A: That was something cool to talk about with Carroll, when I was thinking about doing 3d, I was so happy he was like, “You still wanna do Fourstar?!” I was like, “Of course!! Please!” I love it there. I love those guys.

Q: How did it you break it to Girl & Crailtap that you were leaving?
A: I mean this is pretty personal, but I talked to Brad [Staba] first, then went to LA to talk to Girl about it and told them I’m getting older and I wanted to do my own thing. And it wasn’t fun for any of us. But they know I’m not trying to be a jerk about it. People leave record companies, leave bands, leave basketball teams. It’s not fun but it happens. I just wanted to give them the respect of talking to them about it in person and I kinda went a little fast.. I just wanna convey how much I love those guys, there was absolutely nothing wrong and I’m glad they are my friends. I want to go on Fourstar trips with them and maintain our friendships for the rest of my life.

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