October 3, 2013 / / COVERSTORYPRO SKATER

Pro Skaters and Artists compilation

pros to artist
没有人能够滑一辈子滑板,随着年龄的增长,身体条件的限制,很多滑手也越来越力不从心,滑手们的转型此时也就显得尤为重要,Toy Matchine 的创始人 Ed Templaton 转变为了一名当代艺术家, Stefan Janoski 成为一名雕刻艺术家,网络红人 Jerry Hsu 也开始了自己的摄影之旅,他们用一名滑手的眼光发现生活中的独到之处,来向世人展示,用自己的方式将滑板向艺术慢慢转型,这儿就给大家整理出了这些滑手们转型的路途,来了解下除了滑板,职业滑手们还做着些什么
Skateboarding always attracts people with unique thoughts where the rest of the world sees unimpressive architecture, we see endless possibly, and produced artists, many of which were and are professional skateboarders. Here’s a compilation of the Pro skaters and artists

Ed Templeton


Toy Machine 的创始人 Ed Templeton 不但是个了不起的滑手,还是个当代艺术家,他从1985年开始滑板,并且一直致力于艺术创作之中,在平时的生活中他做展览,去滑板,用自己的方式将滑板向艺术慢慢转型,他不久之前刚刚合作发布了灯饰作品,又在米兰举办了一场名为’A Gentle Collison’ 的艺术展,他的作品广泛采用女性侧脸肖像形象,特点非常鲜明
Ed Templeton has been skating since 1985, and been creating graphics for his company Toy Machine for years. His artwork has been featured in Juxtapoz, and in numerous exhibitions around the world. Ed's an O.G., and his artwork is just as credible.

A glimps of Ed Templeton`s art show :



Jerry Hsu:

Jerry Hsu 大家肯定熟悉不过了,Enjoi 的老职,"Internet Famous little Chinese Guy" 是 enjoi 队员给他的评价,你知道他也走文艺路线吗? 他周游世界,用自己的相机拍下了很多值得纪念的瞬间,曾经做过个人和合作的艺术展,而近期他又出版了一本杂志,名字叫做"Our Moment Together",其中收纳了他周游时的照片,由 Deadbeat Club 印刷出版,全球只限量300份,想要收藏几乎是没有希望了
Traveling the world shooting videos and doing demos, Jerry figured he'd bust out the camera along the way. He has since exhibited his photos in solo and group shows all around. Strange guy, awesome pics.

Jerry Hsu`s new magazine cover:




Stefan Janoski:
Stefan Janoski 一个风格爆牛逼的滑手,一双爆好看的鞋子的设计者,一个艺术家,还有多少人知道这货还是个雕塑家?除了滑板,他还举办各种个人或合作艺术展,他的雕塑作品天马行空,没人知道他脑子里想的是什么...
We always knew Stefan Janoski was an artist but we had no idea that he was a sculptor, in bronze no less! That’s so rad.A painter and illustrator for many years, Stefan Janoski has recently graduated to sculpting in clay and wax. Moulded in wax and cast in bronze at a traditional metal foundry, Stefan’s surreal sculptures seem to contain entire folk tales within their weird and wonderful forms. His work is playful and mythical, as well as dark and disarming, an unusual combination of his low-brow skate background and his contemporary interest in the classics.

Stefan Janoski`s sculpture:




Alex Olson :
Alex Olson 紧随其父 Steve Olson 的脚步,先是成为了一名职业滑手,接着转型为一名摄影师,艺术家,估计很多人对他后者的身份没有什么了解,我们平时所见都是那个极具个性,不随大流,不爱衣服上有Logo,爱听黑胶唱片的小伙子,然而他曾在洛杉矶举办过名为 No Swan So Fine 的艺术展,想不到吧!
Alex is following in his father Steve's footsteps, first by becoming a pro skateboarder and now as a killer artist as well. Alex's recent group exhibition No Swan So Fine in May in L.A., and you can see his new works at his Tumblr.

Alex Olson`s photography:




Mark Gonzales
这位可是个人物,街头滑板创始人,身为职业滑手同时,Mark Gonzales 也是当代艺术家,他曾在在伦敦举办了画展”One Week,One Show”,画展里从各种定制的明信片到巨幅画画,都是在一星期内完成的
He’s the pioneer of modern day street skating and one of the most prolific skate artists of our time. From his early board graphics on Vision, to his art direction at Krooked Skateboards, the Gonz’s unique illustrations have become as iconic as the man’s legendary skate style and forever lasting influence.

Mark Gonzales`S work:





Anthony Pappalardo
曾经在 Lakai 的 Fully Flared 里频放大招的 Anthony Pappalardo 相信看过这部视频的人都会认识,他似乎已经在大众眼里消失,不知道是伤痛还是跟赞助商的纠葛,而他除了滑板所钟爱的就是木器的制作,虽然他已经很久没有发布过新的东西,丢失了灵感还是对生活失去信心?不过我们还是给大家找来了几年前他的作品
Anthony is a Converse skate king and woodworker extraordinaire. After Anthony's impressive first solo show in Brooklyn a few years back, the world became familiar with his furniture design and woodworking talent. If the art thing doesn't work out for him, Anthony can always use his benches for a session.






Chad Muska
作为一个 Ghetto 里面土生土长的孩子,Muska 一直用他的方式:涂鸦 表达自己对现实的感慨, 这里是他举办的名为 Transitions 的艺术展
The original Ghetto Child, Chad Muska has been creating art for years. Muska is often involved in group shows in L.A., and NYC, and his stuff is more street-oriented than some of the others. Credibility in the streets and in the gallery world can be tough, but Muska holds it down on both fronts. Complex-approved.

Chad Muska`s Work:





Steve Caballero
谁不知道 Steve Caballero? 就算你没听说过他,也知道 Vans 有双鞋子叫 Half Cab 吧?他和Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Tony Alva等等这些响亮的名字一起铸就了一段光辉的历史, 他们是滑板运动真正的先驱者,是传奇的人物。 Steve 从70年代开始就滑板了,曾经获得无数多的滑板界至尊级荣誉,现在他已年近半百,是时候用艺术来表达自己对人生的感悟了!前不久他还和新加坡艺术家Jahan Loh 在香港开展了一场名为 “DOUBLE DRAGONS” 的联名艺术展览,滑手就是艺术家这话一点没错
Cab starting skating back in the late 70s, turned pro in the 80s and has since kept up with the new generation of skaters. He's one of the most popular and iconic riders of all time, and his art work and skateboard graphics are pretty insane.

Steve Caballero`s painting:






Arto Saari:
芬兰的传奇老滑手Arto Saari 从一名职业滑手转向摄影师的过程是令无数滑手向往的,Playboy 的签约,举办展览,各种广告订单,Arto 的镜头下诞生了无数高质量的作品,而他的每张照片都有独特的感觉, 他的转型之路也被制成视频,由Oakley发布
Arto Sarri 个人摄影作品网站: http://www.artosaari.com/
Arto Saari understands. Before he was him, he was them. The legendary skateboarder turned photographer; Arto the photographer is in as high-demand today as he was during the height of his pro skateboarder career.
Playboy assignments, gallery shows and ad campaigns aplenty. By now, he’s spent enough time on both sides of the camera lens to know what it takes to produce great photographs – talent, communication and mutual respect. Because he was the subject before he was the artist, he has an innate understanding of how to execute when the shutter is firing. The rapport is obvious. The results are stunning.

Arto Saari Photography:





Ray Barbee

Ray Barbee 绝对是个多才多艺的滑手,他自己还写曲子,能演奏多种乐器,2003年就发布了自己的首张专辑:Triumphant Procession,他的乐曲还经常被 NPR 等电台和各种视频的编辑中采用,而且他还有自己的吉他赞助商:Fender Guitars
就目前来说,这家伙又准备进军摄影业了,他不断地学习摄影知识,用自己的纯手动相机记录下一幅幅精彩画面,还加入了 Element Perspective 系列拍摄中来,而这些这些照片都是他自己跑到暗室里自己冲印出来的!创意无限!下面这幅图还被印在了 Element 的一件衣服上!
Ray Barbee is a versatile man, he`s not only a pro skateboarder, but also a music writer and multi-instrumentalist, Barbee released his debut EP on Galaxia records in 2003, Triumphant Procession, a collection of jazz-influenced instrumental tracks which Barbee produced and engineered at home. His 2005 release, In Full View, also on Galaxia, featured guests appearances by drummers Doug Scharin (of HiM and June of 44) and Carlos de la Garza (formerly of Reel Big Fish). Barbee plays guitar, bass guitar, drums, harp and xylophone.
His music has been featured on NPR and has been used in a number of surf videos.
Ray is sponsored by Fender Guitars.
And now, he`s trying to enter into photography. He starts with the manual cameras and shoot the photos print the flims on his own.





Josh Harmony
滑手的艺术天赋绝对不可小觑,这位成长在南加州和芝加哥的 Josh Harmony 从小就培养出了对滑板和音乐的双重兴趣,成为了一名职业滑手和吉他,班卓琴演奏家,相对于那些性情急躁的滑板风格来说,他的作品可以说是舒缓了很多,里面包括了民谣,美洲,蓝调以及对于精神方面的追求和向往。他在2012年时曾在洛杉矶 RVCA 店内举办了一场小型演唱会,这里是他的个人音乐网站链接:http://joshharmonymusic.com/
Professional skateboarder, Josh Harmony, has made a name for himself being showcased in some of the industry's biggest skateboarding videos and magazines including multiple Thrasher magazine covers. At a young age, Harmony developed a love for music becoming a skillful guitar and banjo player gathering inspiration from his musical heroes like Elliott Smith and bluesman, The Rev. Gary Davis. Contrasting the image of a brash skateboarder, the singer songwriter’s music contains elements of folk, Americana, and blues and touches on themes of spirituality and longing.
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