October 16, 2013 / / PRO SKATER

“Rolling Through the Shadows” Interview Mark Whiteley

在 Mark Whiteley 滑板摄影集作品 Rolling Through the Shadows 发布的同时,给我们带来了一部访谈,看下摄影师和滑手这个双重身份是如何影响他的工作生活,从滑手的眼光看摄影,用摄影的眼光看滑板,访谈全文送上,并附摄影集
Mark Whiteley, skateboarder and Leica photographer, provides us with the next installment of his interview series “Rolling Through the Shadows.” This series takes a closer look at the seemingly unlikely collision of skateboarding and photography from the perspective of the skaters and photographers themselves. Here's the interview

Q: How did you first get into skateboarding?
A:1985年时候我还在玩Bmx,我朋友Jason每天滑板跟我们一起。有一天Jason突然给我们展示了Ollie起来在路牙上次了一段,我们都惊呆了。然后他给我们看了“Bones Brigade Video Show”视频,于是我们便义无反顾开始滑板。我们每天都在滑板,听着朋克摇滚风格的音乐,看Thrasher杂志,也惹了不少麻烦。他让我从底特律现实的残酷中脱离出来,不然我就得去搬砖,去工地打工,滑板着实开阔了我得眼界,为我的生活打开了另一扇门
A: Back in 1985 I was a BMXer. My friend Jason followed us everywhere pushing on his board. One day Jason showed us he could ollie to grind on a painted curb and blew our minds. Then he showed us the “Bones Brigade Video Show” and we never looked back. It was skating every day, listening to punk rock music, reading Thrasher and causing trouble. It saved me from what the real world had in store for me in Detroit — working on the line at Ford, or working construction, which is not a bad thing, but it opened my eyes and new doors in my life.

Q: How did you first get into photography?

A:我第一次搬到旧金山居住时候,住在一幢公寓里,里面有一面墙上贴满了滑板照片。我在旧金山滑板时认识了像 Tobin Yelland 和 Gabe Morford,看他们拍摄我身边得Pro和AM,看到他们的相机,测光表等很专业的设备,过不了多久这照片便登上了杂志,我太崇拜他们了。我在做搬运工作时弄伤了我的后背,靠着补助金过了差不多两年的日子。那段时间实在太压抑了,我想要做的就是滑板。当时我女朋友建议我去社区大学学习,我选择了黑白摄影课,结果我就深深迷上了它。绕绕胶卷,学习如何去冲印,它就像是滑板,我每天都在学习新的东西。在旧金山街头滑板,用诡异的光照条件拍摄照片实在很神奇。大概是在1993年我遇到了Daniel Harold Sturt,他打开了我摄影的大门

A: When I first moved to San Francisco, I lived in an apartment and had a big wall of my favorite skate photos. Then going skating around San Francisco and meeting people like Tobin Yelland and Gabe Morford, seeing them shoot my Pro and Am skater friends, seeing their camera equipment, light meters, etc., and then seeing the photo appear in the magazines soon after, that really tripped me out. I hurt my back at work at a shipping and receiving job and was on workers’ compensation for almost two years. I was really depressed because all I wanted to do was skate. A girl I was dating told me to take a class at a community college. I did a black-and-white photography class and I was hooked. Spooling bulk film, learning to develop it and print it, it was like skateboarding, learning new stuff every day. I was in heaven. Shooting on the streets of San Francisco under weird light conditions was magical! I think that was 1993. Then I met Daniel Harold Sturt and that’s a big can of worms to open.


Q: How have skating and photography influenced each other in your life and work? Meaning, what has skateboarding done to the way you see photography and vice versa?

A: Back in the day when skaters were looked down upon, it made us into the 1%. We were all friends; if you rode a skateboard you had friends everywhere you traveled. That forged strong friendships, which are still strong today. And it’s the same for the photography family as well. Lots of good people out there!

Q: Where do you generally find your favorite images coming from? Portraits, on the road, skate action scenes?

A: I would say all of the above. I find it hard to leave the house with out a camera because I know I’m going to want to shoot a photo of something I see. On the road there’s always new stuff to see. But sometimes I’ll see some beautiful light or something somewhere around home and take notice of the time, then go and wait to photograph something interesting happening. For instance, I was at a stop sign and heard all these birds, hundreds of them. It sounded amazing. I went back for weeks everyday at different times to get the photo I wanted.


Q: What first drew you to Leica cameras?

A: How stealth they are, and how they’re super sharp.

Q: Why do you like them? Do you use them for particular kinds of work or specific scenarios?

A: I bring it with me out and about in the streets and skating wherever. It’s not much gear to carry so it makes it easy to have around.

Q: Are there similarities between skateboarding and Leicas in your mind? Get philosophical.


A: Skateboards and Leica cameras are both simple things that I really enjoy using. They’re tools, not jewels! I scratched my Leica while my son was being born. Every time I look down on that scratch, it reminds me of how awesome that day was. I’ve been giving old boards away on every trip that I go on, to kids who need them or can’t afford them, in hopes of opening their eyes to something new in the world. Photography and skateboarding have been really awesome to me, and I want to have other people enjoy them as well.


Q: What bodies and lenses have you had or used most frequently?

A:M7 配35mm Summicron,我连镜头都是问朋友借来的
A: An M7 and 35 mm Summicron. I borrow lenses from my friends too!

Q: Who are some of your favorite Leica photographers, non-skate or skate-related?

A:滑板界摄影师嘛,所有参加Rolling Through the Shadows 摄影展的摄影师;不滑板的嘛,我喜欢的摄影师有:Bruce Davidson, Cartier-Bresson, Annie Leibovitz, Boogie, Joel Meyerowitz, Jim Marshall, William Albert Allard 和 Bruce Gilden.
A: In skating, all the guys you have in this Rolling Through the Shadows series. Outside of skating, my favorite photographers include Bruce Davidson, Cartier-Bresson, Annie Leibovitz, Boogie, Joel Meyerowitz, Jim Marshall, William Albert Allard and Bruce Gilden.

Q: Do you have a favorite image or memory from using a Leica?

A: My dad shot a photo of me when he was 89 years young. He wanted to see my Leica so he put it to his eye, focused it, and took the photo. I wasn’t even really aware he knew how to use a Leica. It was sharp and well composed. He liked how smooth it was. I thought that was really cool.







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