February 9, 2014 / / PRO SKATER

6 skateboarders with "acting" careers

多才多艺的滑手实在太多了,之前为大家总结过向艺术家转型的滑手,今天给大家总结下滑手们的演员之路,也许你看过Jason Lee,Steve Berra等人在滑板时的样子,那你对他们的演技有多少了解呢?现在就来给大家一一梳理,有的滑手出演的节目绝对让你吓一跳!
Here're the skateboarders acting careers, have you ever seen Jason Lee, Steve Berra, etc. movie skills? Come check it

Jason Lee

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Jason Lee应该是这次总结里最牛的演员,他作为演员出演过54部电影电视节目,包括1995年的《耍酷一族Mallrats》、和Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan合作的《侦探拍档》等电影,他在《Mallrats》中的出演是他第一次担任电影的主角,《Mallrats》所获得评价也颇高,继这次电影大卖之后,Jason Lee还曾5次作为制片人,写了4次剧本,一次音乐制作,3次作为导演,5次出现在鸣谢里,自己的作品达到了64部,还有3部额外的影视记录,这绝对是硕果累累的记录,无人能敌呀!

jason lee

Jason Lee在《Mallrats》中剧照

Jason Lee is the most successful actor out of this list, so he’s a good place to start. After being in one of the most influential skate videos of all time: Blind’s “Video Days” and doing his own company with Chris Pastras called Stereo – which focused on powerful, more stylish and less technical skating than what was going on at the time – it’s a bit strange that he didn’t continue to pursue professional skating. However he’s appeared in many really good films and TV shows, so he knew what he was doing. His first proper role was in cult-comedy “Mallrats” in 1995 as a main character. Following this success he made several appearances in the indie film scene, like “Chasing Amy”, “Dogma” and later “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”. However he was beginning to make a name for himself on the mainstream circuit with “Kissing a Fool” (1998) and “Vanilla Sky” (2001). But perhaps his best known role (besides voicing  Syndrome in “The Incredibles”) is being Earl from cult hit comedy TV series “My name is Earl”.

Steve Berra


Steve Berra的Pro之路似乎有点不同寻常,他一开始成为Pro完全因为他的U池技术了得,但那之后他开始玩街式,来尝试那些大动作,当然这必将带来不少伤痛,于是他和Koston一起成立了Berrics,开始了自己商业之路,他开始演电影,主要是电视剧,而下面这段1999年的美国电视剧Felicity之中,Steve Berra出演的竟是6年没有索吻成功的角色,最终还不幸被车撞死,这…..看下面这段视频就知道了....

steve berra

Steve Berra is a bit of an anomaly within the skate world. Starting his career as a vert pro, he transitioned (pun intended) into jumping off and down big stuff in the streets. He was later plagued by injuries and was smart enough to start “The Berrics” as one half of a partnership with Eric Koston, with Berra focusing quite a lot on the business side of things. He’s secured his place in skating by making one of the most popular/well known skatepark’s (and its accompanying website) in the world. However in between all this skate-stuff, he dabbled in acting. Starring in a few films, but mostly TV acting, he’s done a fair bit. However the pure unintentional comedy in this hilarious scene from TV series “Felicity” (1999), became a bit of an internet sensation when it was dredged up from the past. If you haven’t seen this, then watch it above:

Harold Hunter


ZooYork的滑手Harold Hunter是一名纽约土生土长的小伙子,是纽约"Skate NYC"的第一名赞助滑手,他真正成为一名众人皆知的滑手是在1989年登上了Thrasher杂志的封面,而他最出名的一部电影应该是1995年上映的《Kids》,片中描绘了当时的孩子们收到AIDS影响之下的生活情形,他出演了名为Harold的滑手,完美地表达了影片的主题,不过Harold却英年早逝,在2006年时他因毒品导致的心脏病告别了世界,只有31岁,为了几年这名纽约代表性人物,人们成立了Harold Hunter基金会,旨在让城市其青年通过滑板和奖学金培养个性及创造力,下面是<Kids>片段,抽叶子的就是下面即将给大家介绍的另一位滑手Javier Nunez

harold hunter

Harmony Korine and Larry Clark’s film “Kids” (1995) was a cult hit that depicted the lives of teenagers in New York and the devastating effect AIDS had on the lives of young and vagrant street kids. Most of the boys in the film are skaters – featuring the likes of Harold Hunter, Justin Pierce, Billy Valdez, Javier Nunez, Jeff Pang, Peter Bici and more – the film’s depiction of skaters was not hugely well received by the skate world. The scene below, where they brutally beat a man unconscious, was highly controversial; many skaters thought it only painted a worse picture of the culture than it already had. However things like this did occur and although the film is a heightened version of reality, it contains a gritty realism that won it recognition. Although there’s not much skating in there, as a skater, it’s interesting to watch some NY legends appear in the film:

Javier Nunez

Javier Nunez

Javier Nunez就是刚刚上面视频之中抽着叶子的那位,他也不算年轻了,不过看到他年轻时在那儿飞叶子,这镜头的确很稀少。他除这部片子之外还出演过“R-Xmas”、“Prison Song”还有HBO频道的几集“How To Make It In America”节目

As the previous entry will tell you Javier Nunez made an appearance in the cult classic “Kids”, he wasn’t even a teenager yet and in the film it’s quite funny to see him smoking weed at such a young age. However this aside (and his skate careers for Zoo York and City Stars) Javier pursued acting alongside his skating. Featuring in the films “R-Xmas” and “Prison Song” in 2001 and in a few episodes of HBO show “How To Make It In America” in 2010. He showed that he could still work the magic on the small screen as a bi-polar pro-skater character.

Fabian Alomar

Fabian Alomar

Fabian Alomar是Javier Nunez的朋友,他们在一起滑板长大,他的出生背景非常艰苦,成长在帮派的斗争之中和毒品泛滥的环境下,很现在滑板让它摆脱了那种混乱的情况,不过他在出演电影里却又回到了帮派之中,他总是出演黑帮角色,参与绑架,抢劫,打劫,贩毒…这些活动。。。

Fabian Alomar, a friend of Javier Nunez, skating through the same circles and affiliated with Kareem Campbell, has also tried his hand at acting. As discussed in the fifth Menace Epicly Later’d episode which focuses on Fabian, he’s had a hard life: brought up in an area rife with gang violence, having served time and dealt with drug addiction, skateboarding has definitely provided him with an escape from that. However acting has also provided him with a similar escape too, and with much lower risks of getting fines. Most of his roles seem to have been typecast from his personal background – acting as a gang member. Perhaps not ideal, it’s a much better alternative than being a real one.

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Spike Jonze

Fully Flared炫到极至的开场视频

最后压轴登场的是Spike Jonze,这家的经历也是丰富无比,虽然他从来没有成为过赞助滑手,其实他主要是一个演员,他导演过5部电影,分别是1999年的《Being John Malkovich》2002年的《Adaptation》2009年的《Where the Wild Things Are》和2013年的《Her》,他1992年至2013年之间指导拍摄了至少55部音乐MV,还拍过8部短片,近期最火的一部电影就是Her,他的导演让Fhilix在影片之中将主人公离婚之后的寂寞表现的淋漓尽致,如果看到现在大家还不清晰,那么Lakai的大片Fully Flared总看过吧,片头那爆炸的场景有多少人试图模仿却从未被超越,Spike Jonze前卫的思想在滑板片的拍摄和电影的制作之上皆无人能及,他还参加国两期Jackass的录制呢!


And lastly we have Spike Jonze. Although he’s never been a sponsored skater (or primarily an actor), his filmmaking skills have brought us some of the greatest and most revered skate videos of all time, such as “Rubbish Heap” and “Video Days”. Not only that but he has stayed within skateboarding as his career as a filmmaker for the big screen has ballooned. He’s written, directed, produced and starred in a lot of really fantastic films such as : “Being John Malkovich” (1999), “Adaptation” (2002) and most recently “Her” in 2013. As one of the co-founders of Girl skateboards, his influence over the company’s output has been massive and he’s been involved with every production that Crailtap have put out. Here’s the trailer for his latest film called “Her” below:


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