February 25, 2015 / / SNOWBOARDING

Season Wrap-Up! 雪季总结

随着春天的临近雪也开始慢慢融化,我们也将用这期的NEWSLETTER 来总结我们的雪季!我们再次以精彩的活动赛事度过了欢乐的雪季!
As the snow starts to slowly disappear, we'd like to close our amazing season with our final winter newsletter! We had a kick-butt season once again filled with highlights!

- 我们以雪季新片"SEVEN" 作为开始,在北京首映式后紧接着是跨越大江南北的全国巡映,并伴随着铁杆儿赛及各种party

- 到了一月份的红牛南山公开赛,我们再一次迎来了完美的天气 ,在天公作美的决赛日我们看到了麦罗公园里的第一个switch 1260(在这里特别感谢Mons Roisland)

- 一些著名的单板职业滑手们到访麦罗公园,不仅在公园里给我们带来惊喜,也和我们度过了些难忘的夜晚 ,其中包括如Eric Willet 和 Nick Hyne等

- 尤其要感谢我们所有的赞助商们,没有你们我们做不到这些事情

- 我们也要感谢几个梦幻麦罗团队的年轻成员们,你们不仅用你们的热情维修着麦罗公园,并且看到了每个人在自己单板上的进步,你们是最棒的!

- 也要感谢我们的媒体合作伙伴们: Session China, PMstudio,单板地带 及所有的团队成员们,给我们的公园留下了美好场景的视频照片!


更要特别感谢所有的滑雪爱好者们来到我们的公园,和我们一块儿滑雪,支持我们的赛事活动,尽到了你们的一份力!公园会一直维护到不能滑为止,所以在这里也继续欢迎大家继续来麦罗公园玩耍 知道雪季结束,还有不远的乔波的麦罗公园等着我们!

- We started things off with the Beijing premiere of our Chinese snowboard movie "Seven" in November followed by a country-wide premiere tour, including in-city rail jams and copious amounts of beer and partying

- January saw the best Red Bull Nanshan Open to date, with no wind for once and enough speed to witness the park's first switch 1260 in style over the big one (thanks Mons Roisland!)

- Some visits from international pro snowboarders who amazed us both on and off the snow, including prior and future Olympic snowboarders during the Nanshan Open, as well as visits from Eric Willet and Nick Hyne later in the season for some shredding, filming and partying

- Amazing support from all our sponsors - you guys ROCK, thanks for allowing us to keep doing what we're doing!

- We also had a dream-team park crew full of motivated young-guns, who not only ensured the park was in great shape every day but also shredded it to pieces with us throughout the season!

- Special thanks to our media partners and friends: Session China, PMstudio and all the other photo & film dawgs for capturing all the action and hooking us up with some sweet shots!

And of course a huge thanks to everyone who came out to the Nanshan Mellow Park this season, whether it was to ride with us, spectate an event, or help out in whatever capacity you could! The park will remain open until there's no snow left to shred, after which it's only a month or so until our indoor Qiaobo Mellow Park opens inside the big fridge for some summer shredding!


 @youngninja AKA Sean Ryan flying through the air at the 13th Red Bull Nanshan Open, pic by ludschi.com

@youngninja AKA Sean Ryan 飞跃为第十三届红牛南山公开赛特别打造的大跳台  照片ludschi.com


JBMC Method-Off Wrap-Up

JBMC Method-Off 经典赛完赛



Yanyong pumped on his prize!

A flood-lit park, free beer and some gangster snowboard beats - what more could you ask for at the third annual JBMC Method-Off, this year combined with a Hatsune Rail Jam! Being all about methods, riders got to relax on the spins and go only for style, resulting in a super fun jam session, while the rail-warriors continued to push on the jib setup. Yanyong won overall with his tweaked our methods, bs180 methods, and FS boardsliding the entire flat-gap-down rail feature, earning himself 3,000RMB at the city's best Japanese restaurant Hatsune! Check the full results below:

Most Technical Method: XiaoLiang

Largest Method: XiaoHu

Youngest Method: Lin BoHan

Best Slam: Andrew Wang

Best Girl Method: Nina

Best Rail & Overall: Yanyoung

有什么还能比免费啤酒,点亮的夜场公园 更加吸引朋友们来玩儿单板吗? 这里就是第三届JBMC Method-Off 经典赛,再加上隐泉助力的铁杆儿赛 参赛的滑手们根本就不用考虑转几圈的问题,只要专注于你的抓板的范儿和铁杆儿上的动作就可以了,闫永凭借其在跳台上methods, bs180 methods及flat-gap-down 铁杆儿上的 FS boardsliding赢得最终的大奖暨 北京最牛的日本料理的代金卷3000元,更多赛事结果如下

技术含量最高的method 滑手 : 小亮

最高大的method 滑手: 小虎

最年轻且最有范儿的 method 滑手: 林伯涵

Iphone6手机能摔断的滑手: 安德鲁

女孩儿最佳method 滑手: Nina

全场最佳滑手奖: 闫永


 Yanyong & Alexey tweaking it out!

闫永和lAlexey 给我们看什么是标准的method !


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