May 10, 2017 / / GLOBAL VIDEO

Volcom 联合两位日本艺术家合作中文视频

这是一个现代街头文化与传统日本艺术结合的故事,Volcom 联合两位日本艺术家 Toshikazu Nozaka 及 Usugrow 发布了新的合作款产品,以爱(Ai)、勇气(Yu-ki) 和智慧(Chie) 作为创作主题,整个合作过程中文视频发布!同时5月19日,Volcom 亚洲巡回艺术展将空降上海!详情请看进来!

This is a story about the combination of modern street culture and traditional Japanese art.

Volcom x NOZAKA x USUGROW  X BRASH 上海站艺术展及发布活动详情




时间:6:30 – 9:30pm

活动内容:Nozaka 及 Usugrow 将现场亲自即兴作画 (Live Paint)、滑板体验、现场艺术喷画体验、DJ 音乐、免费限量纪念品。现场更将公开发售两位艺术家的作品(只限活动当天)。

活动简介:活动特别选在静安区中的知名时尚流行名店 Brash举办,Brash是一家理容及纹身店,同时也是一家集合时尚、艺术和潮流文化人的聚集地,过去也曾举办过不少时尚派对及艺术展览。此次品牌特别选在此店举办,更是凸显了品牌的街头时尚及艺术文化。酷爱街头艺术文化的朋友绝对不容错过。

Volcom x NOZAKA x USUGROW  X BRASH ShangHai Railway Station art exhibition and publishing activities
Date: May 19, 2017
Venue: Brash
Address: No. 848, Shanghai, North Shaanxi Road, China
Time: 6:30 - 9:30pm

Activity content: Nozaka and Usugrow will be the scene to impromptu painting, skateboarding experience, live art painting experience, DJ music, free souvenir. Two artists will be available for sale on the scene(for the activity day only).

Introduction: This activity is specially selected in Brash, Jingan District, Brash is a barber and tattoo shop, but also a collection of fashion, art and cultural trends of the people gathered in the past, also held a lot of fashion party and art exhibition. Friends who love the street art culture must not be missed.

Volcom 一向热衷于把各种不同的艺术文化和元素与其产品设计结合,带来与众不同的产品系列。此次特别与两位来自日本的艺术家 Toshikazu Nozaka 及 Usugrow 合作,两位艺术家以爱(Ai)、勇气(Yu-ki) 和智慧(Chie) 作为创作主题,并带出对未来的希冀,设计出全新的限定系列。系列中备有三款主题印花T恤、一款多功能用途的小袋、以传统日本手工制为灵感的酒杯、滑板以及围巾。

Volcom has always been keen to combine a variety of different artistic and cultural elements and their product design, to create a unique product line. This time we invited two artists from Japan's Toshikazu Nozaka and Usugrow,  the two artists with love(Ai) and courage (Yu-ki) and wisdom (Chie) as the theme, and bring out the hope for the future, designed a new limited series.


为隆重其事,Volcom 更为此事举办了亚太区巡回艺术展及发布活动,首场活动已于4月14日在日本东京Volcom店内举行,而两位艺术家更是为此企划预备的艺术画作提前在 Volcom 仙台及大阪台展览。随后,品牌将于5月17日及5月19日分别在台北和上海举办艺术展及发布活动。台北站的活动将于当地著名街头文化的滑板圣地 – 新生天桥滑板场举行。而上海站的活动则将于静安区中充满街头及艺术气息的时尚潮流店 – Brash 举行。届时两位艺术家将会亲身出席,并于活动上现场即兴作画 (Live Painting),活动现场也将会展示两位艺术家为此次活动所设计的艺术画作以及个人艺术创作。务必留意。

Asia Pacific Regional Art Exhibition and release
For the occasion, Volcom is more held in the region traveling art exhibition and publishing activities, the first activity has been held in Tokyo Volcom store in April 14th, and two artists is to prepare in advance planning art paintings in Volcom Sendai and Osaka Taiwan exhibition. Subsequently, the brand will be held in May 17th and in Taipei in and Shanghai art exhibition and release activities. The activities of the Taipei station will be held in the famous local street culture of the skateboard Holy Land - new flyover skateboarding. The ShangHai Railway Station activities will be held in Jingan District's fashion store - Brash, a place full of street and art. Two artists will be present at the time, and Live Painting, the event will also show the artist's artistic paintings and personal art works designed by the two artists. Please note that.

Volcom x NOZAKA x USUGROW系列之簡介及故事

Volcom x NOZAKA x USUGROW series's introduce&story



VOLCOM x NOZAKA x USUGROW Product introduction:
There are a variety of limited products in the series: three themes printed logo T-shirt, skateboard, a set of two ceramic cups, multi-purpose pouch and scarf.

关于 Toshikazu Nozaka 和 Usugrow

About Toshikazu Nozaka and Usugrow

两位艺术家本來就惺惺相惜,此次艺术创作中更加凸显彼此的默契,把 Volcom  的艺术、现代街头风格及独特的日本传统艺术融为一体,作品效果令人叹为观止。来自东京的 Nozaka 自幼便锺情于模型、绘画以及滑板文化,曾经更是职业的滑板运动员。他的多样性和艺术天赋让他成为一位艺术家,而他对日本明治和江户时代艺术的热爱,亦影响了他的艺术风格,独特并充满了日本的传统气息。他对滑板的热爱也让他更得心应手的在艺术作品中展现 Volcom 的独特风格。

另一方面,Usugrow 则有不一样的故事,他于90年代初期便热爱地下音乐,而他的艺术生涯更是因为这些音乐活动设计宣传页开始的。Usugrow的专长在于书法、平面及三维设计,从唱片封面设计深至与各滑板或服装品牌的合作创作及国内、外的艺术展览,让 Usugrow 在艺术领域上创造独一无二的知名度。

The two artists have appreciate each other,the art of creating a more prominent understanding of each other, they take the art of Volcom, the modern street style and unique Japanese traditional art into one, the effect is amazing. Nozaka, from Tokyo, was fond of models, drawings, and skateboarding culture since childhood, he used to be a professional skater. His diversity and artistic talent make him an artist, and his love for the Meiji and Edo art in Japan has influenced his artistic style, which is unique and full of the traditional flavor of japan. His love for skateboarding also makes it easier for him to show the unique style of Volcom in his works.

Usugrow, on the other hand, has a different story. He loved the underground music in the early 90s, and his artistic career began with the music activities. Usugrow specializes in calligraphy, planar and three-dimensional design, from the creation of the album cover design to the depth of cooperation with the skateboard or clothing brands and domestic and international art exhibition, let Usugrow create the one and only reputation in the arts.

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