专访 Lizzie Armanto - 滑板之外,职业滑手的更多可能性

今天,Vans 二十年来首次由女性设计的签名款滑板鞋 The Lizzie 正式发布,我们也独家访问了 Lizzie Armanto。在东京奥运会之后,她的生活也非常忙碌,不但参演了朋克乐 MV 演出,导演了另一部朋克乐 MV,还登上了教科书封面。阅读下面的专访,来看看这一切多么神奇!




🎙 KickerClub:东京奥运会后的生活如何?疫情有没有影响你在加州的滑板和社交?



🎙 KickerClub:限制取消后,你想去哪个国家看看? 




Armanto 和 Vans 比利时职业滑手 Axel Cruysberghs 于 2020 年结婚


🎙 KickerClub:当滑板被宣布为奥运会永久项目时,你的反应是什么?



Armanto 在东京奥运会赛场,这件衣服是她和 Vans 设计师专门设计的,灵感来自对芬兰和碗池的致敬|VOGUE


🎙 KickerClub:你在为下届奥运会做准备了吗?



🎙 KickerClub:你认为主流媒体和奥运会正在推动女性滑板运动的发展吗?



Armanto 正撕裂一处碗池|Chris Gregson




🎙 KickerClub:我们注意到你最近为纽约朋克乐队 Surfbort 导演了一部音乐视频。你是怎么得到这个机会的?

传奇音乐制作人和艺术家 Linda Perry 找到了我,她问我是否有兴趣做导演,我立马就答应了。


纽约朋克乐队 Surfbort 音乐 MV - Lot Lizard 93


🎙 KickerClub:你在成长过程中一直喜欢制作视频吗?




🎙 KickerClub:我们能期待看到你执导更多的视频项目吗?



Armanto 前不久还出演了 Atiba 为朋克乐队 Circle Jerks 拍摄的 MV




🎙 KickerClub:让我们来谈谈你的生活。你上了《预习微积分》的封面!出版商为什么选你的照片作为封面?

他们曾联系并询问是否可以在封面上用我的照片,我们给了他们几张 Anthony Acosta 的照片供其选择。



Macmillan Learning 出版的《预习微积分》教科书,Armanto - Lay Back Air,非常巧的是,发布这天正好是 Armanto 的生日


🎙 KickerClub:作为一个滑手,希望登上数学教科书封面这件事,可以激励更多滑手走出自己的舒适区。




Armanto 为 The Lizzie 拍摄广告|Vans


The Lizzie


🎙 KickerClub:我们看到你在 Instagram 上发布了你的新鞋预告。祝贺你!你参与了鞋子部分设计?





🎙 KickerClub:你能告诉我们,你最喜欢的鞋子细节吗?

这款鞋有很多很酷的功能,在其他型号中还没有做到。我为 Vans 的 VR3 Checkerboard Globe 认证感到非常自豪,它是 Vans 第一款获得 VR3 认证的滑板鞋。



在 VR3 的生产准则下,The Lizzie 将部分采用有机棉、天然橡胶和生物泡沫进行制造。在 The Lizzie 最初被投入生产时,The Lizzie 采用的皮革均来自 LWG(Leather Working Group)认证的皮革。


Hi Lizzie. How is life after the Tokyo Olympics? Has Covid affected your skating and social life in Cali at all?


Life is great, really busy, but great. I think COVID has affected everyone’s life regardless of being in California, Europe or Asia.

Which country do you want to go visit when restrictions are lifted?


Right now, I’m in Belgium visiting my husband’s family. Having dual citizenship has made it pretty easy for me to get in and out of Europe, but I’m really just looking forward to getting back to Asia soon and the rest of the world as it opens up.

What was your reaction when skateboarding was announced as a sport in the Olympics permanently?


It was cool when I heard it and I’m just glad I could be a part of the first one in Tokyo.

Are you preparing for the next Olympics?


I'm focused on feeling good on my board. So yeah, I am preparing for the Olympics. I haven't made a decision on if I'm going for sure though.

Do you think the mainstream media and Olympics is pushing female skateboarding forward?


Yes, mainstream media and Olympics are playing a part in pushing female skateboarding forward.

We noticed that you directed a music video for New York Punk brand “Surfbort” recently. How did you get this opportunity?


I was approached by the legendary music producer and artist Linda Perry. Once she asked if I was interested in directing, it didn’t take long for me to say “absolutely!”

Were you always into making video projects growing up?


Not at all. I enjoyed watching them occasionally, but never really made anything like that before.

Can we expect to see you directing more video projects?


Maybe, if the right project presents itself and I have the time, I’d love to do another video project of some sort.

Let’s talk life hammers. You are on the cover of Precalculus! Do you know why the publisher chose your skate photo as the cover?


They had reached out and asked if it would be OK to feature me on the cover and we gave them a few Anthony Acosta photos to choose from. They evaluated each photo from a physics perspective and how each trick’s physics applied to their text. It was crazy to hear their explanation of a trick from a science perspective.

We hope you as a skateboarder, being on the cover of a math textbook, can be an inspiration for skaters to step out of their comfort zone.


We’ve gotten so much positive feedback from that cover, it’s crazy. Everyone loves it and I look forward to doing more stuff with them in the future.

We saw you posted a teaser on Instagram with the new shoe you’re about to drop. Congrats! How involved were you with the shoe design?


Very involved. It was all during COVID and almost everything was done virtually. It was crazy when we got to actually hold the sample after a year and a half of designing and building from our living rooms on computers.

Can you tell us some of your favorite details of the new model?


There’s so many cool features in this shoe that haven’t been done yet in other models yet. I’m really proud of the VR3 Checkerboard Globe certification from Vans being the first skate shoe at Vans to receive VR3 designation.



Lizzie Armanto,1993 年 1 月 26 日(29 岁),左脚滑手,2014 年加入 Vans;同年,她便和一众职业滑手来到中国南京,参与当时的青奥会展演。


她拿过 30 多个滑板赛事奖项,其中包括 X-games,VPS  和 Dew Tour 这样的大型赛事。


Lizzie Armanto - Tailslide,2019 VPS 上海|@wangchenwei


2016 年,她成为第一位登上 TransWorld 滑板杂志封面的女性。2017 年 5 月她便登上了 Thrasher 杂志封面(Thrasher 通常会提前几个月公布杂志封面人物)——同一天,她还晋升为 Birdhouse 职业滑手,相当疯狂的一天。


而事情并没有告一段落,2017 年 4 月她则发布了首部职业滑手视频「Fire」,只能说她的履历就如同这个片名一样,十分火热。


这把火并没有停止,2018 年,她成为了首位完成 Tony Hawk Loop 挑战的女子滑手,2019 年参与拍摄了 Birdhouse 滑板整片「Beautiful Mutants」


这些年来,Armanto 不断地提升竞技水准,并推动着女子滑板的界限,为女性滑手争取足够多的尊重和话语权。Lizzie Armanto 无疑是一位滑板先锋和榜样,在滑板上下都是,而随着她的首款签名鞋款发布,也证明女子滑板确实在走入一个前所未见的新格局。



Vans x Lizzie Armanto系列将于 2022 年 3 月 10 日起在 Vans 指定零售商店与访问 Vans.com.cn/skate community  进行发售。



北京 TOUR 滑板店

成都 POGO 滑板店


张家港 FANTASY 滑板店

佛山 VOLCANO 滑板店

广州 HERO 滑板店

郑州 FLY 滑板店

湖南 WOLLUP 滑板店

昆明 #88 滑板店

南京 SPACE 滑板店

上海 FLY 滑板店

上海 SPOT 滑板店

上海 ATD 滑板店

深圳 1985 滑板店

深圳 STATION 滑板店




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