November 7, 2013 / / INTERVIEWTRANSLATE

An Interview with Brandon Westgate at The Berrics

西门哥的新鞋已经面世了,Emerica 为了让大家更好的了解到这双神似跑鞋的滑板鞋性能,在 Berrics 板场内举办了 Westgate 新鞋测试活动,各路滑手云集 Berrics 来给这鞋子做评测,当然 Westgate 在活动中还接受了一次采访,问及了关于他的新鞋,关于 Emerica MADE 第一部分和 MADE 的第二部分的详情,采访看进来,附上西门哥新鞋测试活动现场照片,看!鞋盒也成土豪金了!
As previewed last month, Brandon Westgate and Emerica are gearing up to present the skater’s secondsignature model. To celebrate the forthcoming launch of the shoe (which was designed by August Benzien), as well as Westgate’s jaw-dropping last part in MADE: Chapter One, Emerica hosted a wear test at The Berrics. Skate media outlets and friends were invited to test the shoe out and skate with the team, allowing for a first peek at the anticipated runner-influenced silhouette. Take a look at the interview from HYPEBEAST on Brandon Westgate and see how Brandon describes the Emerica MADE film.For English scroll down...






Q:Thrasher 今年的年度滑手大奖已经开始评选了,你觉得兴奋吗?现在你可是一马当先啊


A:我刚看过Ishod Wair的视频,实在碉堡了,我很喜欢他的风格,每一条Line都很棒,富有东岸滑板气息,那家伙很棒,所以就他了


Q:能谈谈 MADE Chapter 1 这片子吗,旅途中你有什么特别经历?
A:MADE Chapter 1 这片子花了几年时间拍摄,我们周游了很久下了很大功夫,我很多次都回到同一个Spot尝试动作,希望能顺利完成我想要的


A:我最喜欢的是。。。也不是我最喜欢的,是最让我意外的,就是纽约Bump to Bar 上面的 Tailslide Kickflip,我曾多次回到那地方,但是那里的路面实在太粗糙了,每一次上去都会让你抛到不同的地方,所以那招能成真是不错

A:我最近在拍的就是Zoo York的视频,之前我已经尝试拍了一些片段,现在我的视频段子全在MADE里面。Zoo York新片也快出来了,时间很紧迫所以我得加把劲,这部视频里的取景全在纽约街头




A:东海岸确实开始变冷了,Zoo york视频的截止时间在12月,所以我要趁现在还没到那种冻僵人的天气里赶快去拍。不过冬天里偶尔也会有暖和的几天,如果我碰巧在这几天在东海岸,这就爽了,否则我会去西部地区,去旧金山,住在Jon Miner家里然后一起滑板



Q:你知道 MADE 的第二部分进度吗
A:我敢肯定你们会被Emerica MADE 第二部分震惊的,Jerry Hsu, Bryan Herman, Andrew Reynolds 还有 Justin Figueroa 都会给大家带来精彩表现,肯定又会是一部叼炸天的视频












Can you talk about what you wanted aspects of the shoe?
Basically, my idea for the shoe was to come up with something that was really different in the skateboard world. Also, I just wanted it to function really good, and have it have a different look – pretty much.

Your first shoe with Emerica was kind of a retro, classic-inspired shoe. Why did you and Emerica choose to switch up the pro shoe so much from the last shape?
Basically, I just wanted to make…not really like a running shoe, but [wanted] to base it off of that style. I always like that style of shoe and I’m always wearing them around. [I thought]: man, it’d be sick to make something that was like that, but also skateable. So I took that vibe into this shoe, [especially when] compared to my last shoe.

Were you thinking about your skate style at all when going into the shoe?
Yeah, definitely. It’s got the G6 sole in it, so its got a lot of cushion in the back, which helps with heel bruises. Also, I really like the flex grooves [at the forefoot], just because they help break the shoes in and give you a good, solid push. It just forms to your feet, so that always helps.

Can you talk about your hype for Thrasher’s Skater of the Year award? Your name is definitely in the running.
Yeah definitely, I mean, I’d obviously be really hyped to get Skater of the Year. It’s an honor just to be in the running. Yeah, that’d be sick [to win].

Who would you nominate?
I just seen Ishod [Wair]’s part, and he had a really sick one. I like his style and all his lines – it has that East Coast vibe. Dude’s just sick! So, probably him.

Can you talk about filming MADE Chapter 1? Did you have any favorite experiences or trips?
Yeah, filming for MADE [took] a couple of years: a lot of trips and a lot of hard work. I went back to a bunch of spots a lot of times, trying to get some tricks. I’d say for about half of my tricks, I went back a bunch of times trying to get them between getting kicked out or getting worn out [and] beat up.

Do you have any favorite tricks from your part?
Yeah, my favorite trick was probably…well, not my favorite, but the trick I was super stoked to land was the tailslide kickflip on the bump-to-bar in New York. I went back to that a bunch of times and the ground was super rough. The bump [throws] you differently every time, so it felt really good to land that and ride away.

Have you started on the next video part already?
The video project that I’ve been working on is for Zoo York. I’ve just been filming a couple of clips to see what I can get. All my footage went towards MADE. It’s coming out soon, the deadline is pretty tight, [so] I’m just seeing what I can get. It’s gonna be all New York footage.

You’ve pretty much grown up in the skateboarding industry. What would you say has changed since you started?
I think from when I first started, the online aspect wasn’t as big. I think filming parts to put online – now that’s such a huge thing, and back then it wasn’t that big. I think that’s the biggest change, how online just kind of took over.

It’s starting to get pretty cold on the East Coast, how are you dealing?
It’s definitely getting cold on the East Coast. The deadline for the Zoo video is in December, so I’m just trying to go to New York until it’s freezing cold. Still, once in a while in [the winter] you’ll get some warm days. If I could hit those, that’d be tight. Otherwise, I just come out West: go to S.F. to stay at [Jon] Miner’s house and cruise around.

What has kept you with the same sponsors for all these years?
Well, I love the Emerica crew. Riding for Emerica is like being part of a family. It’s all my brothers. It’s just a good vibe and feels like home, so I think that’s why I’ve stayed [with them]. Riding for Emerica, they really take what you want into consideration. It’s a team-oriented thing. We have team meetings, and talk about what [we] want, and they really try to bring that to the table. It’s just good.

Any idea what’s going on with the second chapter of MADE?
I’m pretty sure Emerica started on the second chapter of MADE. It’s gonna be Jerry [Hsu], [Bryan] Herman, Andrew Reynolds and [Justin] Figueroa. It’s gonna be gnarly, those dudes are going to kill it, for sure.




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